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THE OHIOKENTUCKY DERBIES The Oakley Ankle Derby worth 12500 to four horses at Ii4 miles is not a Derby as one considers it in the line of the Derby of the days that are no more The elderly affair was 154 miles and full weights Oakleys Oakes race is more attractive to present racing and tools There is a 1000 nonwinning nominating allowance of five pounds and one for maidens of ten pounds The penalties are three pounds for a 5000 3yearold stake winning and five pounds for two such stakes or three of any kind of 3yearold stakes Thus the imposts are made up to date and elastic The are likely to vary to the edge of the race At present there forty eligibles eligible The April 1 sifting filed away thirtynine thirty of the seventynine seventy candidates The present elogibles eligible are as follows Ben Brush St Helena Nimrod Imo Prince Lelf Leif Ramiro The Winner RamiroFonso Ramiro Semper Simper Ego Fonso Fonts Leonaiso Leona Eewarder Leeward Amazement Eamiro Ramiro EamiroGano AmiPro King William Yorktown Gano Guano First Mate Umbrella Nelse Else Morris Joe Thayer Zufallig Unfailing Frontier Captive The Dragon Blue Ribbon Harbinger Loki Beau Ideal II Rookwood Ironwood Presidio Pearson Byron McClelland Macmillan Parody Ben Eder Edger Damien Ulysses Penury La Salle Sale Cant Dance Adlph Adolph Spckls Spackles SpcklsFalsetto Falsetto Tenacity Longfellow King Elkwood Elmwood Geneva colt coltSome Colton Some of those on the retired list cut a deep figure in the original calculations on the race About nine of the thirtynine thirty were worth con ¬ sideration ideation These were Applegate Appellate Glacier Hazlet Haslet HazletJefferson Jefferson Wishard Wished Longflight Longsighted LongflightRefugee Longsighted Refugee Scoggan Slogan Sherlock SherlockBefore Sherlock Before one goes to the figures of form it is pro ¬ per to select the colts and fillies with a matha mata matical martial chance Such a process saves space and time for the reader The first garnering disposes of nineteen of the forty candidates and leaves twentyone twenty as follows Frontier First Mate Harbinger HarbingerKing Harbingering King William Loki La Salle Sale SalleNimrod Selenium Nimrod Imo Penury Falsetto FalsettoPrince Falsetto Prince Leif Rewarder Rewarded Ramiro RamiroRamiro Ramiro Ramiro Semper Simper Ego Gano Guano GanoFonso Gnomons Fonso Fonts Ulysses Umbrella UmbrellaThere Umbellate There can bo still a second use of the sieve of performance in 1895 It reduces the twentyone twenty selected eligibles eligible to eight About these there is form interest and their 1895 figures are displayed below Horses Races 123 Unp UMP Won WonBen Women Ben Brush 16 13 1 1 1 30060 30060Beauldealll Beauldealll 9 51 2 1 5880 5880Ben Ben Eder Edger 22 875 2 6960 6960Caytire Caytire Cattier 4845Nimrod 17 673 1 4845 Nimrod Imo 9 31 2 3 4430 4430Prince Prince Leif 17 932 3 5500 5500Ramiro Ramiro Gano Guano 13 711 4 4740 4740Ramiro Ramiro Fonso Fonts 20 742 7 5135 5135Considering Considering the others occasional bits of racing might indicate the selection of some of these five fiveCaptive Captive Rewarder Rewarded Frontier FrontierFirst Frontier First Mate Semper Simper Ego EgoBut Gout But forms not the merit shown in one race Its the average of a season and the eight in the main list are the fittest of the Oakley Ankle Derby eligibles eligible Their general form and best per ¬ formance Forman outrank thoso those of the rest restNow presto Now to results Theres Theresa nothing to it but Ben Brush He cannot lose on the figures of 1895 action The next best was Applegate Appellate Hes Hess out The others after him were either Refugee and Prince Leif Refugee has been declared It wasnt wasn't likely that Refugee would come west and start In hia ia place can be put Ben Eder Edger or Beau Ideal II Applegate Appellate will not contend and an early colt of quolity quality may bo considered as one of the pair made up of Nimrod Imo and First Mate When the Oakley Ankle Derby field is covered the critic almost embraces the Derby of the Latonia Antonia Jockey Club nearer a real Derby in its condi condo ¬ tions ions Its at a mile and a half the regulation distance The stake has 7500 added and will bo as valuable as Oakleys Oakes It too has penalties 3 pounds