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LATONIA ANTONIA F J M GHART HART GHARTCOVINGTON COVINGTON COVING KY July 18 TwentyFirst Twenty D v uatonia Antonia Jockey Club Summer Meeting Weather cloudy track heavy Presiding Judge J J Carter Starter J P ri i FIRST RACK 34 Mile 3yearolds Allowance 2358 Ind Indo Horses Wt S 54 M StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners Op Cl PI SNK SANK 2 12 12 Perkins B McClelland Macmillan 65 65 out 4 K 315425 28 Fowler T Baxter 754 71 32 33 Ray Smith Ferguson 5 10 2335 KEN THATCHER HATCHERY 110 8 654 5 4 42 V Wilson Spokane Stable 30 40 12 455 MAMIE MAMMIES STONE 105 5 12 IH 5 51 J Perkins W Showalter Howler 40 40 12 2289 MATTIE GRAHAM 105 4 51 6 6 6 Shorrin Shoring J Mitchell Son 40 40 12 2182 MAR MONTROSE 105 9 12 7 7 7 Shore A W Thurman Human 50 60 20 2289 CHARLIE YOUNG 115 13 13 13 8 8 McDonald W C Arnold 40 40 12 293 ELKWD ELK PUZZLR PUZZLER 110 14 14 14 9 9 Fishburn Fishbone J F Price 50 50 20 1790 MARIANA 105 11 11 11 10 10 Tubbs Tubs W Peak 50 oO 15 1463 NOEL 110 7 9 10 11 11 C Reiff Riff E F McLean CLean 10 10 4 2289 GEN MONTROSE 110 6 89 12 12 F Russell Montrose Farm 30 40 12 12QU1 QU1 VIVE 115 10 10 12 13 13 K Morgan Wakoman Walkman Bros Brows 30 40 12 2103 HAFIZ 105 3 2 45 14 14 VanKuren Anuran Springhurst Springhouse Stb Stab 50 0 20 20Time Time 25 50M 11534 11534Winner Winner B f 4 by Longfellow Queen Beluga BelugaStart Belugas Start good by machine Won easily Mamie Mammies Stone showed great spead spread Hafaz Haifa was pulled up last furlong White Oak came very strong last quarter T Scratched Kankakee Kaka 115 Parson 112 Buckwo Buck 110 Arrack lOi loci Dad s Daughter lOo lobo Lady Modred Molded 105 Good Advice 105 Station T 112 Mary Revenaugh Ravenna Iu5 Coffee Pot 105 OOK OK SECOND RACE 1 Mile 3yearolds and upward Selling Horsos Horses Wt St M 54 StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners Op Cl PI 2000 ANNA GARTH 89 4 21015 13 is 11 B Blovins Bovines GravesLancastor Gravestones 5 8 3 2216 HOTSPUR HOTSPURS 101 5 61432 33 33 22 Scherrer Sherrie W H McLemore Clamored 8 12 5 1490 JAPONICA 88 2 454 2 22 2 3 Dupeo Dupe Ed Corrigan 6 5 5Thos 861 KOKO KOOK 106 1 51 51 51 554 42 Perkins Thos Ethos Baxter 23 JL JLRutledgeStevens 2255 RAYMOND 98 6 7 4 454 4 51 Fowler RutledgeStevens 85 75 12 2335 CRIMSON RIM 91 7 3 61 6 6 6 C Roiff Riff Mascotte Mascot Stable 60 60 20 2323 DOORGA DORA 96 3 13 7 7 7 7 Sherrin Sheri M M Young 683 Time 26 51 117 143 143Winner Winner Ch f 3 by King Eric Manilla Manila ManillaStart Manilas Start good by machine Won handily Doorga Dora opened a big gap to half pole where she stopped badly Hotspur Hotspurs finished strong Anna Garth was the best horse and had no trouble THIRD RACE 1 18 Miles 3yearolds and upward Selling 236O Ind Indo Horses Wt St M 54 M StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners Op Cl PI 2039 CAPTIVE 106 1 154 M 154 154 I2 Martin P Dunne 352 352232C 232C HOWARD MANN 91 5 53 45 45 3 23 Dupeo Dupe WillmsWnscott 5 454 85 2022 LOBENGULA 110 2 3 3 21 21 33 Thorpe G ti Morris Co 85 75 12 2216 RASPER GRASPER 108 4 6 6 M 52 41 Perkins F Perkins 12 15 5 51940KINGSTONE 1940KINGSTONE 95 3 4n 554 6 6 51 