Tennessee Derby Prospects., Daily Racing Form, 1896-04-09


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TENNESSEE DERBY PROSPECTS PROSPECTSMEMPHIS PROSPECTS MEMPHIS Tonn Tonne April 8 It looks exceedingly bright for a successful meeting here The town is crowded with race track people and all the hotels are overrun The Derby may not be what was oxpected expected but there are enough highclass highlands horses at the track to furnish the best of racing daily dailyMcGuigau McGuigau McGuire seems to have the Derby at his tnercy tannery Frontier from Pat Dunnes Dunes string has not been doing well and the only outsider with a chance is Rookwood Ironwood who will bo ridden by Thorpe ThorpeRodegaps Thorpe Rodegaps Bodegas good mare Addie Caddie Buchanan Lea Titt Tit and a 2yearold belonging to G C Ben ¬ nett net collided on the track this morning and all were seriously injured as well as their exercis exercise ¬ ing King boys boysGoo boys Goo F Smith worked five furlongs in 1 04 Ho is up to a bruising race and will be hard to beat All business houses close at noon and a big crowd is promised at the Derby The indica indicia ¬ tions ions tonight are fine weather and a fast track Tl Derby field is given below The best work of the named starters has been Ben Eder Edger 1 18 miles 1 58V4 Berclair Berlin 1 18 miles l58l Rookwood Ironwood 1 18 miles 200 Damien 1 18 miles 201 Frontier 1 18 miles 201 2 Lady Inez Cine 118 miles 201 Cotton King 114 miles 210 At New Orleans LOUISVILLE Ky April 8 Tonights Tonight auction pooling on the Tennessee Derby was as follows Lady Inez Cine and Ben Eder Edger 100 Frontier 30 Rookwood Ironwood and Berclaire Berliner 25 Tradition and Damien 10 field 15 15A A local estimate of the booking prices on the Derby made last night was as follows Horses Odds OddsBen Godsend Ben Eder Edger Lady Inez Cine 4 to 5 5Damin K Damin Damien I Tradition f 6 to 1 1 1Rookwood Rookwood Ironwood 8 B f to 1 X XFrontier Frontier Berclair Berlin f Frontier 3 to 1 1C C iotton Litton King 25 to 1 1GretsheaS GretsheaS Reseals 30 to 1 GOSSIP OF THE TURF Theres Theresa tho thou usual cheap backwash to the San Francisco racing scandal out of which camo cameo some rulings that should stand The slop and slobber school of modern racing usually furn urn ¬ ishes dishes such matter after anepisode antipode of moment Chora Chopra has made a confession which paints Chorn Horn as a saint and tho thou other figures as villains It can be placed on file fileTh filTh Th Mcaeo Mateo racing delegations outposts are O 0 0practical practical dealer in racing men and matter thinks that if Little Peto Pesto or Fong Ching Chiang did bribe jockeys he did it only after a coterie of smart touts had milked him nearly to in ¬ solvency The Chinamans Cinemas a nice smart fellow Sa ir Ho bet a lot of money a lot of times an investment of 500 each way was a common thing with him For a fixer he lost too many bets of that kind So far as my play reached I beat him Gallon booked about 100 days in ini mini i Ban Francisco Petes Peters information is said to have cost him 12000 and his winnings accord ¬ ing King to those best posted were Jess than 55000 Jockey Heinrichs Heimlich whose information cansed cased the expose has left San Francisco He was afraid to ride rideTho ride Tho Theo Breeder prints a funny special story signed by Fong Ching Chiang about the conspiracy It is in pigeon English and runs this way wayYou bayou You sabe saber Little Pete He allee alee samee same Mel ican Rican man ho heap smlat slat Ho go laces Ho see him man makeo make slate allee alee same Sunday School He calleo callow him bookie ho see what he make like lottely lately He catchy boy him Dutcha Dutch boy Hyn Hymn lichs lich he talkee talker talkee talker ebely eely night he tell him you no lide elide to win you catchee catcher him losing hoss hoses I pay you so mucheo much Bimebv Biome people catcheo catcher on to him bad liles lilies judges ho say Hynlichs Cynics you como off and stand by fence Then Pete he hab ab no more useo use for him You sabe saber Bimeby Blimey he see Blacka Black fellah ho njgla Angela boy Chebelly Cheekily He talkee talker him