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LEXINGTON ENTRIES Probabilities Weather cloudy track good goodFirst goofiest First Race 78 Mile MileAll Illegally All Ages Allowances 5331 Impecunious 2 76 5361 Hard Buck 2 76 5359 Argus 2 79 5361 JuliusMarks2 79 5361 King Morgan2 81 5361 The Planter2 84 5361 Billy Arnold 2 84 5358 Simple Jack 3 99 5360 MunseMorgan 399 5360 M Reynolds 3 99 5358 May Dixon 3 99 5360 Billion 3 104 5358 Mary 3 104 4904 Exhibit 3 104 5358 Athenian 3 104 5190 Pardon 3 107 1075358DofMntrselI3107 5358DofMntrselI3107 5358DofMntrselI3107ecoid ecoid ecocide Race 34 Mile 2yearolds Allowances 5361 Lovejoy Overjoyed 102 5329 Miss Alice 102 102 5359 The Blossom 102 5330 San Juan 105 5359 Sharon 105 5047 Silverite Silverside 105 5118 McFarlandII105 5331 JWalter Walter 105 105Third Third Race 1 Mile MileAll Illegally All Ages Allowances 5330 Gray Eclipse 2 85 5282 El Toro 2 85 5142 B Bramble 2 94 5360 Handspun Handgun 4 98 5360 Brown Jewel3 98 5142 What Next 2 97 5299Suydam i2 97 5358Bidhound4105 5360Kossack 3 105 105Fourth Fourth Race 58 Mile 2yearolds Allowances 5329 Cotton Queen 98 5001 Lulu M 105 5359 L W 100 3279 Philibusterl01 5299 Flotow Lotto 101 5330 JH C 108 5191 Lockhart Flowchart 108 5369 Waldorf Alder Ill IllFifth Billfish Fifth Race 78 Mile 3yearolds and upward Allowances 5362 Miss Emma 3 91 5332Mattie Lee 3 93 5360 Lutie Lute Lewis 3 95 5301Loyalty 3 95 5368 Robinson 3 97 5332 Old Centre Centrex 3 100 5368 Hoffman 3 100 5368 Bill Ellison 4 100 4919 Brendoo Brando 4 101 5194 Carrie Lyle 4 102 5300 Ace 4 104