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LAKESIDE FORM GHART HART GHARTLAKESIDE HARDTACKS LAKESIDE IND INDO July 15 Third Day Lakeside Jockey Club Summer Meeting of Fifteen Day Weather clear track fast Presiding Judge M Nathanson Nathan Starter Richard Dwyer V V Q 7 F1HST RACE34 Mile 3yearolds and upward Selling Ind Indo Horses Wt St M 4 StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners Op Cl PI 1931 COLLECTOR 112 2 2H IKK VIKKI IKK VIKKI 14 IH w Jones Louisville Stable 10 15 6 2178 SPINOLA ESPANOLA 100 W 21 22 21 21 Morse Charles Bros Brows 2102 BUSTUP DUSTUP 109 1 34 3 K 31 34 Campbell Brazos Brazes River Stbl Stable 20 30 10 105H 2178 BALDUR BALDER 107 6 5H 6 44 43 Caywood Cawed G W Poole 683 1878 ABBIE CABBIES FISHER 90 10 71 54 61 52 Newcorn Newborn C E Beaver 15 20 8 2157 GEORGIE GEORGE SMITH 98 8 8V2 84 f 61 Warren G A Robertson 85 85 12 1992 CHARACTER 105 4 9 i2 9 71 Ferguson Mack Stable 15 30 10 2155 VIRGINIA M 90 3 64 4 4K 84 85 Clay Merry Glen Stable 662 1849 BILLY B 109 54 4 10 72 94 Feeuey Fee Rice Bros Brows 15 30 10 1836 JOLLY JOE 109 9 10 9 10 10 Blaylock Ladylike Jas Jabs Seymour 40 50 20 1331 SHORT RIBS 101 10111 11 11 11 11 11 H Ward Geo Geol Wilde 40 20 8 2019S9 1989 LIENAD LENA 103 13 12 Pulled up Hough W H Daniel 40 FO 20 19S9 HATTIE THAYER 98 9812 12 Bled and fell LJackson Jackson WEFSEverhtl5 20 S Time 12J 25M 37 50 1 16 Winner 16Winner Br h a by Wyaudotto Wyandotte Chief or Longview Currency Post CurrencyPost Currency 4 minutes Start good Won in a long hard drive of two third with something left on the end Georgie George Smith was off in a pocket and never had a chance Spinola Espanola ran a good race Billy B stumbled on the far turn Short Ribs was cut down Virginia M was interfered with withScratched witchcraft Scratched Terramie Tramline 100 O f O Q SECOND RACE 58 Mile 2yearolds Maidens Allowances Ind Indo Horses Wt St M 4 StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners Op Cl P 1961 ODD GENIUS 95 IXK IX 21 IKK VIKKI INK IN D Davis Kentucky Stable 562 2069 FIFE 105 4 4IDS 51 51 24 2 W Jones Avoudalo Avondale Stable 32 115 4 2012 THOMPSON IDS 8 61 64 51 33 Dorsey Dose B J Johnson 10 15 6 2046 N NAIRKTE NIKE AIR KTE KATE 105 3l2 I K SH 34 414 Clay W H Roller 15 15 5 2127 GERTRUDE 95 2 2K K 4114411541 55 Caywood Cawed D Waldo Weald 662 2208 C H WHELAN WHEELMAN 108 6NK 72 72 51 63 Magnusson Manson Ruddy Bros Brows 4 5 85 2012 COIN 95 74 3n 2 7 75 Craig Foster Bros Brows 25 30 10 2127 MOONDINE MOODINESS 105 5K 8888 Morse McMillan Macmillan Co 10 6 2 02MWinner Timo Timor 12 24 37 50 1 02M Winner B g by Oddfellow Oddball Luella LuellaPost Luella Post 1 minute Start good Won in a long drive and in the last jump third and fourth driv drive ¬ ing King also Thompson has plenty of speed There was lots of bumping on the far turn in which Fife was badly jostled Odd Genius is a game colt Nairete Aigrette had a world of speed but was short C H Whelan Wheelman swerved in the stretch 1 O f THIRD RACE 34 Mile 3yearolds and upward Selling Ind Indo Horses t St 4 A StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners On Cl PI 1994 NERO 111 5 5H 4 24H JHealy Healy M H Healv Heal 8 15 6 210 ATELIER 112 4 K 21 H I K 2 Feoney Felony New City Stable 483 2157 HIS BROTHER 100 64 6 K 3 K 31 31 Everett Jas Jabs ONeil Neil 3 4 75 2101 MR DUNLAP DUNLOP 109 7 s 91491 62 41 Caywood Cawed Woodlawn Woodland Stbl Stable 15 30 10 2131 VICTOR CARL 109 81 81 4 K 4y2 53 W Taylor R J Stewart 15 12 5 2157 STAR BEAM 100 3 K 11421 54614D Davis Jefferson Stable 552 2157 ID WAGNER 98 1 74 6K 84 72 Clay Springdale Stbl Stable 352 2180 SOUVENIR 109 2 K 4 71471 SR Warren J Delong Belong 662 1849 ROSA MAY 99 11 11 11 10 92 Campbell A McCauley 10 30 10 1991 NELS NOELS MORRIS 101 10 10 10 9 10 Nowcom Noncom Orwell Stable 15 15 6 2182 CHALANGE HAULAGE 109 9 3 K 8 8411 11 11 Ham S Skinner 10 6 I Time 12 24H 37 49 l02fc 