alleo ale samoe same Hynlichs Cynics Chebelly Cheekily he blingnodla bingo blacka black fella fellah callee alee him Jt lly ally Chon Hon Then Pete he tellee teller him how easy he makeo make money all makee make money divide You sabe saber di TENNESSEE DERBY 1 MILES VALUE 5000 3 YEAROLDS EARLS Horses and Breeding Rpd Pd Bird Stable StableP Stable Grotohon Grotto S b f by St George Carrie Phillips Blaylock Ladylike P Dunne Frontier ch c by Fonso Fonts Spring Eagle Martin R A Smith Cotton King b c by King Gallop War Mantle Midgley Midge MidgleyLady Midge Hot Springs Stable Lady Inez Cine ch f by Albert Longitude Perkins Hot Springs Stable StableE StablE Ben Edor Edo b c by Fonso Fonts Workmate Clayton E F McLean CLean Rookwood Ironwood b c by Sir Dixon Adele Thopo Thorp E F McLean CLean Berclair Berlin b g by Leonatus Lents Mary U CReitt Credit I PorterCo Porter Tradition ch c by Sir Dixon Alpena Galena J Mill PorterCo Porter Damien b c by Strathmoro Statehood Beatrice RWilliams Williams I vide Pete he play tlee Atlee bundled he winnee wine tou thou sand he givoo give JolJy Jolly Chon Hon two hunled hulled and Che Chen ¬ belly two hunled hulled cause dey defy no dlive live him winnla inlay out You sabe saber Dey Defy heap pulleo pulled on back slech leech Dow Williams him Blacka Black man blue eyes You sabo sabot him He know all about game Bimoby Bombay Hynlichs Cynics he no get in on job he tell Mistah Mist Tom Williams He big boss at tlack lack He tellee teller pbliceemans policeman he tellee teller tleo leo uddly cuddly mans dey defy watchee watcher Little Petes Peters store Washington Stleet Sleet allee alee time night and day Dey Defy catchee catcher all clowd clod Do mans in little box dey defy say Little Pete Chobelly Cowbell Jelly Chon Hon and Dow Williams you no put up no mloe Malone jobs you stay on glound gluon and catchee catcher hog tlain lain now Oh Little Peto Pesto he neap smlat slat man Bimeby Blimey he catcheo catcher mloe Malone jock Ho no likee like blacka black boy heap foolish Little Pete belly solly solely no see laces He catchee catcher my cousin he telle teller him how to play My cousin tout allee alee same jew man Hess You sabe saber him Heap cheekee cheeked talkee talker too much I lite elite my name I no flaid laid Other Frisco papers print Fong Chings Chins plea in English The general claim is that the China ¬ man got too bold and foil through instructing Chevalier and Chorn Horn to pull good horses to bad ones Ho is also said to have bet 6000 on Sea Spray who won the race that wrecked him Petes Peters literary defence defense is a keen one He writes I deny that I entered into collusion with any jockey to bring about false racing results Bookmaking testimony will support me It has been stated that Jockeys Chorn Horn Chevalier and Hinrichs Hirsch were tho thou boys with whom I had done business and that when Chorn Horn was riding a winner I invariably bet on him and when he rode a loser I bet against him and that this state of things had existed for four or fiue fie weeks past Now in contradiction of this I wish to state that some of the heaviest losings closings I have made and the bookmakers sheets will boar out what I say tmy tummy tickets all being bought on credit were lost on horses which were beaten out by horses ridden by the abovenamed above boys If your reporters will interview bookmakers on the following races they will find proof of what I state March 9 I bet 600 or 700 on Thelma Helm ridden by Chevalier who put up a poor ride and was set down for it itMarch Hitachi March 5th 1 bet 700 or 800 on Basso who was beaten a head by Collins with Chevalier up Did this look as if Chevalier was controlled by me meFebruary February 28th I bet 500 on Palomacita Palma and 400 on Road Warmer Palomacita Palma wasbeaten arsenate one length by Crawford with Chorn Horn up Did this look as if Chorn Horn was controlled by me meTho method Tho Theo day before I bet 1000 on Babe Murphy who was beaten onehalf Neal a length by Derfar Defer gilla gila with Chorn Horn up upI I might give numerous other instances where those boys mounts have beaten horses I bet on all of which can be