Ideal Park Entries., Daily Racing Form, 1896-11-27


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IDEAL PARK ENTRIES Probabilities Weather wet track heavy heavyFirst headfirst First Race 58 Mile 3yearolds and upward Selling 5343 M Portland 4 91 5347 Minerva 3 5I20 Social Smith 3 91 4720 Atelier 5 104 5344 Sugar 3 102 5392 Muriel T 3 96 5343 Florences Florence 3 96 5343 Stowaway 6 104 5343 Tagliona Stallion 3 96 5224 Bismarck 6 104 5343 Gallopade Galloped 3 102 5292 Little Sadie 3 96 5343 RogerB3 99 5347 Little Thorn3 99 5344 M of Honor 3 96 5347 Wild Arab 5 101 5288fSligo 6 104 5347 Bustup Dustup 5 101 5220 Cochina Cochin 3 99 99tBy tBy Toby Mr Pickwick Picklock PickwickSecond Second Race 58 Mile Mile2yearolds 2yearolds Allowances 5166 Good Order 99 5336 Cannonade 99 995221C 5221C H Whelan104 5392 Brunhilde Brainchild 96 5289 Jess 96 5391 Swordsman 99 5289 Myth 101 5334 Katie L 96 96Third Third Race 1 Mile Mile3yearolds 3yearolds and upward Selling 5345 MThompson5101 5345 Gunwad Unwed 9 91 5335 Haroldine Hairline 5 93 5390 Winslow 4 103 1035250MyHebe4103 5250MyHebe4103 5205 CharleyDalyS Charley 89 5347 Wells Street4 98 5333 Pitfall 4 98 5345 Sunny 3 96 5335 Sir Dilke Dike 3 102 5390 Annalylo Anally 3 91 5393 Vigars Cigars 3 102 102Fourth Fourth Race 34 Mile All ages Selling 5334 Newsgthrer Newest 2 91 5394 Don Fulano Fulani 5104 5345 Canewood Lancewood 4 101 5334 Whitcomb Witco 2 86 4596 Lola 8 101 5337 Millie M 3 96 5345 Dejure Adjure 4 101 525t Moss Rose 3 102 5347 Fay Belle 3 102 5289 Oreusa Ores 2 83 5391 Squan Sequa 2 S6 5394 Lettie Letter 4 101 Firth Race 7 8 Mile 3yearolds and upward Selling Selling5394Jeni 5394Jeni ie June5109 5223Irksome4 105 5290 Newhouse3100 5103 Lulu T 5 108 5252 Miss Frances3 96 5343L Smoke 8 104 5290 Ben Waddell5 109 5393 F Queen 1113 96 5335 Freddie LT5 104 5i94 Pinchback3 96

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Local Identifier: drf1896112701_2_16
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