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INQLESIDE FINALES SAN FRANCISCO First Wt Second Wt Vt Third ThirdCharin Third Wt Jickcj Jock Charin Chagrin 103 Artist 108 Olive 103 Garnrr Garner Scarborough i 113 St Dunstan Dustman 113 Early Notice NoticeKowalsky Notice 110 Beauchani Bacchantic Kowalsky Koalas 96 Toano Tango 107 Gallant 107 T Sloan Pepper 2 98 Flirtilla Flotilla 6 93 Oakland 102 Cocbrati Cobra Babe Murphy MurphyH H 102 Ad Spreckelse Speckles 96 Uncle Gilrs Girls GilrsMagnet 107 Cochran Magnet 115 Logan 3 119 Sam Leake Leakey LeakeSir Lakes 10 Garner Sir Reel 141 The Lark 10 140 Silverado Silvered 144 Spence Last Chance 106 Ottyanna Ottawa 3 104 Banjo 106 H Martii Martini Peixotto Eliot 3 93 Hazel D 2 91 Mosior Mossier 93 Garner Sir Play 86 Olive 2 99 Montellade Amontillado 94 C Slaughv Laugh 94 Dungarven Dungaree 6 107 Tar and Tartar 104 Garner La Mascotta Mascot 90 Mobalaska Modals 96 Pat Murphy 104 C Slaughtr Slaughter Palomicita Polemicist 93 Walter Jl 98 Tonono Toncno Tenon Tonne 93 Jones R delTierra deliberant 107 Geo Geol Palmer 2 104 Scarborough 107 Cochran i iSister disaster Sister Mary 94 Sallie Clqotl Clot 99 Rosebud 99Garner 99GarnerFortuna Fortuna 104 R del Bands 2 SO Trix Tri 106 Piggott Spigot MtMcGregrII2 96 Yan Yang Doodle 2 104 Nelson 109 Jones Banjo Ill Dongara ConAgra 2 ioo Rio Gracie S 109 H Martii Martini MartiiContentment Contentment MurphGoodwin 12n Esperance Esperanto 2 125 Bellringer Belling 168 T Murph Murphy Goodwin Godwin II 2 ill Paros Pros 2 iuO iOu Camelia Camellia 95 Jones Sister Adele 103 Modestia Modesties 110 Parthanox Parthian 110 Cochran Mobalaska Modals i 102 Pat Murphy 102 frina farina 100 Jones CSlaughtfSister Slaughters Miss Brumel Brume 89 Major Cook 2 103 Yan Yang Doodle 94 CSlaughtf Slaughter Sister Mary 2 102 Sam Leake Leakey 3 94 Peter II 92 TSloan Sloan TSloanWalter Sultanate Walter SlaughterNelson Slaughterers J 104 All Smoke 2 96 Perseus Peruses 99 C Slaughter Nelson i 109 Nephew H 109 Pollock Pollack 92 Shields Torpedo 102 Howard S 2 104 George Palmer 102 Cochran Wm Pinktou Pinto 1 106 Adm Adam Andrews2 82 Gold Bug 121 Shields Schnitz Schnitzel SlaughterService Slaughterer H 105 Collins 2 ice Gallant 105 C Slaughter Service i 110 Figaro Friar 2 no Ad Spreckels Speckles 91 Shields Brandy BaggottSallie Argots 1 0 150 Li Hg Chung 3 170 Aladdin 165 Mr Baggott Begot Sallie Clicaot Calico 103 Paros Pros 2 93 Montellade Amontillado 103 T Sloan