for winning a 1500 colt or filly stake for 3yearolds or 5 pounds for two such events Non winning 3yearolds and fillies are allowed 5 pounds and maidens 10 pounds There wore 170 entries in the first gathering The October 1895 declarations scythe left 125 in May 1 de ¬ clarations carnations will probably reduce the band to 80 or so The present eligibles eligible though are Arrack Applegate Appellate Baccoch Backcloth BaccochBeau Backache Blue Light Beau Ideal II Bing Being Binger Bringer BingerBlue Inferable Broadside Blue Ribbon Barbarossa Barbarisms BarbarossaConcession Captive Concession Cobweb CobwebDutch Cobweb Damocles Dutch Bard Duke of Mon Doctor Huger Eberhard Seborrhea trose rose II IIElkwood IILucullus Lucullus Lucille Elkwood Elmwood Eye Witness WitnessFirst Witness First Mate Grisi Grids colt Fasig Fasting FasigGeorge Assigner George Hume HenryGrattan Henry S Harry OFallou Fallout Hernani Herman Rossington Crossing Maudlin geldig gelding StLeger Steer Ath Kath Secret goldg gold King Elkwood Elmwood lote lot filly Hob Nob Knob NobLongfellow Oblong Longfellow Gen Kavanaugh Cavanaugh King William eva colt Longflight Longsighted Longfellow Longfellow La Larry Kip Annie Black Blacktonia Blackstone tonia toni geldg geld Liberati Liberate burn geldg geld geldgLaSalleFalsetto LaSalleFalsetto Little Tige Tiger Portland Sal Prairie King Pearson lie A colt Lisbon Canaria Canaries Montgomery McHenry Cherry McHenrycolt Charcoal colt Moyad Moa Oracle OracleOld Oracle Old Man Otho Oho Old Center CenterParody Centerboard Parody Pearson Rowarder Broader RowarderR Broader R okwood owed St Helena Scottish Lad LadSaracenesa Saracenesa Saracens Strathmore Stratford Station T TAclolph Taco Aclolph Clop Sprecklos Speckles Skylight ct Bonnie Dundee B McCleland Macmillan Ben Brush Bon Eder Edger Belle Hoyt Hot Bernardo Bernard Barytone Barton BarytoneCant Barton Cant Dance Celtic Bard Cochise Cochins Carlson Carson Damien Duke of Mont MontDuke Montague Duke of Mont Duke of Mont rose Poet roseTrinket Proserpine rose Sea Mew ess Hess colt gelding colt Elkwood Elmwood Puzzler PuzzlerEarl Puzzler Earl of Mont Frontier Favor Over Overrose Overrode rose Good Advice ture turret gelding Harbinger Hickok Hick Glacier Jefferson La Salle Sale Keechler Kneehole King Dance Iroquois Loppy Loopy Loki Sir Vassar Sir Bradford SpendthriftMaid Spendthrift Letcher Fletcher Leo Meddle of Athol Atoll b c Porter Ashe Asher Pinchback Pinchbeck Landseer Lander NattieHam Mattie Leonaise Leonie LeonaiseMetairie Metairie Meteorite ilton Hilton gold MarksLeopold Marblewood MarksLeopoldNimrod Nimrod Imo Old Saugus August Outaway Cutaway OutawayOnaretto Onaretto Narrator Royal Choice Ramiro RamiroSir Ramiro Sir Marcus Scoggan Slogan Fonso Fonts FonsoSumatra Monounsaturated Sumatra Semper Simper Ego Seabrooke Sherbrooke SeabrookeTenacity Tenacity The Dragon Tartar TartarThe Tartar The Corker Ulysses Yorktown YorktownTradition Yorktown Tradition The President Towerst Towers TowerstTwelve Towers Twelve Fifty The Winner Volero Valero Zufallig Unfailing Schiller Chiller SchillerThe Chiller The pen of selection equipped with the ink of 1895 iorrn torn can reduce this lot of 125 to nine by selecting a Band that performed well It is made up of Bon Edor Edo Ben Brush Beau Ideal II IIBarbarosa Barbarosa Barbarous Nimrod Imo Rmiro Ramiro Fnso Finns FnsoSchiller Schiller Chiller Captive CaptiveDecidedly Captive Decidedly the Oakley Ankle event has the best ma ¬ terial trial One has to go to the second class to get more than nine for the Latonia Antonia Derby In this division can be put First Mate Frontier Towerest Towers TowerestGlacier Glacier King William Jefferson Rowarder Broader Sir Vassar Semper Simper Ego EgoThus Goths Thus there are but two new form lines to parade on the Latonia Antonia Derby probabilities of horses with chances aside from those in the Oakley Ankle event table Here they are j Horses Rcs Arcs 122 Up Won Schiller Chiller 13 630 Barbarossa Barbarisms 8 231 Both the Schreiber colts were good ones in the fall of 1895 perhaps better than Don Carillo Carillon and both have had a winters rest at St Louis LouisBut Louis But the Latonia Antonia Derby form is that of Oak ¬ leys lays race after all allBen allen Ben Brush 1 1Applegate Applegate Appellate 2 2Schreibers Schreibers