Oakley Form Chart., Daily Racing Form, 1896-05-29


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OAKLEY ANKLE FORM GHART HART GHARTOAKLEY OAKLEY ANKLE Ohio May 28 Seventh Day Cincinnati Jockey Club Summer Meeting of Thirty Days Weather cloudy track slow Presiding Judge Capt Caput Jas Jabs H Rees Starter Col Cool J J Chinn Chin O f O FIRST RACE 58 MiJe Mien 2yearolds Allowances Ind Indo Horses Wt St 54 Yz StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners Op Cl PI 738IORNAMENT 121 4 21 H 11 12 Bunn Bunny C T Patterson 15 16 out 1153 R CARRUTHERS CORRUPTERS 115 3 31 22 2 210 Perkins WMWallace 7 4 13 1151 OAK LEAF 103 1 IH 3K 33 33 Britton Briton P P Johnston 30 30 5 1198 RISQUE 106 2 4 45 43 42 Thorpe Iroquois Stable 60 100 25 740 FUGAROL FUGALLY 108 5 5555 Ray T C McDowell 50 60 8 8DICK DICK G 105 6 6666 CMathews Mathews Graves Gomloy Geology 200 200 25 1151 JOHN M II 108 7 7777 Daily W Donohue Downpour 200 200 25 25Time Time 25 5154 10554 Winner B c by Order Victorine Victorian VictorineStart Victories Start good by machine Won easily second same There wore only two in it Ornament ran in hand all the way Carruthers Corrupters made an effort in stretch but found it useless to seek the cham champ ¬ pions pitons measure 1 O O O SECOND RACE G l Furlongs 3yearolds and upward Selling nd Horses Wt St M Yt StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners Op Cl PI 1172 SAY ON 106l2l 7 6 5l2 1 Dietz Diet A Duffy 15 30 10 10ST ST PAT 101 8 6 42 SH 23 C Reiff Riff Blackburn Co 3 31A 65 1170 MAY ROSE 97 2 l2 13 12 3 Dunne Equitable Stable S 12 5 1199 ANNIE M 105 4 3 31 41 4 Perkins H C Cook 5 32 65 1030 KATIE G 97 5 2 2i4 3l2 5 FWilliams Williams Scoggan Slogan Bros Brows 562 1123 TWINKLE 105 7 5566 Scherrer Sherrie Smith Ferguson 85 85 35 604 ALECK LABOLD LABELED 102V3 8777 HWilliams Williams William Lannon Lennon 50 50 15 1172 PHILOMENA PHENOMENA 106 6 42 8 8 8 VanKuren Anuran MNghfnMuir 10 10 4 4Time Time 24M 5054 1 17 l24J4 l24J4Winner Winner B c 5 by Saxon Skatress Skates SkatressStart Skates Start good by machine Won driving second easily Boy on St Pat threw race away He was winning last furlong Then ho let up and Say On came with a rush and beat him just under the wire Philomena Phenomena wont do at all May Rose tired badly badlyScratched backscratcher Scratched Chicot Chic 105 Whyota Whoa 100 Canowood Canoodle 99 Blanche Kenney97 Leaflet 100 Little Walter 101 Uno Juno 104 Lucy Lee 103 THIRD RACE 4 Furlongs 2yearolds Selling Wt St M 1A 3A StrFin Strafing Jockeys Cl PI 1201 SCARP PIN 100 2 IN 12 12 F Williams Scoggan Slogan Bros Brows 1 45 out 1198 MAZEPPA MAZE 97 5 32 22 22 Bunn Bunny H P Headley Headily 85 2 35 1124 ELGITHA EOLITH 106 3 52 42 3l2 Perkins Talbot Bros Brows 5 8 22 1122 BLACK BESS BESTS 97 4 4 31A 4 Dupee Dupe J Brickey Rickety 40 40 12 1110 LASH 97 1 21 5 5 Scherrer Sherrie M Simpson 10 10TEUTERIC TEUTERIC TEUTONIC 100 6 6 6 6 C Matbews Mathews Lee Christy 20 20Time Time 12K2 26 51 59 59Winner Winner Ch f by Springbok Emerald EmeraldStart Emeralds Start good by machine Won easily second same Scarf Pin was in soft spot Mazeppa Marzipan could never got up The others were never factors factorsScratched factors Scratched Woodlawu Woodlouse 97 1231 I O Q 1 FOURTH RACE 1 Mile 3yearolds Liberty Stakes 1000 added Ind Indo Horses Wt St M Yi StrFin Strafing Jockeys Own rs Op Cl PI 1203HARY SHANNON 119 1 5 4 21 11 12 RWilliams Williams VV M Wallace 4585 1200 LEON AISE AISLE 122 2 4 2 32 22 21 Thorpe WTWoodard Atwood Jr 2 3 45 1115 JOE THAYER 122 5 2lz Yz IH 35 315 Scherrer Sherrie Baker Gentry 3 3l4 1 1203 JOHN HAVLIN HAVING 122 3 3 3l2 42 41 45 Perkins J K Redmon Redman 85 85 12 1200 YORKTOWN 117 4 INK 5 5 5 5 VanKuren Anuran Springhurst Springhouse Sta Stan 20 20 5 5Time Time 27 5254 1 19 1 48 48Winner Winner B g by Harry OFallon Fallen Peony Start good by machine Won easily second same Havlin Haling seemed short Thayo Thayer r was fast to tug turn for home Then he rested Shannon came fast at end and oti Otis call and won with some to spare Scratched spareScratched spacecraft Rookwood Ironwood 117 St Helena 112 Image 112 Aimeo Aimee 120 lorses loses Wt St 54 Yi StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners Op Cl PI 1173MISS FRANCES bl 1 INK IH INK 11 i Dupee Dupe Buckeye Stable 3 34 out 962 JUDITH 101 3 33 35 35 35 2 Thorpe S K Hughes Co 1 1310 out out1202ANNALYLE 1202ANNALYLE 83 2 22 2 23 23 32 Hueston Houston John E Madden 85 85 out 1200 HOWARD MANN 86 4 4 4 4 4 4 Jackson WillimsWinstt30 30 out outTime outline Time 2f 2fi2 i2 51 1 18 1 46 1 51 51Winner Winner B f 3 by Strathmore Stratford Flower of Meath Math MeathStart Earthstar Start bad by machine Won easily second driving Howard Mann stumbled at start Miss Frauces Frances and Aunalylo Faunally had a smart fight of it aud Maud Annalyle Anally succumb d first so that Judith was able to got up upScratched unscratched Scratched Fred Barr 95

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1890s/drf1896052901/drf1896052901_3_2
Local Identifier: drf1896052901_3_2
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800