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RACING DATES OF 1896 Elkton Elton Md April 11 May 11 11San San Francisco Gal P C J C April 2 to 15 15Newport Newport Ky April 11 to 25 25Memphis Memphis Tenn Tenon April 9 to 25 25Forsyth Forsyth Forsythia Ind Indo April 15 to San Francisco Gal Gal J C April 16 to 29 29Washington Washington D C April 18 to May 2 2Lexington Lexington Ky April 27 to May 5 5Nashville Nashville Tonn Tonne April 27 to May 6 6Aqueduct Aqueduct May 4 11 11Louisville Louisville Ky May 6 to 19 19St St Louis Mo May 9 to Windsor Ont May 9 to 23 23Westchester Westchester Esthete N Y May 12 to June 2 2Torre Torre Tore Haute Ind Indo May 18 to 23 23Indianapolis Indianapolis Ind Indo May 25 to 30 30Oakley Oakley Ankle O May 21 to June 24 24Toronto Toronto Can May 23 to 30 30Kansas Kansas City Junel June JunelHamilton Hamilton Ont June 3 to 6 Gravosend Ravished NY Covington Coving Ky Sheepshead Shepherd Bay N Y Milwaukee Wis Wigs Detroit Mich Micah