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ST LOUIS FORM CHART CHARTST CHARTS ST LOUIS MO July 7 Fiftyfirst Fifty day Fair Grounds Association Meeting Weather clear track fast Judges J A Murphy and Jos Jose J Burke Starter C C Chinn Chin FIRST RACE 1 Mile 3yearolds and upwards Selling Ind Indo Horses Wt St M 1A StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners Op Cl PI 2037 SHINING BELLE 102 5 9 6 42 23 12 Schorr Scorer F T Wood 2V2 4 85 2007 FORSEEN FOREMEN 92 3 4ii 41 2 ll2 22 TWilliamSGreen Williams River Stbl Stable 4 7 2V2 1382 GOLDEN CROWN 109 8 7 7 6 fi 5Vz 3 its Hinkey Hinkle Owensboro Owens Stable 852 1770 MARY ANNA 89 6 6 8 7 6 42 Wilhito Twilit T B Watts 40 60 20 1872 JIM HEAD 106 1 2NK 35 31 1A3 51 E Cochran L Kavanaugh Cavanaugh 10 12 5 2039 BRAVO 9J1 789876 Webster C Weatherford Waterford 85 75 12 2060 GLEE BOY 109 4 33 21 11 41 7 Hampton G W Scott 8 10 4 1925 OAK FOREST 109 1091S73 2 52 5n 9 8 8 Gardner GWGardner 40 60 20 1S73 MARIONI MARION 102 9 1 IH 5 9 9 JMathows Mathews Exile Stable 10 12 5 14554Winner Time 26M 51J l18l2 14554 Winner KoiseauStart Ch f 4 by Ten Shiner Belle Koiseau Kisses Start good by machine Won easily Bravo stumbled at the start was pocketed three times ran good race Marioni Marion had speed but could not last Golden Crown ran a good race and fin ¬ ished dished strongScratched strong Scratched Royal Princess 109 Irish Chief II 94 2O92 SECON ECON SECOND RACE 34 Mile 3yearolds and upward Selling Ind Indo Horses l2 StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners Op Cl PI 2039 851947TOWERST ROMANCE 123 1 42 6 41 2 Penn A H D H Morris 4 5 85 1947TOWERST 128 4 21 34 3n 30 Tabor Thos Ethos Kiley Kelley 85 65 out 1376 BIRDIE C 123 2 13 13 111442 Coviugton Convolution Branch Stable 20 30 10 1977 WAKENDA WAKENED 134 5 32 2 52 51 Thornton Horton E A McClelland Macmillan 40 60 20 20WAG WAG TAIL 125 7 7766 Thompson Ed Corrigan 60 100 40 402P07 2P07 BETTIE BETTIES BUG 123 3 6 5J2 7 7 Hathaway J D Patton 40 60 20 1974 PLUNKER PLUNK 134 Left at post Franklin JHPayne Johannes 50 60 20 20Time Time 25 51 116 4 Winner EagleStart Eagles Ch c 3 by Fonso Fonts Spring Eagle Start good by machine Won ridden out next two driving Birdie C and Wakenda Wakened showed great speed Romance swung wide on stretch turn Well ridden she would have won Scratched wonScratched St Augustine 139 Walnut Ridge 125 Devault Default 128 2093 THIRD RACE 58 Mile 2yearolds Allowances Ind Indo Horses Wt St Si 1 StrFin Strafing cnos coos Owners Op Cl PI 1951 ZAMAK AMA II 115 1 11926HUCKVIDERE lij Ali ISK IS n INK Garner D A Honig Hong 3465 1926HUCKVIDERE 118 5 52043DARE 6 6 4 2 Schorr Scorer Charter Oak Stbl Stable 32 32 out outa ota 2043 2043DARE DARK II 111 4 a 5K 5li 54 6 3a ECochran Cochran J Huffman 572 2013 ROYAL LANCER 106 3 33 38 21 41 T Murphy Whitten Whiten Bros Brows 3 2 45 2008 LADY BRITANNIC 103 2 4 ilA Gila 51 51 Hampton G W Scott 40 60 20 1313 CREMONA CRAMPON BRIGGS 97 6 2i 22 32 6 Webster JDLucas 50 60 20 Time 20Time 24ii 3654 102 BessStart Bassist Winner 102Winner B c by St Carlo Royal Bess Bests Start good by machine Won ridden out Buckvidere Duckier was shut off early in the race and