untitled, Daily Racing Form, 1896-06-20


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Y v T iT9 r TT ljr jar A T lFfc ff A fy FORSYTH FORSYTHIA RACE TRACK TRACKFORSYTH TRACKERS FORSYTH FORSYTHIA INDIANA INDIANABEGINS INDIANA BEGINS JUNE 6th AND CLOSES JUNE 23d 23dFIVE FIVE OR MORE RACES DAILY RAIN OR SHINE BEGINNING AT 215 P M SPECIAL TRAINS DIRECT TO TRACK IN 35 MINUTES MINUTESPittsburgh stopping at Archer Ave 41st St and Englewood at 12 10 12 25 12 55 1 20 and 1 35 pm Regular Train at 7 30 am and Pittsburgh Port Wayne Special Trains leave Union Depot 2 pm First train returns at 4 50 50Illinois at VanBuron Anuran 12th 22d 39th and 63d Sts SATs at 1230 1 10 and 1 30 pm stopping Street Depot Illinois Central Express Trains leave Eandolph Randolph Illinois Central at 92d St Round trip on all trains 25 cts Acts Electric Cars connect with Alley L at 64th St and with w c cREVELiNo reveling secretary ADMISSION so CENTS LADIES 25 CENTS CONCERT BY BANKS CREQIERS CREAKIER ORCHESTRA 25 PIECES PIECESSheffields Sheffields Sheffield Summer Meeting Begins Next Wednesday The General Establishment has Been Greatly Improved A PERFECT FORM BOOK THE A CREVELINGDWYER REVELING COMMONSENSIBLE RACINfi Racing STARTER APPLIANCE APPLIANCESimple Appliances Simple Effective and Certain No Posts AH Charts from flarch larch 26 to June i iITS ITS No Complicated Machinery and no Failure ITS INDEX A MODEL THOROUGHLY TESTED AND PROVEN THE BEST Will be ready for delivery about June 15 The Index gives the number of all races ages pedi peed ¬ Rights for the use of the starter can be secured from fromW from grees agrees and owners and is printed in eyeable seeable fashion Thirty blank pages for future form formBound fogbound Bound in Flexible Leather Covers W C CREVELINC REVELING Room i Lakeside Bide Chicago III 300 Pages Handsome Handy Durable The Highest Class Book of Form Ever Offered KIDNADINE KIDNAPPING KIDNADINEFOR PRICE 600 C 0 D DThe The FOR MAN OR BEAS1 The first edition of leathercovered leatherworker form was exhausted in three days Onethird Foetid of the second Cures Blights Disease Dropsy Inflammation of the Kidneys and Bladder Diabetes Rheuma Rheum ¬ edition is already reserved Orders will be supplied in their order of receipt and notice given tism ism Restors Restores Lost Vigor Painful or Suppressed Menstrution Menstruation And all complaints arising from a diseased state of the urinary organs of either sex sexCures seCures to subscribers who cannot be supplied Cures Inflammation of the Kidney and Bladder Regulates Retention and Excessive Urine Pink 126 Fifth Avenue Chicago 111 Eye Rheumatism and all complaints arising from a diseased state of the urinary organs WE REFER BY PERniSSION Permission TO THE FOLLOWING WELLKNOWN WILKINSON GENTLEMEN GENTLEMENEugene Gentlemen Eugene Sullivan official veterinary surgeon F T McMahon official veterinary surgeon surgeonChicago surgeon Chicago fire department Chicago ChicagoJack Chicago Jack ONoil Monomial trainer and driver Chicago W D Moone Mooney 20212023 Wabash avenue Chicago ChicagoFred Chicago Fred J Hammill Mammilla 4758 Champlain avenue Monroe Salisbury Pleasanton Pleasant Cal CalH Cal H I Saxton Saxon Grand Grove Farm Morgan Park A McDowell driver Azote Azotes PleasaMon Leadsmen Cal M E McHenry Cherry driver John R Gentry Freeport C H Stiles Stiles Stock Farm Wheaton 111 George West trainer and driver Chicago 111 Jack Curry driver Joe Patchen Patch Chobanse Cowbane 111 F S Gorton 2120 Prairie avenue Chicago E F Geers Gees driver Robert J Buffalo N Y and after Monday June 15 15Daily Hon Judge E Hanecy Chancy 3116 Michigan avenue Budd Buddy Doble Dole trainer and driver Chicago ChicagoGW Chicago From Cleveland O ORob Orb GW Barstow Barstool supt sup Siegel Siege Cooper Co stables W B Fasig Fasting Horse Exchange Rob Carnathan Carpathian trainer Minneapolis Minn Inn Dave Waixel Ariel trainer and driver 3325 Vernon VernonAnderson Vernon Anderson Transfer Company Chicago avenue avenueA avenue Daily Racing Forms Selections Selectionswill Selections A Hanson supt sup Uinta Quintal Stock Farm Wyoming Matt Fisher 137 and 141 Twentysixth Twenty street streetCitizens stratifies Citizens Brewing Company Chicago Chicago ChicagoJohn Chicago John McCoy 3444 Forest avenue Chicago Arms Co Chicago stables 21292131 Indiana IndianaWm Indiana Wm R Wylie Kylie supt sup Catons Cantons Stock Farm Joliet avenue will be sent by wire night message to subscribers at 111 James F Davis 453 Rookery building Chicago WEEK KIDNADINE KIDNAPPING is sold under an Absolute Guaranty to Cure or money refunded For sale by all 400 PER druggists Ask your druggists for it and he will got it Price per bottle 100 100WHEN WHEN ORDERING KIDNADINE KIDNAPPING STATE WHETHER FOR MAN OR BEAST BEASTKIDNADINE BASTINADOING PAYABLE IN ADVANCE KIDNADINE KIDNAPPING HEDICINE ENDOCRINE CO 404 Inter Ocean Bldg Bulldog Cor Cora of Madison and Dearborn Sts SATs Chicago PORTABLE STALLS LEIGHS LEIGH Complete Form FormFOR Form OWNERS AND TRAIN aRS Lars FOR THREE MONTHS When you ship your horsos horses ask Express Company to stall your car Stall with adjustable Leighs Sleighs Patent to any car Portable thus A Few Volumes in Heavy Paper Covers at 400 400The securing absolute safety to your Form without the 600 Leather horses while in transit without The contents of additional cost to the shipper as express companys company furnish them blank sheets free of cost to you They dont don't deface and can the bo sot car up in when thirty adjusted minutep minute Index Outclasses Any Ever Compiled for any number of horses to 24 in louble lobule door baggage car Express companies can procure stalls by A Volume of 300 pages of Charts from New Orleans applying to toH oH March 25 to all the tracks June i inclusive A glut H EUGENE LEIGH LEIGHLEXINGTON in the bindery makes this Edition of Charts necessary necessaryu necessary LEXINGTON K There are but 3 ° Copies CopiesV Copies HORSE STALLS FIT ANY CAR u inr in DA ivprv Piper V I 111 IJGllYGlJ Bigly First Come First Served

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1890s/drf1896062001/drf1896062001_4_1
Local Identifier: drf1896062001_4_1
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800