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CRESCUJNDO CRESCENDO WINS AGAIN SAN F RANCISCO FRANCISCO Cal April 8 Kowalsky Koalas and Crescendo were the only favorites to win today The latter just wore Sir Vassar down Content ¬ ment meant was beaten in the hurdle race He would have won in two more strides The summary Ingleside Ingles Track San Francisco Cal April 8 Veather Feather cloudy track slow slowIQv slow IQv Iv First race Vi mile 2yearolds Allow V ances dances Time 49 Ind Indo Horses Wgt Wt Jockeys Odds 183 Parthanox Parthian 101 Jones 2toll 103 Lumina 108 Shields 8 to 5 2 Dolore Dolores LuminaDolore Lumina 108 TSloan Sloan 8tol3 183 Modestia Modesties 98 Cochran 4tolO 4tolOIll Cyrus ModestiaCyrus Modest King Ill L McHugh Chug 10 to 10 Inflammator Inflammatory 104 Bergen 40 to 10 Sweet William Ill Shaw 40tolO Winner Burns Waterhouses Warehouses b c by Max ¬ im Parthenia Parthenon PartheniaStart Pantheist Start good Won handily by 1 length second by Vt length 1O7 Second race Mile Timel15M Timel15MInd Ind Indo Horses Wgt Wt Jockeys Odds Odds138Kowalsky 138Kowalsky 98 Cochran 7 to 10 1 169 Toano Tango 109 Macklin Mackinaw 3tol2 159 Tim Murphy 109 Shields 10 to 1 3 159 Toneno Tone 109 C Slaughter 10 tolO too 155 Meadow Lark 106 Bergen 4tTtolO 159 San Marco 98 J McHugh Chug 50 to 10 184 Irma 104 TSloan Sloan 40tolO Winner Ed Corrigans Corrigan br c 3 by Isaac Mur Murk Murphy Derochment Detachment DerochmentStart Enrichments Start good Won in a drive by 1 length sec ¬ ond bond by 2 lengths lengthsTilird lengths Tilird Billiard race 78 mil ° Time 29 Ind Indo Horses Wgt Wt Jockeys Odds 140 Joe Terry 98 Jones 6toll 156 Olive 104 Bergen 4tol2 119Unity 99 Cochran 2tol3 195 Paros Pros 98 CSlaughter2J4 to 1 0 119 IkoL Kohl 109 3hawsT50tolO 86 Rcadrunner Roadrunner J14 M Bergen 50 to 1 0 0Hazard Hazard 102 Macklin Mackinaw 15 to 1 0 187 Perseus Peruses 95 Stuiflet Stifle 15tolO 15tolOWinner Winner Burns Waterhouses Warehouses b c S by Flambeau Teardrop TeardropStart Teardrops Start good Won easily by 2 lengths second by a neck neckScratched Scratched Ricardo 109 George C 95 Fi Fi 106 Pollock Pollack 95 Duchess of Milpitas Militias 104 1OO Fourth race 1 mile Time 1413K 1413KInd Ind Indo Horses Wgt Wt Jockeys Odds Odds124Crescendo 124Crescendo 113 T Sloan 9 to 10 1 167 Sir Vassar 101 Piggott Spigot 6 to 12 12106Lobengula 106Lobengula 114 Jones Z1A to 13 13l93Service l93Service 107 Shields 15 to 10 10189Pepper 189Pepper 105 Cochran 15 to 10 10Cadmus Cadmus Campus 100 Macklin Mackinaw 50 to 10 10Winner Winner Pueblo Stables ch c 3 by Flambeau Janet N Start good Won in a drive by 1A a length second by 3 lengths lengthsScratched lengths Scratched Cabrillo Carillon 104 Rosebud 93 Orifk Erik Fifth race 11A miles hurdles handicap UU Time 253M Ind Indo Horses Wgt Wt Jockeys Odds 171 Esperance Esperanto 128 Epperson Lepers 4 to 11 171 Contentment 136 T Murphy 6 to 5 2 139 My Luck 145 Owens 8tol3 171 Bellringer Belling 166 Spence 2 to 1 0 142 TheLark Tear 144 G Cochran 4 to 10 10Winner Winner T A Tobins Tobin b g 5 by Alta Mother Hubbard Rhubarb HubbardStart Rhubarbs Start good Won in a drive by a head second by 15 lengths lengthsOA lengths OA 1 Sixth race 5V furlongs handicap U1 Time 108 108Ind Ind Indo Horses Wgt Wt Jockeys Odds 190 Wm Pinkerton 84 C Slaughr Laugher 2 to 11 11121Bellicoso 121Bellicoso 119 TSloan Sloan 2tol2 46 Howard 95 Rowan 10 to 1 3 124 George Miller 119 Jones 4 to 10 167 Kamsi Kalmia 99 Cochran 10tolO 10tolOMissMaxim MissMaxim Miasma 89 Tate 20tolO 75 Santa Bella Ella 102 HMartin Martin 6tolO 6tolOWinner Winner S C Hildreths Childbirths ch g 3 by Shannon Fannie Lewis LewisStart Lewis Start good Won in a drive by a head second by 5 lengths lengthsScratched lengths Scratched MtMcGregr II 99 Mobalaska Modals 97 202 Seventn Seventh race e Time 03 Ind Indo Horses Wt Jockeys Odds 123 Una Luna Que Queen Amo Ammo 94 C Slaughtr Slaughter 5 to 11 86 Easel 94 E Jone22i4 to 12 170 Hyman Ill Shaw 15 to 1 3 3Sailor Sailor Prince Ill H Martin 75 to 10 10OurDick OurDick Nordic Ill CSloan Sloan 75tolO 170 Doubtful 96 Cochran 10tolO 154 Ottyanna Ottawa 109 Bergen 6to50 170 Fleet 113 W Cole 10tolO 190 Sylvia 94 TSloan Sloan 10tolO 10tolOWinner Winner Feriis Ferris Hartmans Hartman ch f 3 by Torso Little Flush Scratched Alvero Valero 96