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OAKLEY ANKLE FORM GHART HART GHARTOAKLEY OAKLEY ANKLE O June 19 Twentysixth Twenty Day Cincinnati Jockey Club Summer Meeting of Thirty Days Weather clear track fast Presiding Judge Jas Jabs H Rees Starter C H Pettingill Petting 1698 FIRST RACE 4 13 Furlongs 2yearolds Allowances Ind Indo Horses Wt St StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners Op Cl PI 1651 OAK LEAF 107 3 42 iyz Liz IH Dupee Dupe PPJohnston 65 95 35 1544 JOHN McELROY Celery 111 2 31 32 2 VanKuren Anuran Ed Graves Co 85 65 25 1303 ARGONAUT 105 1 2 2 3YZ Scherrer Sherrie HorseHavenFarml2 20 8 1572 THE PLUTOCRAT 110 9 86 42 CGraham Graham W M Wallace 15 15 6 1649 FRANCES FESLR FESTER 107 7 67 51 C Reiff Riff A S Johnson 15 15 6 6IH 1603 CARRIE F 102 5 IH 4 6 FWilliams Williams J Thomas 30 20 8 1422 TRAVELLER TRAVELER 105 4 52 52 7 Britton Briton Briar Hill Stable 60 50 20 1356 IRON MISTRESS 107 8 788 Ray T C McDowell 8 10 4 1649 MATAWANA MATAWAN 102 6 9 9 9 A Isom Ism A C Harriman 60 60 20 Time 20Time 24 49J4 55 55Winner Winner B f 2 by Atholstone Atchison Duchess of Atherton Thereto AthertonStart Thermostat Start good by machine Won driving second third and fourth same Oak Leaf finished strong McElroy Celery was speedy and will do to remember Argonaut ran well The Plutocrat will do soon contendedScratched contended He finished strong Seems to like a distance The others never contended Scratched Risque 110 Flotow Lotto 110 Tunic 105 Uncle Simon 105 Tony Honing 105 Jasper 105 r Kathie May 102 1699 Ind Indo Horses Wt S St M 12 StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners Op Cl PI 14861PRINCE IMPIALIU IMPALING IU 2 2 212 I1 I1 RWilliams Williams S Linton Clinton 35 910 out 45SCYCLONE 107 5 42 45 2 21 Scherrer Sherrie W A Smith 3 2 12 1574JUDITH 107 4 31 31 32 35 Thorpe S K Hughes Co 3 3 45 1490 PHILOMENA PHENOMENA 100 1 12 11 41 42 Corner McNghtnMuir 30 30 6 6RESPLENDENT RESPLENDENT 110 6 6 5V4 51 52 VanKuren Anuran Springhurst Springhouse Stbl Stable 60 60 12 880 CAPT APT DRANE DANE 109 3 3 6 6 6 O Lewis T Boyle 60 60 12 12Time Time 24 48S l13i2 Winner B h 6 by Emperor Ildico Silicon IldicoStart Idiot Start good by machine Won easily second and third eased a little Cyclone was speedy and finished strong Philomona Photomontage is improving Judith ran an honest race It was an easy task for the Prince who was full of speed speedScratched speeds Scratched Katie G 103 Strathreel Tracheal 105 Chicot Chic 113 Chagrin 104 Blanche Kenney 103 170O1 THIRD RACE 5 13 Furlongs 2yearolds Selling Ind Indo Horses 54 M StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners Op Cl PI 1628 WHITE FROST 107 4 41511CHARINA IH IH 12 111 Thorpe Avondale Stable 45 910 out 1511CHARINA 93 5 7 52 42 2 Scherrer Sherrie Gentry Bros Brows 3 23 35 1653 LADY ROVER 107 6 61572MERTIE Highland Point St 6 10 3 1572MERTIE REED 101 7 6 51 41 Dunn Equitable Stable 8 10 3 1572 RAMPAGE 98 1 2H 2n 2 51 C Reiff Riff E F McLain Claim 1601 THREE BARS 104 3 31 31 6 6 Dupee Dupe W J Donahue Danaher 15 20 6 1601 BEN BROWN 104 2 6777 Bunn Bunny Scotch Plaid Sta Stan 15 15 5 1601 BLAG LAG KSTONE STONE 100 8 8888 F Williams Oriole Stable 60 60 20 20Time Time 24 49 1OS3 Winner B f by Iroquois Wild Flower FlowerStart Flowers Start good by machine Won cleverly second easily third in a drive Poor ride on Charina Carina to say the least Boy made no effort at any time White Frost was ridden all the route Ramp ¬ age was good to the three quarter pole but couldnt couldn't hang on 1701 FOURTH RACE 78 Mile 3yearolds and upward Selling Ind Indo Horses Wt St M V4 3A StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners Op Cl PI 1602 SUSIE B 102 2 32 2 K 2V U 11 Scherrer Sherrie IS N ewport Newport Stabl Stable Stab 372 372W 1571 THE MERCHANT 88 3 41 42 43 43 2 J Jackson W M Wallace 5 7 2 2C 1650 LUCY LEE 102 4 2 3 K 3 34 31 Thorpe C B Reid 45 65 out outAvondale octagonal 1252 IMAGE 90 5 53 53 5 55 41 Dupee Dupe Avondale Stab Stable 8 10 4 1675 DOORGA DORA 104 1 11 H 11 2 5 VanKuren Anuran M M Young 1675 KENNIE JENNIE THCHER ETCHER 91 6 6 6 6 6 6 Fowler Spokane Stable 50 30 10 1406 JUDGE PAYNE 98 8 7 7 7 7 7 Blevins Levin Smith Frazier 60 50 20 1576 DADS DAUGHTER 95 7 8 8 8 8 8 Sherrin Sheri S C Wagner SO 80 30 30Time Time 24 48S 114 126J Winner B m 5 by Terra Cotta Jessica JessicaPost Jessica Post 20 minutes Start good with flag out of chute Wdn Wd ridden out second and third driv drive ¬ ing King The Merchant came strong at finish is improving Lucy Leo could not reach Doorga Dora was speedy for threequarters treasurers and then tired She acted badly at post Susie B got a good ride today and ran a good race J rTO to FIFTH RACE I Mile and 70 Yards 3yearolds and upward Selling Ind Indo Horses Wt St M V StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners Op Cl PI 1463HOWARD MANN 92 4 3 31 2K 3 1 Dupee Dupe WillisWainscttl Williwaws 15 6 1652 REY FREY DEL MAR 106 3 5 5i 4 43 2 VanKuron Anuran C T PattersonCo Patterson 3 4 1 1605 AIMEE GOODWIN GODWIN 98 2 11 UH m 31 Scherrei Sherrie W Tarr Tarry 3 5 65 1652PAUL PRY 113 1 2 2 31 2 410 Thorpe Eastin Easton Larrabie Laramie 35 35 out 1606 AIMEE 90544555 C Roiff Riff Goodwill Stable 40 30 10 1650 LITTLE WALTER 98 6 6 6 6 6 6 Fowler P H McNamara Manama 30 30 10 10Time Time 25 50 1 15 1 403 1 44 44Winner Winner B c 3 by Duke of Montrose Sea Mew MewStart Mesa Start good by machine Won driving second third and fourth all out Goodwin Godwin was in command to the last furlong where there was a closing up and a fierce finish Panl Panel Pry was out run all tho thou way