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FOREIGN RACIN RAIN FORM DEPOTS DEPOTSDETROIT DEPOSER DETROIT 206 Woodward Ave J C More and Russell House Union News Stand Frodt Frost St depot and all firstclass fistulas hotels and new stands standsCINCINNATI CINCINNATI J R Hawley 408 and 410 Vine St leading hotels and dealers and Newport La tonia toni and Oakley Ankle tracks tracksNEW tracks NEW YORK Astor House News Stands StandsDENVER Sandstone DENVER Pratt Mercantile Co 1517 Larimer Claimer Street StreetST StreetS ST LOUIS E T Jett Jetty Book and News Co 806 Olive St and Philip Roeder Redder 307 N Fourth FourthNEW Fourth NEW ORLEANS Hollo Hollow 641 Commercial PI PIMILWAUKEE MILWAUKEE WIS IS Pfister Fitter Hotel and St Charles Hotel MINNEAPOLIS MINNPacher Sacre Acre 6 S Third St C S Crabtroe Cratered 235 Nicolet Nicole Ave AveLOUISVILLE LOUISVILLE KY Louisville Book Co Chas T Dearing Daring 3rd Jefferson St StDENVER Steiner DENVER COL COLE Pratt Mdso Madison Co 1517 Lari Lori ¬ mer mere St MEMPHIS R M Mansford Manfred Co 298 Main St StNASHVILLE NASHVILLE Duncan Hotel T S Hard Co 415 Church St StLEXINGTON Steppingstone LEXINGTON KYNorris Keynoters Son 19 N MiH Mish Street StreetST StreetS ST PAUL Miller 381 Wabash St TERRE HAUTE IND INDO Stephenson Terro Terror Haute House