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CUREENT NOTES OF THE TURF. A beautiful brown filly by Swcp — Ocean Blue ha- be. 11 nam d Ocean Sweep. 1 ■ Mantle aad 1 ree Cutter arc the aamm given the nr-t of ."lie -es -on.-. C. J. Pita Gerald, back in New ,oik from the Havana meeting, exprei the opinion that rating is established on a permanent footing in Cuua. c. M. Garrison, who i- registered under the name of tile Calumet Stable, is not a newcomer ta the turf, having raced a stable of horses in the ye-t several year- ago. John W. Schorr aaya that his crack Derby eligible, Harry Kelly, has giuuu considerably since bisi year and ha; lost part of his nc an dameal-tion. which was a big drawback to l.i.n a- a two-.M-ar-old.