Appoint Kentucky Racing Officials, Daily Racing Form, 1919-04-20


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APPOINT KENTUCKY RACING OFFICIALS LOUISVILLE Ky April 19 General manager MattJ Winn of the Kentucky Jockey Club today announced the nanies of officials who have been se ¬ lected to serve at Churchill Downs and Latonia The appointments are subject to the approval of the State Racing Commission at its next meeting when the racing dates for the two tracks will also be passed upon The dates are for Churchill Downs May 10 to May 30 nineteen racing days and Latonia June 4 to July 5 a period of twentyeight racing days Following is the list of officials Stewards Charles F Grainger Charles F Price and S 0 Nuckols Jr William II Shelley and Edward Jas ¬ per placing judges A B Dade starter William H Shelley racing secretary N H McClelland clerk of scales Dr J U Chawk paddock judge S K Hughes tinier W E Phillips patrol judge Messrs Price Shelley and Jasper have been named as a board of handicapi ers ersSecretary Secretary W H Shelley succeeds J B Campbell who held the post for three years Judge Shelleys appointment is a popular one oneEdward Edward Jasper named as one of the placing jidges was formerly racing secretary at Churchill Downs He will probably also act as entry clerk Tin renppointmcnt of judge Price was a foregone ccnilusiou as ho has occupies the position of pre ¬ siding steward with distinction for many yeurs Noah McClelland named for clerk of the scales Is an elder brother of J W McClelland owner of Eternal and herelcfoie had been employed in the parimutuel department on the Kentucky tracks Itf Chawk who succeeds Dr Harthill as paddok uidjje is a well known Louisville veterinarian The leapt ointment of A B Dade as starter was articjated S K Hnghes and W E Phillips mimed respectively as timer and patrol judge are given reaitointmonts

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Local Identifier: drf1919042001_2_7
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