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IDEAL PARK FORM GHART HART GHARTIDEAL GABRIEL IDEAL PARK WIS IS November 26 Seventyseventh Seventy Day Ideal Park Racing Association Fall Meeting Weather wet track heavy Presiding Judge Col Cool M Lewis Clark Starter Richard Dwyer 5390 FIRST RACE 34 Mile Purse 200 3yearolds and upward Selling Ind Indo Horses Vt St Vi StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners Op Cl PI 5337 JOE MANC1NI 99 34 34v5209MINNIE 23 25 14 114 Donaldson Donald Ruddy Bros Brows v5209MINNIE MILLER 96 7 6 55 33 23 Clay Oriole Stable Stable1241V4 333 ANNALYLE ANNUALLY 101 14 1241V4 24 36 Caywood Cawed Oakley Ankle Stable 2 34 6 5 5291 WINS LOW 101 4 4m 42 45 Warren Winslow Stable 2 115 45 5337 SOUTH SOUTHWORTH SOUTHPORT WORTH 99 6 6K 4H 3 51 51 Craig Jas Jabs Curl 20 10 4 5288 MEM MEMO AH A 101 2x 51 6 64 64 Weber W T Spicer Spicier 10 40 12 5337 FORUM 99 5 5u 72 73 75 7 Forbes Harlem Stable 10 20 8 5250 CHARACTER 104 8 8888 Dowell Dwell Mack Stable 30 60 20 20Time Time 264 53 1 08 1 213 Winner HumilityPost Humility Ch c 3 by Bishop Humility Post 6 minutes Start good Wpn Wpm driving second and third also under full presfure pressure Joe Mancini Anacin ran a real game race He was under a drive last three furlongs But for interference at the start Minnie Miller would have won Annaiyle Canaille got a running start but could not hold the advantage Winslow was aT false favorite He ran his race Southworth Southport well played had some speed but not much muchOverweights Overweights Overweighs Character 3 pounds Annalyle Anally 5 5391 SECOND RACE 6 13 Furlongs Purse 250 2yearolds Selling Ind Indo Horses Wt St k K StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owuers Powers On Cl PI 5334ROBAIR 106 8 64 44 11 11 Warren T H Ryan 1 45 out 5334 SQUAN SEQUA 101 1 5s 3 24 23 Forbes Harlem Stable 8 15 6 5107 H S TOBACCO 102 41 1 2 44 3 Leigh WH Leigh 8 12 5 5334 NAIRETE AIGRETTE 99 34 73 55 52 45 Clay W H Roller 6 4 75 5346 INCETATUS DICTATES 106 2K 31 l ljS LSD jS 52 Caywood Cawed G W Poole 3 3 45 5336 BOMBARDON 102 f 4u 6 64 64 Sherland Shetland Oakley Ankle Stable 15 20 8 5289AL LONE 102 64 2 7 o 73 73 Webster A F Dayton 10 12 5 5099 SWORDSMAN 102 74 820 810 85 86 Shepherd E T McCounell McConnell 15 25 8 4585 BELLE OF NILES 94 9 20Time 9999 Wood M Wynn 30 60 20 144Winner Time 26 524i 1 07 1 144 Winner Br c by Rotberhill Arterially Merry Maiden Post 2 minutes Start good Won cleverly second driving but not all out Robair Roar ran a real good race He outclassed his field Squan Sequa was interfered with down back stretch so was Nairete Aigrette Incetatus Dictates had a lot of speed but retired early Bombardon seems to be of no present account Al Lone had an easy race discard it itScratched distracted Scratched Confession 99 99Overweights Overweights Overweighs Al Lone 3 pounds 5392 THIRD RACE 5 12 Furlongs Purse 32oO All Ages Selling Ind Indo Horses Wt St M 4 StrKin Stroking Jockeys Owners Op Cl Pi 5253 TARTARIAN AGRARIAN 119 2 11 1 112 is iis is Caywood Cawed T H Ryan 110 112 out 