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FORSYTH FORSYTHIA FORM CHART CHARTFOKSYTH HOARFROST FOKSYTH FOLKSY IND INDO April 29 Thirteenth Day Spring Meeting of Fifteen Days Weather clear track fair Presiding Judge M Nathauson Atchison Starter Richard Dwyer pT O FIRST KACE ACE G 18 Furlongs 3yearokls and upward Selling Ind Indo Horses Wgt Wt St M Vz 2 443 DESIGNER 105 5 21 21 12 11 C Hueston Houston 4 4 3 2 567 MR DUNLAP DUNLOP 102 6 41 51 41 23 Caywood Cawed 2 zVz 4 5 I I3MJ 3MJ CONNEMARA COMMEMORATE 102 INK 314 IHK SIKH 21 3 Fox 8 S 3 593 BEATRICE MARA 93 7 7 32 32 43 Garner 10 10 4 684 JULIE 972 22 5V4 8 8 52 Hyle Kyle 10 10 4 633 JACK GORE 107 8 61 61 61 62 Elliott 50 50 20 449 HINDA HIND 100 3 INK 411 5l2 7 Warren 3 11 5 1 2 445 STELLA LOGAN 95 9 9978 Robo Robot 20 fO 20 592 TAMERLANE TEMPERANCE 102 4 K 879 9 Magnussou Magnums 20 30 10 565 MAUD WATSON 103 10 10 10 10 10 Soden Sodden 20 30 10 10Time Time 25M 514 1 1S 124 124Winner Winner B McCains Moccasins ch h 5 by Deceiver Lilly C CPost Post Post 2 minutes Start fair Won handily on the end second and third driving Julie was wasflmt waffle flmt felt otf oft undhad unhand to pull up on back stretch Tamerlane Lamellae quit after going half a mile Beatrice Mara was short Hiuda Hilda was interfered with on first turn 654 SECOND RACE 13 Mile 2yoarolds Allowances 3521ZAMAR1I 112 3 21 U 11 Garner 1 3 1 4 out outtill outpoll till CLEMATIS 107 42 3 4 3K 2 Hyle Kyle 8 12 8 5 5611JTHOMAS 611JTHOMAS PAINE 115 22 1 22 32 CJay Jay 5 7 4 5 5bll bll ball YOURS TRULY 107 6 o 4i 43 Soden Sodden 10 12 3 444 ADRIENNE 97 51 41 52 5i2 Cleary Clearly 2fl tO 10 10MABEL MABEL ABEL FONSO FONTS 107 INK 666 Irving 6 25 5 5Time Time 12 V4 243 5m 5mWinner Winner D A Honigs Honing b g by St Carlo Royal Bess Bests BessPost Bedpost Post 2 minutes Start good second and third driving Boy rode Yours Truly into pocket pocketshortly pockets shortly after start and had to pull up might have been closer up Thomas Paine weakened in last sixteenth Clematis finished strong strongScratched Scratched Devoir 107 San Benita Benito 107 THIRD RACE Gl 2 Furlongs 3yearolds and upward Selling Ind Indo Horses Wet St Vz 3A Str Star Fin in Jockeys Open llnse alls Hla Hula e 428 ANNA MA YES 100 INK 12 110 13 13 1371V42 Dorsey Dose 447 UNCLE ABB ABBY 105 10 71V42 22 21 213l234 Hardin Hoarding Hardin3a 446 OTHO OHO 103 4 x 3l234 35 3n 3a 3n4NK OReilly Gorily 567 DEJURE ADJURE 100 5V2 4NK 65 52 4H 410 Hurley Hurly 568 MICKEY 97 2H 22 42 42 51 Garner 413 SALVATION 52 52 65 61 Hyle Kyle Hyle7V 429 O D MAN 62 72 72 7Vi 7V Warren 567 WEAVERMAN WEATHERMAN 10 9 8 8 Fox 447 PLAY OR PAY 81 83 9 9 J Healy 390 ADA ADAM MAY 100 7 95 10 10 10 Magnusson Manson 15 30 10 10Time Time 25 V4 51 116 122 122Winner Winner QueenPost Queenliest Ilankins Lankiness Johnsons Johnson b m 5 by Leonatus Lents Prairie Queen Post 2 minutes Start fair Won all out second and third driving Uncle Abb Abby could not have lost with equal break Boy rode him all the way Dejure Adjure ran good race Last five were eased up 