Latonia Form Chart., Daily Racing Form, 1896-07-15


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LATONIA ANTONIA FORM GHART HART GHARTCOVINGTON COVINGTON COVING KY July 14 Seventeenth Day Latonia Antonia Jockey Club Summer Meeting Weather clear track fast early raining last four races Presiding Judge J J Carter Starter M Chinn Chin 6V rp FIRST RACK7 Furlongs 3yearolds and upward Selling Ind Indo Horses Wt St 34 34 StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners Op Cl PI 2053 JOHN HAVLIN HAVING 101 2 4n 51 4 33 l2 Fowler J K Redmon Redman 4 7 2Vi 1855 JUDITH 101 3 23 2n 11 H 22 Thorpe SK Hughes Co 3i4 3 1 2137BENAMELA 107 5 5 4NK 2 22 310 Martin P Dunne 85 75 12 2021 PR IMPERIAL 112 7 3J4 3i2 32 41 42 Scherror Scherzo S Linton Clinton 214 2V4 1 1885 RAYMOND 100 6 7 6 6 5 51 H Wilson RutledgeStevensSO 30 10 2164 CHATTERBOX 90 4 6 7 7 7 6 Huston Houston Ba gor Igor Stable 30 30 10 2137 DR KELLOGG 87 1 1 12 52 6 7 Dupee Dupe J E Maddox 30 30 10 3534Winner Time 10Time 25 50VS 1 163i 1 3534 Winner B c 3 by Hindoo Indoor La Favorita Favorite FavoritaStart Favorites Start fair by machine Won handily second and third driving There was a good deal of crowding at start Havlin Haling was cut off on back stretch but came fast and strong at end Bena Buena mela melba had no speed Dr Kellogg was a wild horse early but died away at the half Judith ran an improved race raceStratched racetrack Stratched Stretched Miss S 86 Umbrella 88 Jamboree 101 2256 SECOND RACE 5 Furlongs 2yearolds Allowances Ind Indo Horses Wt St 34 Vi StrFin Strafing Jockeys OwuPrs Ours Op Cl PI 1967 F F V 108 2 3 A 22 22 INK Scherrer Sherrie T Tarr Tarry 85 85 35 1911 JOHN McELROY Celery 10S 3 2 IH INK 23 Thorpe E T Graves Co 4 4 85 2133 IRBY KIRBY B 108 1 11 32 33 32 Perkins H T Griffin 4 4z 85 2188 OAK LEAF 105 7 51 41 41 41 Dupee Dupe Montrose Farm 662 2078 GRAY LING 108 8 61 6 51 52 RWilliams Williams Rosedale Roseate Stable 452 OSMON COSMO 452OSMON 106 6 8766 Martin R M Fisher 33 30 10 2133 GIVEAWAY 103 4 42 53 7 7 J Johnson W Allen 100 100 40 40BILLY BILLY ARNOLD 103 5 7888 Boyer W C Arnold 100 100 40 40Time l09MWinner Time 24 4934 l09M Winner B c by Audrain Adrian Tara Blackburn BlackburnStart Blackburn Start fair by machine Won driving second and third same McElroy Celery ran wide at stretch turn F F V was very speedy and finished with something to spare Irby Kirby B was fast to half where he tired speedScratched speeds Grayling had no speed Scratched Hats Off 103 J Walter 103 2257 THI THAI THIRD RACE 1 Mile and 70 Yards 3yearolds and upward Selling Ind Indo Horses Wt St 34 H StrFin Strafing Jockeys Op Cl PI 216ANNALYLE 88 2 41 5 42 21 IK Dupee Dupe J E Madden 3tf 3 1 193SGOV BOIES BOWIES 97 4 3 21 21 INK 23 Scherrer Sherrie W A Hopkins 3 3 2 65 2186 SIR V ASS AR 97 5 li 12 IH 3 3n CReiff Cardiff HT Griflin Rifling 662 1928 SAL VABLE ABLE 106 3 5 414 5 41 42 Martin PDunn Dunn 2 S1A 75 7519685IR 19685IR DILKE DIKE 103 1 2 3 31 5 5 Thoipe Thorpe RKLewis 21A 21A 1 1Time 1464Winner Time 26 51 116 l41l2 1464 CupStart UpStart Winner B f 3 by Strathmore Stratford King Cup Start good by machine Won very easily second and third driving Annalyle Anally was in hand all the route and on call won with a lot left She is a sweet article just now Sir Vassar is improving