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LEXINGTON ENTRIES ENTRIESProbabilities Probabilities Weather clear track fast First Race 1 Mile End Horses Ind Indo Horses 649 Elizbert Elizabeth 622 Rasper Grasper Victorious 43SKatherine 579 Relict 43SKatherineHis His Brother 622 Anna Lyle 648 R9binsonMiss R9binson 577 Ben Naaid Naiad Miss S Second Race 34 Mile MileSelling Misspelling Selling Ind Indo Horses es Wgt Wt Ind Indo Horses HorsesIOr Horses Wet 623 Galon Gallon IOr dOr Igor doer 116 The TheDrago Theodora TheDragoac Theodora Dragon 115 115Jerry Jerry Mac ac 115 fRamiro Ramiro fRamiroae Ramiro 115 648 Cuticlene Cuticle ae 102 Reimy Rimy 101 101Bracegirdle Bracegirdle Brace 100 Miss Emma 100 100457Rubber 457Rubber Neck 100 By Himyar Shimmy fBy By Fonso Fonts FonsoThird Forsooth Third Race 4 12 Furlongs The Pepper Stakes 650 added 2yearold 2yearoldfillies fillies filliesInd fillies Ind Indo Horses and Breeding Wgt Wt i 374 Blitzens Blitzes Sist Sits r b f Blazes Germania Germanic 115 625 High Society br f Oneka Tonka British Blue BlueBlood Bluebook Blood 115 115652Ethel 652Ethel Lee b f Whistle Jacket Mar ¬ mora 115 115Loretta Loretta b f by Longfellow Violette Violate 115 Linnie Linier Randall br f Linden Minnie MinnieRandall Minnie Randall 115 663 Lady Looram Loran ch f Mattie Looram Loran Lady Ballard 115 625 Tempesta Tempest ch f Isaac Murphy Tempest 115 115625Suisuu 625Suisuu blk balk f Strathmore Stratford Beatrice 115 625 Eugenia Wickes Wickets b f Kantaka Kanaka GenevievellS Genevieve Salonie Salome br f by Jim Gore Century 115 Fourth Race 1 116 Miles MilesHandicap Handicap Handicapses Handicaps Ind Indo Horses ses sees Wet TmL HTML Horses 588 Rey Frey del 3l Mar 106 607 Probasco Probasct Proboscis Roast 623 Galon Gallon dOr doer 103 Ramiro The Dragon 96 By Fonso Fonts FonsoFifth Fifth Race 4 12 Furlongs Furlongs2yearolds 2yearolds fnd fend Horses Wgt Wt Ind Indo Horses 624 Red 118 118652Ethel 624 Gew Grew Gaw Gawk 652Ethel Lee 115 115Cherry 402 Jolly Son Cherry Leaf 113 651 Orion 441 Mazeppa Marzipan 110 110Loretta 650 Meadowthorpe Meadow 110 Loretta 110 651 Daisy Gordon 107