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LATONIA ANTONIA FORM GHART HART GHARTCOVINGTON COVINGTON COVING KY July 7 Eleventh Day Latonia Antonia Jockey Club Summer Mooting Weather clear track slow Presiding Judge J J Carter Starter M Chinn Chin 4WVfT I FIRST RACE 34 Mile 3yearolds and upward belling LANIE LANE C 9410 10 9 8 6 B Blevius Levis Terrell There'll Marders Madders 50 60 20 20CERRO CERRO CERO GORDO GORDON 106 2 2 51 6 7 Thorpe JBErnshawBro 452 1937 GLAD 99 4 7 7 9 8 A Isom Ism J E Madden 8 10 4 1966 WAR SONG 95 7 3n 32 4 9 Fowler Ravenswood Ravens Stbl Stable 683 1995 MATTIE GRAHAM 85 9 9 10 10 10 Saundors Saunders J Mitchell Son 20 20 8 8Time Time 25 50141 163 Winner B c 3 by Eberlee Abele Ooupee Toupee OoupeeStart Loopiest Start good by machine Won easily second and third driving Miss Emma was interfered with at start Corro Cornrow Gordo Gordon was cut off at quarter Elsie D speedy at end War Song gave up at the half Hoffman ran under pull to stretch Scratched Mary Revenaugh Ravenna 85 SECOND RACE 1 Mile 3yearold fillies Allowances Ind Indo Horses Wt St M Yt StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners Op Cl PI 2020 COUNTESS IRMA 111 4 6 41 53 1 11 Perkins Ireland Bros Brows 85 85 35 1793 ARGENTINE II 104 2 31 2 1 25 25 Thorpe T C McDowell 462 882 LA GASCOGNE GASCONADE 104 6 7 65 62032 31 VanKuren Anuran Bashford Bradford Manor 20 30 10 1997LUCILLE H 114 5 5 5 3 5 41 Martin S S Brown 75 2 45 1008 FRETFUL 104 1 2 Wz 4 4 51A A Isom Ism Argyle Stable 10 10 4 1909 JUDITH C 108 7 12 11 214 6 6 Scherrer Sherrie F G Herring 431 2024 KNNIE KENNEY THATCHR THATCH 91 3 4 7 7 7 7 V Wilson Spokane Stable 50 bO 20 20Time Time 26 522 1 18 1 43 43Winner Winner B f by Sir Dixon Villette Gillette VilletteStart Gillette Start good by machine Won easily second and third same Countess Irma had plenty left Argentina II swerved in stretch La Gascogne Gasconade was slow to begin but came first at finish Lucille H was cut down on back stretch Judith C was speedy early but tired badly in stretch THIRD RACE I Mile 3yearolds and upward Selling Ind Indo Horses StrFiu Strafing Jockeys Op Cl PI 1908 ANNALYLE ANNUALLY 87 6 7 5 51 1 H Dupeo Dupe J E Madden 3 2 45 451998RASPER 1998RASPER 107 4 61 61 61 65 2 Perkins F Perkins 10 15 6 1910 SEABROOKE SHERBROOKE 98 7 8 S 41 2 31 Scherror Scherzo T H Stevens 4 4 85 8520201PROBASCO 20201PROBASCO 109 1 11A 1 2 41 42 Ray A L Ferguson 4 4 D c 1946 BENAMELA ENAMEL 106 2 3 4n 7 5 51 Martin P Dunne 33 2019 HELEN MAR 91 3 21 31 IH 3 6 C Reifl Riffle E F McLean CLean 552 2051 HALF MINE 100 5 42 2n 3 7 7 Bibbs Bibs Himyar Shimmy Stable 50 60 20 201937ISABEL 1937ISABEL 100 8 5 7 8 8 8 J Johnson L P Tarloton Tarlatan 20 30 10 10Time Time 2f i2 524 1 17ia 1 43J4 43J4Winner Winner B f 3 by Strathmoro Statehood Tin Cup CupStart UpStart Start good by machine Won ridden out second and third driving Aunalyle Faunally ran a game race Rasper Grasper came very fast at finish Probasco Proboscis ran well to three quarters where ho gave it up Helen Mar showed a good turn of speed but tired badly in stretch stretchScratched stretches Scratched Ondague Bondage 104 FOURTH RACE 58 Mile Clipsetta Clipsheet Stakes 2yearolds 2O77 Ind Indo Horses Wt St Vt 1 1V4 StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners Op Cl PI 1789 MIDLIGHT MIDNIGHT 105 3 31 22 2 11A Martin G B Morris Co 5 5 2 2023 BUG WICKES WICKS 118 1 12023BLLE 12 11 H VA yz 28 Thorpe