Nutt Mutt C J Kelly 12 15 5 52216HERMES 2216HERMES 103 6 2 1 3544 6 Scherrer Sherrie S K Hughes Co 2 2 45 45Time Time 26 51 1 16 1 42 1 55 55Winner Winner Ch c 3 by Strathmore Stratford Black Maria MariaStart Marietta Start good by machine Won easily second and third handily Captive was very speedy Howard Mann off badly ran well Lobengula Globing tired last furlong Hermes quit to nothing on the end FOURTH RACE 1 18 Miles 3yearolds Himyar Shimmy Stakes 2361 Ind Indo Horses s Wt St Vz ZA StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners Op Cl PI 2320 FIRST MATE 122 5 1 12 11 12 11 Martin EastinLarrabee 2 135 35 1573 RAM1RO 122 1 25421 21 23 25 Thorpe W H Laudeman Laundryman 4 165 45 452187LOKI 2187LOKI 117 3 41 41 31 31 354 Ray EF McLean CLean 1 910 out 2022 BEN HOLLADAY HOLLAND 117 2 5 5 5 454 41 Perkins EastinLarrabeo 2 135 35 2320 SIR VASSAR 117 4 31 3 4 5 5 RWilliams Williams H T Griffin 15 20 6 6Cpupled Cpupled Coupled in betting Time 2554 50 1 17 1 42 1 54 54Winner Winner Ch c by Fonso Fonts Shipmate ShipmateStart Shipmates Start good by machine Won easily second and third driving First Mate was never headed Ramiro ran a good game race but couldnt couldn't got up Loki did not seem fit Holladay Holland was under a pull all the route routeScratched outstretched Scratched Captive 122 FIFTH RACE 5 13 Furlongs 2yearolds Handicap 2362 54 M StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners Op Cl PI 7 7 65 154 C Reiff Riff HT Griffin 683 2256 F F V 111 3 3 53 5 254 Ray T Tarr Tarry TarrIH Terri 85 254 1 2162 ABE FURST FURS 111 2 1 IH IH INK SH Scherrer Sherrie Baker Gen Gentry 8 10 4 42336ETHEL 2336ETHEL LEE 107 6 21 22 23 42 Thorpe W H Laudeman Laundryman 3 354 65 65BOX BOX 107 5 51 4n 354 51 J Perkins W Showalter Howler 50 60 20 1101 NEWPORT 100 4 41 31 7 6 Fowler Versailles Stable 683 2215 ALV1N W 106 7 6 6 4H 7 Fishburn Fishbone A W Wallace 8 10 4 1859 CHARINA CARINA 106 8 Bolted Martin Gentry Bros Brows 431 431Time Time 25 50 108J Winner B c by Inspector B Pretense PretenseStart Pretenses Start good by machine Won driving second and third same Abe Furst Furs led to the last eighth Irby Kirby B came like a wild horse at tho thou end Ethel Leo was very tired at finish F F V ran a good race Charina Carina bolted just after start SIXTH SIXT SIT RACE 1 Mile 3yearolds and upward Selling 2363 Ind Indo Horses t St 54 M StrFin Strafing Jockeys Op Cl PI 293AIMEE 98 2 5 41 21 25 U C Reiff Riff Goodwill Stable 10 20 2320 CUTICLENE CUTICLE 98 1 1 11 11 1K 25 Scherrer Sherrie A B Conley Coney 4 5 85 85P 2257 SALVABLE 106 5 3 K 3 33 33 33 Martin P Dunne 35 1120 out outMillion cotillion 2019 LETCHER ETCHER 97 3 454 42 42 425443 421443 Dupee Dupe Million Davis 5 5 85 85Versailles 2291 RE1MY 103 4 22 21 5 5 5 Fowler Versailles Stable 15 20 5 5Time Time 2554 50 1 16 1 42 42Winner Winner Ch f 3 by Sir Dixon Amy Davenport DavenportStart Davenports Start good by machine Won driving second and third same Aimee showed a good turn of speed in trotch troth and finished with some left Cuticlene Cuticle swerved last eighth Salvablo Salvable ran a poor race Reimy Rimy was speedy early earlyScratched Scratched Hoodwink 105Morte Fonso Fonts 103