untitled, Daily Racing Form, 1922-07-01


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Ithe gold bond system i I OF TTJEF SPECULATION. f J An original, successful, powerful method of turf speculation, based on tho invincible and in- A A disputable law of average. A system which eliminates tho chanco element and make 3 racing a X A systematic business investment instead of a chanco speculation. X 1 SENT ON APPEOVAL. f GUARANTEED TO WIN CONSISTENTLY OR IT COSTS YOU NOTHING. l X This system requires no knowledge of racing, handicapping or any of the technicalities of tho Y X game. It may bo operated at tho track or in tho books, and is so simple that a child cannot go X a wrong. It i3 the only system sent on approval. Guaranteed to win or no pay. T ? SEND NO MONEY. f X Simply se-d your name and address today. Got this wonderful system on approval. Try it at X X our lisk. Not ens day, but ten days, ten weeks or ten months. If it doesnt win it costs you noth- X A ing. Under this offer you take no risk. Why not investigate today? A I SUCCESS PUBLISHING CO., 1 I LOUISVILLE Dept. 1 KENTUCKY f $ THE II031E OF THE THOROUGHBRED. f Chief Observer: 35 CENTS; HAILED 10 WEEKS, . New Issue Out Today TODAYS FREE CODES: Xatonia: Georgia-Black-Water-Kaa. Devonshire: laichigan-Rain-Rock-Light. AGAIN IV WON! THURSDAYS 00 FREE SPECIAL: Easteside .20 Won "Wo are sure slamming these 03 FREE SPECIALS over in regular style. Arcs you WINNING WITH US? SATURDAYS 5500 FREE SPECIAL: Whiskaway . . .1.10 Won And onco csain wo delivered tho goods. Also the DOHVAL GETAWAY LONG SHOT: Oaklawn Belle. 0.20 Won Mind, this one to tho one and oaly SPECIAL . we advertised getaway day at Dorval. THURSDAYS 00 FREE SPECIAL: Pindar Peel . GO Won "Wo sure are delivering the goods on theso 00 FREE SPECIALS. Today Another Latonia 00 Hera is your chanco. You know what kind cf information these 00 FREE SPECIALS are. Ths7 sure COST tho Chief a lot of money, BUT they arc yours for 50 cents. Just ask your newsdealer for Gars Daiiy Chief Observer Oaly 50 Cents. For sale EVERYWHERE. Ciar.nnati, O. Rey Pierce, 6th and Vine Sts. ; F.show, Fountain Newsstand, 5th and Walnut. Indianapolis, Ind. Sloeslcin, 112 Illinois St. Bt. Lcuis, Ko. Win. Laser, Lobby, 705 Harkot St. St. Louis, XIo. Foster Book Co., 410 Washington St. Louisville, Hy. Eiler and Goodman, 227 4th Ave. And all other intermediate cities. HAILED 2 WEEHS, .00. Remit to GAR PUB. CO. S32 Plymouth Court, :: :: CHICAGO, ILL. JACK FIELD THE KAN THAT CAN KAKE YOU WIN. ONLY 1 HORSE A DAY. PRICE 1.00. "Mr. Player," I Told You So Yesterdays "Stable Tip" Won Again! Hy followers cleans up yosterday on my "Special," whch I advised to to win oaly.$ Today a 00 Free Special goes in raco Latonia, and is as good a3 WON already. You never will forgivo yourself if you miss this one today. Costs you only and is worth today 00. NOTICE. JACK FIELD sold everywhere ?1.00 daily or can bo either mailed to you or wired to you a week. Send to J. FIELD 20 W. JACKSON STREET CHICAGO, ILL. HERE ARE MY LAST TWO BIG SPECIALS Friday, June 30: Sleiveconard, 2-1, won. Wednesday, June 28: Bon Homme, 2-1, wen. If you arc- interested in real, honest, genuine gilt-cdgo stable information dont hesitate. Rush your correct name ard address at once. Only reliable peoplo with references or business standing need apply. HY TERUS Send mo by wire, after you collect, th.3 winnings of a 0.C0 straight play. Clients failing to remit will bo crossed off list. I cannot win if you loso. J. F. "LUCKY" BALDWIN 1S03 LEXINGTON AVE., NEW YORK CITY, N. Y. RECENT WINNERS GIVEN BY THE GUARANTEE SYSTEM Hidden Jewel ?11.80-C-2 Sir Th. Kcan. .0.2O- Doctor Glenn ...70- Eager Eyes ...523.55-52 Countess ?11.40- Whiskaway ...511.10-52 Franc Tireur ..9.70-?2 Archive 529.75-52 Nantckah 8-1 Cote dOr ,00- Archie Ales der6.C0- Thessaly ,.C-1 Taylor Hay .10- Ray Jay 4-1 Phantom Fair . ..20- Eis3 Keisc .60-?2 Sherando 6-1 Cautious .70-?2 Canyon 3-1 We are winning at all tracks. You can do the same. You can buy this system complete with small payment down and balance from winnings. Selects several plays per day which will win for you. Gives the name of the horse to be played. Write for our free book and copy of guarantee, HUST WIN ITS COST IN THREE DAYS OR MONEY REFUNDED. Address THE GUARANTEE SYSTEM 117 W. Franklin St. Baltimore, lid. REAL SLEEPERS era what you get in the BLUE BOOK. 35c at all newsstands. Todays Form Special: October-Apple-C0-11-12-E8. STANDARD TURF GUIDE Room 403, 22 West Quincy St. Chicago, 111. ADVERTISE IN RACING FORM LOOK ! BOYS, LOOK S! ; This wonderful system enly had 17 losing plays out 1 of 114 bets, in two weeks at tho different tracks. Last meetings at Eov.io, Havre do Grace and Pini-lico this system, only had 12 losing bets in all at tho three tracks, best bet only had 5 losers. Hy occasionals for ono month on a 0 flat bet to win ; figured ?S23 profit. Just think, over 535 per day. SYSTEM No. 2 This system is still picking long shots. Here aro a few: Austral 0.70- Cum Sah 6-1 Barracuda ..9.00-52 Thessaly 5-1 Black Thcng. .9.80-52 Avispa 12-1 Servitor 9.40-52 King Trojan. .3.70- Magician 5.60- Pindar Peel...3.70- Dariu3 .70-?2 Algoa 10-1 Saddle and Boots.. 0-1 Bosstelle 9.80- and a large number of others. Get those Systems and pick your own winners. Can be played at or away from the track. PRICE IN FULL FOR BOTH SYSTEMS 0; then, after you get them and if thoy have not done just as I advertise, I will gladly return your money. Nothing accepted by telegraph. J. H. CR0SMAN BOX 28 PALMYRA. INDIANA RAILBIKBS OUT TODAY Price 25c Week LAST SATURDAYS OCCASIONAL WAS: Paris Maid 8. 60- Second Wo camo close to making a barge winning for our followers, as if you will read the chart you will read where it says that Paris Maid mijht have won but for being knocked all around tho track and this spoiled her chance to win. TODAY A LONG SHOT YOU GET "FREE" FOR 1 WEEK if this dont win teday at a big price. We have been waiting a lorg time to get the O. K. on this ono and today is tho day. Goes in race at Latonia and is tho best thisg we have hid so far. Your newsdealer has this 55 occasional today for sale, but if ho has sold out than go to any telegraph office and send with name and address and you will get this in half hour. Send to RAILEIEDS FUB. CO., CO W. Jackson Blvd. Chicago, 111. TODAYS FREE CODE: LATONIA Pink-20-35. I WANT TO CELEBRATE our countrys birthday in a proper manner. Wire name at once for FOURTH OF JULY SPECIAL. JOE MCCARTHY SARATOGA SPRINGS, N. Y. r Our Best Bet Goes in the Derby , TODAY Dont fail to get todays sheet. TWO REAL LIVE ONES ALL FOB, 50c DAILY AT ALL NEWSSTANDS 60o National 0. K. Publishing Co., Iloom 411 Baltimore Bldg. Chicago, 111. : TURF TOPICS ALL NEWSSTANDS, 35 CENTS EVERY WEEK. NEW ISSUE OUT TODAY. TODAYS FREE CODES: LATONIA Lakc-43-64. HAIIILTON Occan-42-G0. AQUEDUCT Sccnd-65-10. Ill NASSAU ST. ROOM 51 NEW YORK CITY THE MAN WHO KNOWS J. C. Stewarts Weekly Wonder 35c PER COPY SOLD EVERYWHERE TODAYS SPECIAL FREE CODES: Latonia: Earch-17-5-2 Hamilton: Jannary-22-2-22 J Todays big special .00 Occasional get this one; a real corker. J. C. STEWART 101 West 42nd St. Now York City, N. Y. The American Racing Manual for 1922 IS NOW ON SALE. DAILY RACING FORM PUBLISHING CO. 141 PLYS0UTH COURT :: CHICAGO, ILL. 157-159 EAST 32ND STREET, NEW YORK, N. Y. 74 EXCHANGE STREET :: BUFFALO, N. Y. Annual Racing form for 1922 Is Now On Sale DAILY RACInG FORM PUBLISHING CO. 441 PLYMOUTH COURT :: CHICAGO. ILL. 157-159 EAST S2ND STREET, NEW YORK. N. Y. 74 EXCHANGE STREET :: BUFFALO, N. Y. The American Thoroughbred BALTIMORE BLDG. CHICAGO, ILL. TODAYS BEST: Pusk-Soathcrn-Bc-Buy-Nect-End Book on salo wherever Eaiasr Form is, 35c per copy. SOIViETHWG DOING See latest REPOETER 35c at all newsstands SATURDAYS SPECIAL: Ho. 314 THE TURF REPORTER 22 W. Quincy St. Estab. 1CG4 Chicago, HI. J 1 20 TBOROIJGHBREDS BY AUCTION I PROPERTY OF Mr. MONTFORT JONES IN PADDOCK LATONIA EACE COURSE j Wednesday, July 5 Noon I FOR CATALOGUE, ETC., WRITE I S. C. NUCKQLS, Jr., or JULIUS G. REEDER THE OHIO STATE JOCKEY CLUB July 15th to July 29th 13 DAYS RUNNING EACES Maple Eeights Cleveland, Ohio PURSES 00 to ,000 Handloeps 11,200 to ,500 For Further Information Address S. N. HOLMAN General Manager SUITE 457, HIPPODROME ANNEX Cleveland Ohio The Monthly Form Book containing charts of all races run on recognized tracks in North America during tho month of MAY, is now on sale, month of June, Will Be en Sals today mm PRICE .00 Single copies by mail will POSITIVELY only be sent as registered mail, with an extra charge of ten cents for registration. Not responsible for books sent as regular mail. DAILY RACING FORM PUBLISHING CO. 441 PLYMOUTH COURT :: CHICAGO, ILL. 157-159 EAST 32ND STREET, NEW YORK, N. Y. 74 EXCHANGE STREET :: BUFFALO, N. Y.

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1922070101/drf1922070101_11_1
Local Identifier: drf1922070101_11_1
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800