swerved badly at the end Royal Lancer ran a cheap race Scrat Scat raceScrat Francesca hed heed Galiante Gallivanted 97 Ivory 100 Judge Butler 97 Atoka Tonka 100 2094 FOURTH RACE 1 Mile 3yearolds and upward Selling Ind Indo Horses Wt St VA M l2 StrFin Strafing Jocke Joke Jockeys Ownors Owners Op Cl PI 1847 THORN 110 6 6 51 IK IH 11 n Coving Covington Coving Covington Coving Kent 20 5 2 2007 UTOPIA 94 8 8 6 5 5 2H Garner Garnet Charter Oak Stbl Stable 65 3 1 1893 SALLIE WOODFD WOOFED 102 4 3 K 41 31 31 3u Schorr Scorer J Garcia 431 1633 CHARLES P 108 3 5 3 SNK SANK i 4 4y2 4 4i 411 Penn Platner Planter Brr Barr s 662 2038 JOG OSOT SOOT 106 1 7 S 7 7 5 J Mat MathewsC Mathews B Campbell 8 7 22 1660 JIM HOGG HOG 106 5 IH 2 2 K 2NK 6 Slaugl Saul Slaughter H T Batcholor Bachelor 7 10 4 2037 DAVEZAC DAVE 108 7 21 IH 6 6 7 Hinkej Hinkey Hinkle J A Abernathy 20 40 15 2007 KING ELM 107 2 4 41A 4 10Time 7 8 8 8 TWilli TWill TWilliams Williams WAMcGuigan 20 30 10 Time 262 51 1 18 1 142 Winner 142Winner ThornStart Thermostat B c 4 by Bendigo Bending Pink Thorn Start good by machine Von cleverly next two driving Utopia was interfered with in the stretch Thorns revival was hairliftiug airlifting He was heavily backed too Scratched tooScratched Timelike Timelier 102 Immilda Similar 104 Denver 106 2O95 FIFTH RACE 1 11 G Miles 3yearolds and upward Selling orse Morse Wt St 54 Yt StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners Op Cl PI 2009KHETT GOODE GOOD 109 2 INK 21 INK IH 1114 Thornton Horton GCBeunettCo 3 4 75 2060 JACK BRADLEY 104 1 66 5W 32 Z JMathews Mathews Oregon Stable 4 44 85 1976 BRIDGETON BRIDGETOWN 91 4 4 42 41 41 3J4 Slaughter B Schroiber Schreiber 1881 TOM ELMORE ELMO 103 6 5V4 3 SH 5l V1A Garner D A Honig Hong 2037 BEN WADDEL WADDELL 107 3 2iy2 zi X 51 Hiukoy Hickory AFDayton Radiation 11 11H 1976 FAVORINE FAVORING 102 7 7 7 6 6 6 Bayless Payless H L Haskell Hake 6 8 8Buckiand 1732 BR MIMA MIA 106 5 3 O K 7 7 7 Rowe Buckiand Bucking Stable 12 10 4 Time 7 32 58l2 1 24 1 50 Winner 50Winner B g 5 by Pirate of Penzance Penance Letter B BStart Start Start good by machine Won easily next two driving Tom Elmoro Elmo was badly jostled in the stretch Ben Waddell ran a good race raceScratched backscratcher Scratched The Bachelor 91 VBsQi SIXTH KACE ACE 78 Mile 3yearolds Allowances Ind Indo Hone Wt St 1A StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners Op C P 2imBINj B1NGER 102 5 IN 2N 2 23 12 Garner Jas Jabs Murphy 85115 45 1929 ARGENTINA 97 3 52 51 Wz 32 22 Schorr Scorer Santa Aniti Anita Stable 75 32 12 200 FIRST DEAL S4 1 32 li 12 35 Shannon WSMcDonaldCo4 6 85 20 6 COCHINA COCHIN 95 2 Wz 4 K 51 4 4 Bayless Payless H L Haskell Hake 60 100 40 1579 4465JOE BARBAR03SA 92 6 Z 32 S AWn 52 Slaughter B Schreiber 4465 JOE HART 98 4 6 40Time 6 6 6 6 Colley Cooley W Mulkey Mule 60 100 40 Time 1337 l02 128 Winner B cby cabby Duke of Montrosi Montrose Nettie Nettle NettieStart Nattiest Start by machine good Won easily Barbarossa Barbarisms ran as though he was short First Deal stopped badly on tne tine end Argentina ran a good race Scratched raceScratched backscratcher Harry McCouch McCoy 94 Tradition 92 Siddubia Indubitable 92