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MEMPHIS FORM GHART HART GHARTMEMPHIS MEMPHIS TENN TEN April 11 Third day New Memphis Jockey Club Spring Meeting of Fif Fief ¬ teen Days Weather clear track good Presiding Judge J A Carter Starter J F Caldwell 233 FIRST RACE 34 Mile 3yearolds and upward Allowances Ind Indo Horses Wgt Wt St M 12 Str Star Fin Jockeys Open Close Place URANIA URBANA URANIARAMONA 32 3 14 3 5 7 10 out RAMONALUCILLE RAMONA RAMONA 64 51 41 24 R Williams 4 3 LUCILLE H HFANNIE FANNIE 74 4i2 34 34 T Murphy 6 10 FANNIE ROVvENA Proven IH 22 2s 41 Bunn Bunny 8 7 134 CONSTANTINE 5M 7 8 52 Hart 20 30 204 EMPERAASTOLFINA EMPERA TEMPERA 999 6 Schorr Scorer ASTOLFINA CATALINA ASTOLFINASWIFTY 4n 61 654 7 A Barrett Barrette 30 40 12 SWIFTY SWIFT SWIFTYFLUSH SWIFTLY 21 1 IH 51 8 Thorpe 20 30 10 FLUSH 8 8 7 9 Perkins 30 40 209 GRETCHEN RETCH S 95 10 10 10 10 10 C Reiff Riff 30 50 20 20Time 11654Winner Time 25M 514 11654 Winner Kendall Stablos Stables ch f 4 by Hanover Wanda WandaPost Anapest Post 4 minutes Start good Won in a gallop second and third driving Empera Tempera was in pocket all the way and finished strong Constantino Constantine had no speed the early part of race Fannie Rowena Rowe was short shortScratched sportscast Scratched Sundawn Sundown 106 Helena Belle 95 234 SECOND RACE 13 Mile 2yearolds Maidens Ind Indo Horses Wgt Wt St S NTOR NOR 110 14 214 214 14 R Williams 6 4 8 5 178 GALILEE 97 34 3 32 25 Bayless Payless 6 10 4 NELLIE 85ELYRIA BAKER 97 2 13 iii2 32 C Refff 3 4 85 ELYRIA 100 5u 51 44 41 Hart 15 0 s sMAZEPPA maze MAZEPPA MAZE 97 9 9 8 55 Bunn Bunny 7 8 3 210 CHARLEY REIFF RIFF 102 84 84 10 62 T Murphy 452 36 JAMES DOYLE 104 11 10 7 73 Bake 20 25 10 211 GLEN ALBYN ABLY 101 8 798 Scherrer Sherrie 15 15 6 EMEIJNEUI ERMINE 100 10 11 11 9 Fairgood Fargo 20 30 10 SANKARA ANKARA 105 64 6 64 10 Thorpe 4485 59 OUTING 100 43 42 fin n ABarrett Cabaret 10 15 6 ALGEO ALGOL 100 12 12 12 12 Morrison Orison n an in inSOME winsome SOME HOPES 110 13 13 13 13 C Combs i iTime citrine Time 254 51 51Winner Winner C C Porter Gos Egos b c by Leonatus Lents Cadma Camay CadmaPost Campiest Post 14 minutes Start fair Won ridden out Second and third driving Outing was shut shutoff off at head of stretch Mazeppa Marzipan is a good filly Nellie Baker stopped badly Charley Reiff Riff got a bad ride rideScratched Scratched Agent 108 O Q Pv THIRD RACE 12 Mile 2yearolds Gaston Hotel Stakes 1000 Added Ind Indo Horses Wgt Wt St M 4 Str Star Fin Jockeys Open Close Place 109 BOANERGESALGOL BOANERGES BEANERIES 118 2 22 24 114 Perkins 4 5 9 10 out ALGOL 118 4 52 314 22 Thorpe 7 8 3 109 JGOSHEN GOSHEN 118 512 4n 52 33 T Murphy 572 210SCRIBE 118 3 33 42 45 Martin 24 3 1 210JBISHOP REED 118 6 lu2l4 54 Tabor 572 210 CLIFFORD JR 118 14 7 7 6 R Williams 672 210 LEARWORRY CLEARSTORY LEAR 118 8 887 Fairgood Fargo 25 40 12 WORRY NOT 118 7 668 Sfiharror 25 fin IK Time 25 50 3 iCpupled rippled as Rodegap Bodega Entry Added starter Winner Hot Springs Stables b c by