Waldeck Aleck Stable 35 2 22u 2023BLLE BRMBLE BURBLE 115 2 21766tIMP 2u 31 43 SH Perkins WLSimmons 4 6 2 24n 1766tIMP 110 4 4n 52 32 4 VanKuren Anuran W A Harness 12 15 6 1996 FULL HAND 105 5 6 6 51 51 C Roiff Riff J T Baxter 30 30 10 2023 ROSINANTE OBSTINATE 115 7 7SUNDAY 7766 Scherror Scherzo Baker Gentry 65 45 out SUNDAY GARTER 105 8 51 4 7 7 J Perkins John Good 15 12 5 1970 ALTANERA ALTHAEA 105 6 8888 Ray Santa Anita Stbl Stable 12 15 1970tELISE B 105 Loft at the post A Isom Ism WLSimmons 4 6 2 2tAdded tAdded Added starters Coupled in betting Time 25 495 1 01J Winner Br f by Midlothian Militia Electric Light LightStart Lightest Start good by machine Won handily second driving Midlight Midnight ran well Eugenia Wickes Wickets got a running start and led to the last furlong where she tired Belle Bramble faltered at head of stretch Rosinante Obstinate was never prominent prominentScratched prominent Scratched Mertie Martine Reed 110 Minnie Murphy 110 Thorn Blossom 110 Thanet Thane 105 FIFTH RACE 58 Mile 3yearold Allowances 2O78 Ind Indo Horses Wt St Yt StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners OD Cl PI 1967 GRAYLING 112 1 1ROBAIR 11 12 is is Thorpe Rosodale Broodmare Stable 2 75 12 ROBAIR CROWBAR 112 3 2 Wz 52 2n Perkins Byron McClelland Macmillan 683 1999 REY FREY DE ANGELES 112 9 8 3 31 SNK SANK A Isom Ism Santa Anita Stb Stab 2 85 35 1999 HATS OFF 108 6 51 22 2 41 Dupee Dupe W T Woodard Woodward Jr 8 8 3 2052 SIDNEY BENDER 108 5 77 7 512 Ray H Wilson 60 60 20 1814 SAN JUAN 103 4 6666 J Perkins C B Gilman 60 CO 20 1544 GIVEAWAY 108 8 9987 J Johnson W Allen 50 60 20 203u 1838 UNCLE JOE 108 7 3u 5 2 4 8 Fairgood Fargo P Bitzer Biter 60 60 20 1967 liAMHAUlUN GAMMADION GRAMMARIAN 112 113 2 42 6 a 9 VanKuren Anuran springuurst springiest Stb Stab 6 6 2 2QUENDURWARD112 QUENDURWARD112 10 10 10 10 10 C Graham E P Connolly 50 60 20 20Time Time 25J4 50 1 035 Winner B c by Jim Gore Vigilette Vigilante VigiletteStart Vigilantes Start fair by machine Won galloping second and third and fourth driving Grayling went to front early and there was nothing else in it Robair Roar is a pood pod colt though a trifle green Roy de Angeles was off badly but ran a good race Uncle Joe stumbled at start startScratched statecraft Scratched India 112 Argonaut 112 Capt Caput Peirsall Perusal 109 Uncle Simon 108 Throo Throe Bars 112 Zolo Zoo 109 Henry Fagin Fain 103 Little Faust 108 Jasper 108 x xOTQ Ota OTQ OTA SIXTH EACE ACE 34 Mile 3yearolds and upward Soiling Ind Indo Horses Wt St y StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners Op Cl PI 2019 MOY MY uAN bAN Juan 110 1 21 U 13 13 Piggott Spigot Ed Corrigan 71035 out 1971 ROBINSON 98 6 4 3 2 2u Schorrer Chore EnglomauFields 441 1971 MOTILLA AMONTILLADO 92 2 21794STRATHREEL 3 44 32 310 C Reiff Riff E F McLean CLean 6 12 4 411A 1794STRATHREEL 107 3 11A 2ij 410 45 Thorpe Iroquois Stable 441 1971 TIT FOR TAT 102 5 6 51 52 154 VWilson Wilson La Salle Sale Stable 50 60 12 1251A 2053 RICHFIELD 95 4 51A 6 6 6 J Johnson T H Cook 40 40 10 10Time Time 25 49 115 Winner B c 3 by Bradford Elsa Rosalind RosalindStart Rosalind Start straggling by machine Won pulled up second and third driving Moylan Mayan was never extended Robinson got the worst of start but was full of speed and finished with something to spare Strathrool Statehood had enough at the half halfScratched Scratched Madstone Jadestone 110 Lucille H 98 Joe Clark 95 Mattie Lee 96