Sir Dilke Dike ran poorly Salvable seemed short 2258 FOURTH RACE 34 Mile 3yearolds and upward Selling Ind Indo Horses Wt S St 34 y StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners Op Cl PI 2074 DOROTHY 95 2 2n 33 INK 12 Nutt Mutt C J Kelly 2K2 3 1 2184 MATE 110 1 11 IH 2i 22 Ray W J Donahue Danaher 10 7 2J4 2184 CERRO CERO GORDO GORDON 105 3 41 42 42 31A Thorpe Newport Stable 552 2165 GOOD ADVICE 100 6 6 5V4 Wz 41 Scherrer Sherrie Baker Gentry 452 2075 FRETFUL 95 4 3 2 SH 5i4 Dupee Dupe Argyle Stable 75 85 35 2105 MESH 100 8 5J4 6 6 6 Fowler W S Stacey 7 10 4 2161 GLAD 105 5 7777 Piggott Spigot J E Madden 7 10 4 2105 JURIST 105 7 8 8 8 8 J Johnson G Jackson 50 60 20 20Time Time 26 51 VS 119 119Winner Winner B f 3 by Prince Royal Press Onward OnwardStart Onwards Start good by machine Won easily second and third same Mate very speedy early but tired in stretch Dorothy finished strong Fretful ran as if short Jurist had no speed Glad is stale staleScratched statecraft Scratched Remant Redman II 97 Mary Revenaugh Ravenna 95 Dads Daughter 95 O O p FIFTH RACE 58 Mile 2yearolds Allowances Ind Indo Horses Wt St 34 Vz StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners Op Cl PI 2136 IMP 107 1 12 12 12 13 Sherrin Sheri D R Harness 115 2 45 452166CARLOTTA 2166CARLOTTA C 107 2 21 22 23 22 Thorpe F H Curran Currant 34 3Vi 65 2185 POUTING 107 4 33 35 35 3 Scherrer Sherrie W C Overton Overtone 95 115 45 2185 LADY KEITH 104 5 730 514 43 42 Johnson Briar Hill Stable 30 30 10 2107 TALUCA TALC 104 7 4H 44 54 51 C Reiff Riff E F McLean CLean 88 3 1996 POND LILLY 104 6 61 6 6 6 V Wilson SA BradleyBro Bradley 30 30 10 2166 BLACK BESS BESTS 107 3 5VS 7 7 7 B Blevins Levin C H Brickey Rickety 12 10 4 2107 FESSY ESSAY F 107 8 8888 Piggott Spigot Equitable Stable 15 20 8 8Time Time 25 J 5134 104 104Winner Winner FondlingStart Foundlings Blk Balk f by Wagner Fondling Start fair by machine Won easily second and third same Imp was very speedy and had no trouble Carlotta C and Pouting were mild factors in contention Fessy Essay F was virtually left The others were never prominent 2260 SIXTH RACE 34 Mile 3yearolds and upward Selling Ind Indo Horses Wt S St 34 t 5 StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners Op Cl PI 2163 JOE CLARK 108 5 51748YELLOW 4Kz 3 31 IN Ray Ernespie Heresies Stable 652 1748YELLOW ROSE 105 2 2a 2i4 22 2V2 Thorpe A Duffy 2108 CECIL 97 6 IH 11 IH 33 Scherrer Sherrie S K Hughes Co 4 6 2 2079 MOTILLA AMONTILLADO 100 4 61 41 42 4 C Reiff Riff E F McLean CLean 5 4 8 1769 TWINKLE 105 1 5 5 51 52 B Blevins Levin Smith Ferguson 8 8 3 2214 CAPT APT DRANE DANE 107 3 31 71 6 6 C Graham C EPatterson Patterson 462 2214 LISMORE ISOPRENE 107 8 7677 Piggott Spigot A Godfrey Geoffrey 552 2024 DOORGA DORA 106 7 8888 Martin M M Young 452 452Time Time 2534 52 118 118Winner Winner Br c 3 by Pirate of Penzance Penance Lilly B BStart Start Start fair by machine Won in a hard drive second and third same Cecil was winning when the bridle slipped First three horses had a rare turn up of it through the stretch The pace was too much for Twinkle Doorga Dora had no speed speedScratched speeds Scratched Kowalsky Koalas 105

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Local Identifier: drf1896071501_1_6
Library of Congress Record: