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BRIGHTON BBACH ENTRIES ENTRIESThe The Brighton BeacL Racing Associations stake parade of 1897 is on the fourth page of current RACING FORM Its a healthy parade of twentyfive events with a total value of 48103 far above the present average mark The stakes close February 15 with Secretary Charles Victor Sass 5 Court Square Brooklyn N Y The stake blanks can be had at this office next week The stake novelties offered by Brigh ¬ ton Beach are two on the flat for gentlemen riders There will bo no lack of good amateur jockeys in the east this jear and owners enter ¬ ing in such stakes need have no fear of being able to got competent mounts for the horses they elect to start The gentlemen riders stakes are being sharply paraded among the American hunt clubs and cavalry regiments regimentsThe The star event of the Brighton Beach Stake ariay is the Brighton Cup of 5COO 5500 to first 1000 to second and 500 to third at 2 miles for 3yoarolds and upward The cost of entry up to the point of declaration May 1 is only 25 The Brighton Cup is a race for the attention of expert horsemen Brighton Beach has two racing terms between July 6 24 and August 9 23