5224 MURIEL T 114 34343 2 2 214 Sherland Shetland OAArthur Amateur 8 10 65 5221 MR DAYTON 1 9 5 40 450 450 4 o 3 Webster AFDayton Radiation 15 20 2 5344 IDA M 119 14 24 22 31 31 450 Weir J Cooper 10 20 2 5251 BRUNHILDE BUNGHOLE 96 445 5 5 5 5 Robertson JBell Bell 30 100 15 Time 15Time 26 52 107 114 TaraPost Tarpons Winner 114Winner Ch g 6 by Stratford Tara Post 10 minutes Start good Won pulled up second third and fourth driving Tartarian Agrarian simply cantared cantered the route Ida M could not manage the weight in the going Mr Dayton ran a fair race raceScratched backscratcher Scratched Umbrella 117 Domitor Dormitory 99 5393 F FOURTH RACE 1 Mile Purse 250 3 yearolds earls and upward Selling Ind Indo Horses Wt St M 4 StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners Op Cl PI 5337U1ANLON 94414 14 I1 I2 la I3 Clay Oakley Ankle Stable 45 710 out 5345 WEKNATCHIE 101 3 34 32 32 3 23 Webster Oregon Stable 3 2 710 5167COUNTESS IRMA 103 54 7 5 44 41 36 Caywood Cawed G W Poole 472 5290 TERRA ARCHER 92 4 2 2342 24 4 Forbes Ogden Stable 25 30 10 5290 MONTEPENSO MONOTYPES 102 2K 5146 65 55 53 Sherland Shetland Alpine Stable 10 60 20 5222 VIGARS CIGARS 9046 6 4 51 62 66 Weber Thos Ethos Wood 20 50 20 5333 FAIRY QUEEN III 92 7 42 7 7 7 7 Downs Whitten Whiten Bros Brows 30 40 12 Time 12Time 264 53 108 1224 152 Winner LogicPost Logic 152Winner Blk Balk g 3 by Hanover Logic Post 9 minutes Start good Won galloping second eased up a bit after a hard drive third and fourth doing their best Hanlon Hanson had speed to give away and reveled in the going Ween Wen atchie catchier showed the effect of her lecent lucent hard racing She is an honest filly Countess Irma finished strong QueenScratched Boy was too light to handle Fairy Queen Scratched Dorian 107 107Overweights Overweights Overweighs Montepenso Monotypes 4 pounds Vigars Cigars 14 Hanlon Hanson 24 Countess Irma 2 5394 FIFTH RACE 34 Mile Purse 200 3yearolds and upward Selling Ind Indo Horses Wt St StrFin Strafing Jockeys Op Cl PI 5168 JENNIE JUNE 110 2y 24 31 32 2 It Sherland Shetland Liberty Stable 10 8 3 5337 CORA HAVILL ADVIL 99 3 41444442 Forbes Eagle Stable 8 20 8 5291JUNCAS 105 5 SB 24 1s 14 31 Caywood Cawed J Breuock Relock 85 115 710 5254 DON FULANO FULANI 107 4 4n 51 55 52 45 Warren T H Ryan 1 710 out 5333PINCHBACK 96 6 62 6 6 56 Newcom Newcomer Chas Cougle Coulee 12 20 8 5254 LUCY BELLE 101 1 1 2n 3 62 Webster L S Williams 8 15 6 5292LETTIE 20BLACK 101 7 7BLACK 71 710 710 710 Weber Nomadic Stable 10 60 20 BLACK JACK 104 8 20Time 8888 Clay M S Hughes 40 60 20 Time 26 53M 1 08 1 21 Winner BagatellePost Bagatelle B m 5 by Hyder Hyde Ali Bagatelle Post 6 minutes Start perfect Won cleverly next two driving to the limit Jennie June was best ridden and ran gamely through the stretch Boy could never get through with Don Fulano Fulani He was the best horse Cora Havill Hail performed well under a weak ride Lucy Belle had speed to give away and gave it Uncas Uncaps ran an honest race Scratched raceScratched backscratcher Pitfall 101 May Thompson 104 Teeta Tetra May 101