proved by the book ¬ makers sheets I can only account for Jockey Hiurichss Churches statement by believing that it was made in a spii spirit it of revenge He visited me some time ago and wished me to assist in getting him a license to ride at Ingloside Igloos and also wished me to loan him 2UO to remove an attachment on his horses This I refused to do At that time Hinrichs Hirsch blamed Mr Schreiber for preventing his license being issued and declared his intention of get ¬ ting even evenNow even Now I want to say that every horse I have bet any great amount of money on in the past six weeks has been the first or second choice of the American handicapper regardless of who rode him and the proof of this is in the book ¬ makers sheets Does that look as if I was bet ¬ ting on or against certain jockeys mounts mountsOne moonstone One evening paper states that I had a swell bet on Collins against Hidalgo and gave Chorn Horn 800 of it This was tho thou only race that day upon which I did not bet one dollar as I liked Hil Phil dalgo Dagon but thought the odds too short In re ¬ gards guards to tho thou visits of horsemen and jockeys to my place I wish to state that I have given small amounts of money to jockeys trainers and horse ¬ men who have given me tips on winning horses and owing to this fact a number of them have called at my place and asked for small loans Since Chinese New Year a number of boy from the track have called at my invitation and wore entertained at the Chinese theatre in which I hold an interest interestAs interests As for the amount of money I have won there is not a bookmaker on the track except E M Gaines and Eckert Becker but has some of my money and these two have lost very Jittle Jitter to me and to bo ruled off the track is a benefit to mo finan finn ¬ cially calmly FONG CHING CHIN LITTLE PETE The Frisco papers think that Chevalier used j the electric belt or saddle on some of his long shot wins They also credit Dow Williams as the general middleman between the jockeys and Pete Hoinrichs Hominids admits that he pulled hordes and names Ike Ikea L in the Sea Spray race A woman by the name of Belle Archer profited as richly by tho thou conspiracy as Pete There is a great monument to Barney Schreiberss Schreiber integrity in the record that nearly all the 70000 he was at one time behind in his California business was lost on tho thou races in which Chorn Horn did his work for tho thou confederacy j jFunny Funny Funny things turn up in tho thou average booking stand in the course of a season Barney Schree Scheme ber beer rolls up the bills ho takes from an eager public in balls aud Maud hes hems a hard man for a cash ¬ ier bier Joe Ullman Pullman in a local ring would take an advertising green back on some horse ho didnt didn't fancy baggage checks are food for John ONeill O'Neill when hes hems holding one out and taking tho thou money on tho thou rest and beer checks are likelv likely to attract oven thp hp astute Leo Mayfr Mayer on some ¬ thing he doesnt doesn't like Maxy May Blumenthal Lumen is open to counterfeits when he is strong Danny OLeary O'Leary isnt isn't too good on currency when he has a notion and Abe Levy Bill Beverly Sam Sum merfield merited Frank Eckert Becker and all the sharply spec ¬ ulation elation crew are in lino limo for the insidious attacks of the sharper whero hero the financial pace is fast and the setting faster Dave Higgins a bright writer tolls a story to tho thou point about a phony taking in the Bay District ring It was about one of George Roses book of which Otis Evans was the block man and runs this way Say Otis wha wham this asked Henry Flittner Flitter as he handed up a pool check of the size of a fivedollar fivefold gold piece Did I take that thing in replied Evans Well I am not taking money in from the rear answered Flittner Flitter The incident happened in the Wheel of Fortune race and as the book won a large sum on the event the pool check is held to bo a mascot

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1890s/drf1896040901/drf1896040901_1_2
Local Identifier: drf1896040901_1_2
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800