656 f FOURTH RACE 34 Mile 3yearolds and upward Selling Ind Indo Horses Wgt Wt St l2 3A Str Star Fin Jockeys Open Close Place 598 HI HENRY 108 2 INK 11 n 11 McGlone McConnell 1 2 2 5 out 595 MAY GALOP GALLOP 96 4 4596ASHLAND 22 22 21 Vz 22 Warren Warren3V2 596ASHLAND 108 3 3V2 3 31 31 Vz Morgan 430 MRS MORGAN 97 VS 9 61242 42 45 Hyle Kyle Hyle4sK 11 CHARLEY MCDONALD 101 i 4sK 53 52 52 Garner 613 HILLSBORO HILLS 97 6 6GASCON 7 7io 65 62 Cleary Clearly GASCON GASTON 98 5 5566SANTA 52 81 6 7 7io 710 Dorsey Dose S 20 8 8566SANTA 566SANTA CRUZ 97 8 988 9888 8 Sullivan 15 100 30 203 CARNATION 94 7 5mt Fell dead P Clay 10 15 6 6By By Springbok Ti Time 13M 25 502 1 16 16Winner Winner New City Stables b h 5 by Big Henry Cut But ButPost Outpost Post 2 minutes Start good Second and third driving Mrs Morgan showed speed Boy on Hillsboro Hills looking back most of the route Carnation fell half way down the back stretch Char leyMcDonald bled bledScratched Scratched Bridget 100 Disturbance 104 FIFTH RACE 1 Mile 3yearolds and upward Selling Ind Indo Horses Wgt Wt St V Vz Str Star Fin Jockeys Open Close Place 446 ELOROY HELOTRY 107 22 6 6 51 31 l2 C Hueston Houston 8 5 8 5 1 2 2C594FUSILIER C594FUSILIER 110 SNK SANK 22 31 2 INK 23 Soden Sodden 3 4 R 332 DICK BEHAN BEAN 110 6 52 2 2u 35 Wagner 3 13 567 GRATZ GRAFT HANLEY HALEY 97 INK 3 4 413 53 4SK Hyle Kyle 30 50 20 567 FORERUNNER 110 4V4 4s RNK RN SNK SANK 4114 55 Irving 3 7 LVz LTV 613 LULU T 105 5 IH m 666 Warren 6 Wz 2 Time 25 52 1 17 1 43M Winner 43MWinner MalloyPost Mallory Foster Bross Ross b g 6 by Eric Molly Malloy Mallory Post 2 minutes Start good Won driving second and third same Dick Behan Bean got miser ¬ able ride He was galloping under pull to threequarter treasurer pole where boy let his head down sud scud ¬ denly deny and went to whip Eloroy Helotry was under drive last half boy rode strong finish Forerunner was short will do next time Lulu T is no account accountScratched accounts Scratched Pat Malloy Mallory Jr 102 Proverb 107 Effle Reflex T 105 Chenoa Chen 110 Potsdam Potts 110 658 SIXTH RACE G 12 Furlongs 3yearolds and upward Selling Ind Indo Horses Wgt Wt St Vz 3A Str Star Fin in Jockey Jockeys Open Close Place 593 HELEN WREN 100 2i 32 31 31 11 11s li2 s T Burns 446 428 LOLLIE LILLIE EASTIN EASTON 105 IH INK 22 INK 21 C Huesl Hues Hueston Houston 1 15 20 out 612 WOODLAKE WOOLSACK 105 3 21 12 22 312 Warren 594 FRANKIE D 100 6 6 5i Vz 41 42 Hyle Kyle 613 BILLY KINNEY 102 4 41 Wz 52 55 Fox 612 GEO GE B SWIFT 97 5 51 61 61 6 Soden Sodden 593EXTRA 105 7 777 7 Caywood Cawed 593EXTRABy By Superior Time 25J4 51 1 116J4 16J4 1 22 22Winner Winner T Hums br m 6 by Wyandotte Chief Kildare Killdeer KildarePost Post 2 minutes Start fair Von driving second and third same Helen Wren saved much ground by coming through on rail in stretch Woodlake Woodlander had speed but was short She carried Lollie Lillie Eastin Easton out on stretch turn Extra ran away two miles after race raceScratched backscratcher Scratched Belvour Balfour 100 Sixty 100 Wells Street 105