Schreiber pair 3 3Theres Theres Theresa another Derby earlier than either of the Cincinnati events that may throw a lot of light on them and the other 3yearold stakes that follow It is the Kentuckr Kentucky Derby to bo run May 6 Of lato Plato the Louisville race has been the oldfashioned olfaction classic at Vi miles colts 122 pounds geldings 117 or 119 pounds and fillies 117 pounds But the demand of the time made the modern Louisville management go to modern ways The 1896 Kentucky Derby is for 6000 at 1J4 miles and a five pound allowance without respect to sex is given nonwinners nominees of a 3year old race worth 15000 May 1 declarations may refine the Kentucky Derby group of 108 But as it stands now it is as follows Addison Adonis Arrack ArrackBarytone Arrack Barytone Barton Belle Hoyt Hot Ben Eder Edger EderBrsanPnchy BrsanPnchy Brainpan gld geld Brook Fonso Fonts Campau Campus Captive Cerito Cheerio Cob Web WebCochise Cochise Cochins Damien Decide DecideDelusion Decidedness Delusion Drogheda Eberhard Seborrhea EberhardEunuch Hebephrenic Eunuch Fasig Fasting First Mate MateGeorge Categories George Hume Good Advice Hickok Hick HickokSt Thickest St Leger Leer Ath Kath Keechler Kneehole King Dance Dancelete Lancelet lete Lethe filly King William La Salle Sale SalleLittle Allelic Little Jimmio Jimmied Loki Longflight Longsighted LongflightLucullus Lucullus Lucille Merry Prince Montgomery MontgomeryOnarotto Montgomery Onarotto Ontario Parody Pearson PearsonRamiro Pearson Ramiro Fonso Fonts Rewarder Rewarded Saracenosca Saracens SaracenoscaSauterno Saracens Sauterno Sauterne Silver Scottish Lad Sir Marcus MarcusCrown Marcus Crown Sir Vassar Splan Plan SplanStephen Supplant Stephen J Austin Tenacity The Corker CorkerThe Corker The Winner Tradition Twelve Fiftj Fifth FiftjVoloro Voloro Valero Yorktown Ad Spreckel Speckle SpreckelApplogato Applogato Appomattox Barbarossa Barbarisms Bascomb Bacon BascombBen Backbend Ben Brush Bernardo Bernard Bonnie Dane Byron McClelland Macmillan Cant Dance Celtic Bard BardClarence Barcarole Clarence B Hood Cochina Cochin Comer Frank FrankDamocles Granduncles Damocles Del Coronado Don ODonnoll O'Donnell ODonnollDukoofMontrose DukoofMontrose Equinox Eye Witness Poetess colt Felix Carr Frontier FrontierGlacier Frontier Glacier dead Hernandi Herman HernandiHob Shenandoah Hob Nob Knob Jefferson Judge Murray MurrayKing Marrying King Elkwood Elmwood Krik Kari Spinster colt coltLeonaiso cottontails Leonaiso Leona Little Land Sauterne Tro Troy TroLongfellowLime LongfellowLime Longfellow Margrave mont montTree Montreal Tree colt Metairie Meteorite Old Centre Centrex CentreOracle Controllable Oracle Person Pinchback Pinchbeck PinchbackRefugee Pinchbeck Refugee Rookwood Ironwood Sara toff off toffScoggan Scoggan Slogan Semper Simper Ego Sir Dixon Snooksio Nooks Squire G Faro Girl clt clot cltTanis litanies Tanis Anis Terra Archer The Dragon DragonToworst Dragonet Toworst Towers Travis Ulysses UlyssesWishard Ulysses Wishard Wished Zufallig Unfailing ZufalligThe Unfailing The present Kentucky Derby form is the same thing over again Ben Brush 1 1Applegate Applegate Appellate 2 2Barbarosa Barbarosa Barbarous 3 3Well Well suppose of course that the declarations for the Oakley Ankle Derby will also be made for Louisville Why not The 6000 event is earlier and should be the test spot for the 12500 race two weeks later I It is natural but amusing to read the Ken ¬ tucky tuck literary stabs at the Kentucky Derby issued a week ago They go to form in full even on dead ones Felix Carr for instance That colt has been dead for two weeks weeksTo Weeks To sum up however Should Ben Brush come west and do wellin welling his native air why shouldnt shouldn't he the three OhioKentucky events and the 20000 National Derby of St Louis as well seem to be at his mercy no matter what penalties he incurs in his winning way I think that he is the colt of a decade I know that Brush is kind honest a weight carrier and a natural race horse such as is Navarre Navarro Brush can be placed and has the contentious ambition of self When a yearling the colt couldnt couldn't be kept back in oven his walking exercise Ho always had to be a nose perhaps but some ¬ thing in front of his companions Thats Hats the greatness of ambition if allied to ability equine or human