Spendthrift Llandrino Landing LlandrinoPoet Poet 12 minutes Start fair Won handily after an early drive Scribe swerved in the stretch Goshen ran a good race Bishop Reed quit in stretch Clifford Jr is not much of a colt Scratched Green Jacket 118 236 FOURTH RACE 1 Mile 3yearolds and upward Selling ind bind Horses Wgt Wt St J4 4 Str Star Fin Jockeys Open Close Place 213 SANDOVAL SNOBAL 111 3 2K 3s 3114 31 IH R Williams 6 12 4 204 MERCURY 105 li2 liz 13 12 22 24 22 Perkins 6 3 4 5 215 PANJANDRUM 93 7 512 2H21H IH 32 A Barrett Barrette 93 RELICTEMIN RELICT RELICT 94 2 c 4N 6 6 6 4N T Murphy 15 20 8 EMIN MIN BEY BEVY 103 SH 6 52 514 5 54 Blake 7 10 4 5 out 133 DUTCH ARROW 96 6 34 44 42 43 6 Schorrer Chore 15 20 8 150 JIM HENRY 100 44 7 7 7 7 7 C Reiff Riff 30 30 10 10Time Time 25 514 1 17 1 445 Winner DavenportPost Davenport J Bowen s ch c by Hindoo Indoor Amy Davenport Post 4 minutes Start good Won in a hard drive Second and third same Sandoval Anodal won in last jump Panjandrum will do next time Emin Min Bov Bo conld cold not raise a gallon 23 rj FIFTH RACE 78 Mile 3yearolds and upward Selling Wgt Wt 3t M a2 2 Str Star Fin Jockeys Open Close Place 214 PRINCESS ROSE 98 54 24 21 14 12 14 C Reiff Riff 148 ROSSMORE RUSHMORE 100 IK 3 5 72 3 2i H Willia William Williams 85 2 153 TRENTON 103 8 71 6 52 21 33 Scherrer Sherrie 46 179 STRAi Strain ERTHA BERTHA 84 6 61 74 61 71 4 Boll 8 10 213 LOTTIE GLOTTIDES ALTAR 98 7 8 8 8 62 5 T Murphy 15 20 213 ADAM JOHNSON 100 4 51 31 3 52 64 Bunn Bunny 221 JOHN P 103 3vK INK n 21 41 7 Aker Baker 20 30 10 213 HENRY HARRIS 86 24 IN 4 44 8 8 C Combs 20 30 10 136 CURIOUS 95 9 9 9 9 9 9 A Barrett Barrette 20 30 10 10WILLIS WILLIS 97 10 10 10 10 10 10 Honnessy Hotness 20 20 8 304Winner Time 255 514 1 17 1 304 Winner B W Haskells Hazels b m 4 by Duke of Montrose Yiolante Isolate YiolantePost Idolaters Post 4 minutes Start good Won ridden out second driving Rossmore Rushmore was badly messed about on back stretch Strabertha Stabber will do better with a good boy up Adam Johnson is of no account John P was cut off on stretch turn turnScratched turncoat Scratched Bon Air 100 O Q Q SI SIXTH TH B RACE Mile 3yearolds and upward Selling Ind Indo Horses Wgt Wt St J4 4 M Str Star Fin Jockeys Open Close Place HIGH TEST 103 4 41 52 34 24 14 Bunn Bunny JANE JANEPRETENDER 107 34 21 2H 22 lu 22 Perkins 2 4 E PRETENDER 103 8 8 42 52 44 32 L Taylor 10 4 213 EL CAPITAN CAPITA 103 6 6n 64 64 64 4 Hart 8 8Scherrer 15 6 182 WILD ARAB 103 7 7 7 7 5 5 Scherrer Sherrie 12 12A 20 8 214 MIDLAND 92 5 9 9 9 96 A Barrett Barrette 7 7T 10 4 MISS PERKINS 98 2 5 8 8 8 7 T Murphy 15 15R 15 6 TRADITION 110 1 IH 32 INK 32 8 R Williams 2 2C 6 5 2 5 RUTHVEN RUTHENIUM 100 9 34 1 4NK 7 9 C Roiff Riff 15 30 10 Time 254 51 117 131 131Winner Winner F Clarksons Carson ch g 5 by 111 Used Carmen Careen CarmenPost Camelot Post 6 minutes Start fair Won well in hand Pretender ran best race and should have won Tradition was short shortScratched sportscast Scratched Lester 103