Woodbine Opens Saturday: Real Canadian Racing Starts With Running of Kings Plate.; Prominent Candidates for Famous Fixture in the Final Trials--Thorncliffe Stable Arrives., Daily Racing Form, 1922-05-18


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WOODBINE OPENS SATURDAY Real Canadian Racing Starts With Running of Kings Plate Prominent Candidates for Famous FamousFixture Fixture in the Final Trials Thorncliffe Stable Arrives TORONTO Ont May 17 The first of the 1922 Canadian race meetings under the juris ¬ diction of the Canadian Racing Associations will be inaugurated next Saturday by the Ontario Jockey Club at its famous and popu ¬ lar course Woodbine Park This will be the first real racing in Canada this year as the meeting held at Maisonneuve Park Montreal last week was of minor importance over one of the quite numerous halfmile tracks in the vicinity of that city cityThe The Ontario Jockey Clubs meetings have always been of the highest standard and at ¬ tended with all the pomp and ceremoney usu ¬ ally seen only in England This year will be no exception and Lord Byng governor general of Canada will attend the opening driving in state to Woodbine Park with an escort of the governorgenerals own body ¬ guard Government officials and men prom ¬ inent in the social and business life of Cana ¬ da will also be among the thousands and thousands that will welcome the return of the thoroughbred and racing the most popu ¬ lar of outdoor sports in Canada CanadaWoodbine Woodbine Park is in grand condition and everything ready for a wonderful meeting Interest of course is centered in the running of the Kings Plate the oldest race decided continuously on this continent It will as it has always been the opening feature next Saturday SaturdayEL EL JESMARS GOOD WORIC WORICThe The Kings Plate candidates were given their final workout at Woodbine Park today The most impressive trial was that of J C Fletchers El Jesmar which started out of the chute with Cheechako Gazinta and Delhi mar and finished alone the mile and a quar ¬ ter in 2 11 the first half in 49 and the mile In 143 143Paddle Paddle and Resarf the Brookdale Stables candidates worked the Plate distance in the same time 2 11 11R R Newells Greybourne went a mile and a quarter in 2 12 She worked alone the first milo in 1 45 45G G M Hendries Shoulder Arms started from the barrier with Ammuntion and worked a mile in 1 45 Jockey J Butwell has been engaged to ride Shoulder Arms in the Plate PlateRoyal Royal Gift galloped threeeighths in 38 and will get another trial tomorrow tomorrowJockey Jockey Claver has been engaged to ride Mrs Livingstons Moll Cutpurse in the Plate PlateThe The Seagram English horses were worked a slow quarter of a mile All looked fit fitThe The Thorncliffe Stables horses sixteen in all were transferred to Woodbine Park from the farm Fuse and South Shore are the hope of the stable in the Kings Plate PlateOther Other workouts today were Woodbine mile in 14C Aquatic and Fanatic three quarters in 117 Somme threequarters in 11G Aunt Lin threequarters in 118 Honey Jewell half in 50 Vespra May Pole Red Tip and Elude half mile in 49 Boniface mile in IMG Diadema threequarters in 11C Registrar and Mercutio threequarters in 117 Finery threequarters in 118 Star Jester mile in 147 Servitor mile in 1465 Bribed Voter mile in 146 Gazinta three quarters in 116 Delhimar mile in 144 Chcechalco mile and a quarter in 214 214Eddie Eddie Feakes trainer for Mrs L A Liv ¬ ingston has sold the twoyearold bay colt Piccadilly Daisy by Kingship Present Arms to the Sunnyside Stable StableTURF TURF GOVERNORS TO 3IEET 3IEETA A meeting of the Canadian Racing Asso ¬ ciations wlil be held here tomorrow when applications for trainers and jockeys li ¬ censes will be passed on onNever Never before were there so many horses here the overflow finding accommodations at Thorncliffe Park ParkThe The Mrs L A Livingston stable is made up of young horses chiefly and they are quite promising Here is the complete string stringMoll Moll Cutpurse br f 4 by Stanhope IL Missing Link LinkTipsy Tipsy Dance b g 3 by Kingship Aurora Raby RabyKicksy Kicksy Wiclcsy b c 4 by Stanhope IL Kermess and fullbrother to Kama KamaFlea Flea b f 4 by Stanhope II Flagging Spirit SpiritAmber Amber Fly b c 2 by Lovetie Dazzling Ray The latter the dam of Drapery DraperyMother Mother Bunch b or br f 2 by Lovetie Mollio Pitcher tho latter the dam of Picker and Stealer StealerTetchy Tetchy and Wayward bile f 2 by Lovetie White Tuft and granddaughter of Sotemia SotemiaMy My Solace b f by Lovetie Sunrise SunriseMcTab McTab br f 2 by Lovetie Mutchkin the latter the dam of Mumbo Jumbo JumboHigh High Heels br f 2 by Lovetie Hot Bird the latter the dam of Herpes HerpesBarnabas Barnabas b g f by Stanhope II Bar dine the property of J B McColl of Cobourg CobourgHarry Harry Giddings has only two yearlings at the farm they being a chestnut filly by Hearts of Oak My Honey and a sister to Royal Visitor and a brown gelding by Hearts of Oak Panthea a halfbrother to St Paul They have only three brood mares at present but this years foals are reported to be the best looking they ever had They are all by Hearts of Oak with My Honey and Panthea having fillies and Bavarde a brown colt coltJockey Jockey Harry Fricker got a nasty looking tumble at the Liverpool jump last week when his mount War Togs came a cropper He was badly cut on the lip the wound re ¬ quiring four stitches to close Jockey Mc ¬ Afee also took a spill when General Petain fell Coronado went through the field with ¬ out a mistake as did Superba and Altar Fire FireCorenzio Corenzio has been blistered on the ankle that was bothering him while Invader be ¬ longing to M H Deline and an entry in the Plate lias been gelded and will be sent back to the farm farmWith With the completion of the new 150 stalls at Thorncliffe Park this week the Leaside track will have accommodation for 548 horses The course there was never in better condi ¬ tion

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1922051801/drf1922051801_12_1
Local Identifier: drf1922051801_12_1
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800