115 115Winner Winner 15 g a by Flood Queen Bess Bests BessPost Bedpost Post 2 minutes Startgo Start d Won handily second and third driving hard MrDunlapran Medullar a good race was coming very strong on the end Souvenir was not quite ready Starbeam Stream quit when the pinch came Atelier ran a good race Watch him Ida Wagner is of no account Scratched accountScratched accounts Madonna 90 Tamorlane Tambourine 109 Woodlight Footlight 105 VVLO VIVO FOUKTil Futile RACE IJi Fiji Miles 3yearolds and upwards Selling Ind Indo Horses Wt St M Vi 5t StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners Op 1 Pi 2131 ELOKOY LOONY i 18 II IH Dorsey Dose Foster Bros Brows 65 12 out 2073 MARCEL 45 2K 23 2 i 4 Clay JFFogg 2 2v2 35 2160 MER ER MONARCH 98 52 33 3V2 3 35 320 Cleary Clearly Merry Glen Stbl Stable 582 2073 PLUTUS PUTS 98 2 K 5iy5l 5 4 51 43 WJones Jones Oakley Ankle Stbl Stable 20 30 6 210lASHLAND 93 6 1 2 410 410 52 Warren Laraghetta Larghetto Stbl Stable 15 30 6 2015 TASCO TACO 95 4 8 6 6 6 6 Everett J F Davis 15 40 8 207MWinner By Springbok Timo Timor 13 25 37 504 103 116 1 29K 1 42 155 207M Winner MalloyPost Mallory B g 6 by Eric Molly Malloy Mallory Post 30 seconds Start good Won driving and all out second coming very strong Clays ride on Marcel was criminal The mare seemed to be galloping at threeeighths pole From the effort made on her in the stretch second place was all that appeared in view It was a false run race Tasco Taco pulled up lame lameScratched Scratched All Over 98 J FIFTH RACE 5S Mile 2yearolds Maidens Allowances Ind Indo Horses Wt St i4 X StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners Op Cl PI 819 TOM SMITH 105 11 I K H iya ia 1 L Soden Sodden T W Coulter 32 115 45 2046 KASENDYLLEGEORGE KASENDYLLE ASCENDABLE 98 34 5V4 31 34 23 Magnusson Manson Malmaison Malaise Stable 2lz 115 45 GEORGE B 108 4 21K224 24 314 Ham Elkton Elton Stock Frm Farm 5 10 10Ed 2069 BROWN GIRL GIRLLAIUS GILLIAN 101 51 434 41 42 43 Clay Ed Brown 3 3 3Win LAIUS CLAUS 105 654 7 7 7 5i Dorsey Dose Win Daniels Daniel 5 15 15Sid DEMOSTHENES REMOTENESS 108 7 61 61 6 63 Feeney Fence Sid Regan Egan 10 20 ZEPHYROS ZEPHYRS 10S 2 3145205107 Davisson Davidson B Schreiber 10 40 10 Timo Timor 124 24 37 494 1 02 Wiunei Wine Blkc Balk by Clarendon Claremont SparrowGrass Spirogyras Post 3 minutes Start straggling Won drivin driving driving and all out Tom Smith was given the race at the start Rasendylle Ascendable performed by far the best and with an equal break and better ride could not have lost George Bs race was a good one Tom Smith hemmed Rasendylle Ascendable in at the head of the stretch stretchScratched stretches Scratched Achieve 108 Boy in Blue 108 f O A O SIXTH RACE 58 Mile All ages Allowances Ind Indo Horses Wt St M 4 5 StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners Op Cl 2158 UNCAS UNCAPS 97 44 24 I3 1s 15 Caywood Cawed John Brenock Redneck 65 45 out 1811 GATEWAY 108 3 t 22 22 22 Ham Win Moran 2072 MAY ROSE 103 1 4 K 44 34 33 Nowcom Noncom Orwell Stable 2182 LILLIAN E 107 74 72 311412 4 K Clay W H Roller 2180 SECND SEND ATTEMPT 103 6 61 55 52 55 Macklin Mackinaw D Lamasney Lamasery 2212 LUCINDA 103 8 814 5466 65 610 Warren E D Weston 10 30 10 2018 BEL BELO HAX AX 100 9 9777 L Smith Elkton Elton Stk St Farm 30 100 30 2127 YOURS TRULY 95 2 3 4 bell Dorsey Dose Suburban Stable 683 2212 HIGHLAND FLING 95 54 85 Fell Magnusson Manson Chas Cougle Coulee 15 25 8 8Time Time 12 2454 36 49 101 101Winner Winner B g 3 by Pontico Pontiac Vorosa Formosa VorosaPost Voodooist Post 4 minutes Start fair Won in a big gallop second with something left third handily Uncas Uncaps is a good horse right now Lillian E is getting good Watch her Yours Truly seemed to have a chance when he fell Gateway had no chance to beat Uncas Uncaps and had an easy race May Rose is getting good goodScratched woodcraft Scratched Holy Terror 87 Panout Peanut 97