Ingleside Form Chart., Daily Racing Form, 1897-01-30


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1NGLBSIDE FORM CHART CHARTSAN SAN FRANCISCO CAL January 29 Forty fourth Day Pacific Coast Jockey Club Winter Meeting Weather wet track heavy Presiding Judge Jas H Eees Starter R Havoy f 4fi FIRST RACE I 58 Mile Purse 350 4yearolds and upward Allowances Ind Horses Wt St M K StrFin Jockeys Op Cl PI 6216 MARIONETTE 106 6 1 V 12 11 Thorpe Ingleside Stable 2K 3 1 5532 FRIAR 110 4 33 ZVt 21 2H H Brown W D Randall Randall2Vt 5761 REJECTED 103 2 2Vt 31 32 3lj Clawson J Narvaoz 10 8 3 5565 CLOVERDALE 103 5 5JUAN 44 43 45 410 T Sloan Ed Corrigan JUAN BERNARD 107 8 8ROSIE 9 10 6 53 W Woods J Woods 50 60 20 ROSIE P 105 11 11 S 5 5z z 6 Spencer J Williams 8 10 4 5865 D I NERO 107 7 7777 Sheppard LABlasghmeCo25 30 10 6322 EXAMINER 107 1 5 A 5 8 8 Ames Bowen Co 12 10 4 6010 YUCATAN II 101 9 9EQUITY 8999 Reidy A W Johnson 15 20 8 EQUITY 105 3 66 10 10 JMcDonaldE J Downing 30 40 12 6251 RAPIDO 106 10 10 11 11 11 G Wilson S F Capps 25 30 10 6044 LET ME SEE 101 12 12 12 12 12 Thompson I N Neoly 30 40 12 12Time Time 26 52 106 Winner Ch f 4 by Mariner Marinette MarinetteStart Start good Won driving Marionette was much the best horse She ran away nearly a mile Friar will do in strong hands handsScratched Scratched Rajah 103 Miss Ban 101 Clinker 101 Los Banos Kid 107 107Overweights Overweights Marionette 5 pounds 6347 SECOND RACE G8 Mile Purse 350 4yearolds and upward Allowances Ind Horses Vt StrFin Jockeys Owners Op Cl PI 5916 WHITESTONE 2 31 4i IVs Thorpe White Clark 5 7 2y2 6217 PECKSNIFF IK 2y2IK U 12 22 Bergen M Bergen 683 6833J4 5979 BRAMETTA 3J4 2 5V4 32 Slaughter D A Honig 5 7 2Vi 106 BENHAM 6 7 6 4V4 Shaw C Dohorty 562 6232 ISABELLE 8 6 31145V Frawley W B Dodd 862 6322 CARRIE U 7 9 10 6Kz Barringer H T Griffin 783 5762 RUTHLEDGE RUTHLEDGER 10 10 12 7 JMDonaldHutchBchnan 40 50 15 R H 11 11 9 S Reidy W Wilson 30 40 12 6230 EVENTIDE 9889 Spencer T H Boyle 25 30 10 6160 GREENBACK JR 12 12 11 10 Ames F Reeves 50 60 20 6303 DETECTIVE II IIGERONIMO 5 5 2 11 Sheppard V F Soto Co 6 8 3 GERONIMOGREEN GERONIMO 13 13 13 12 H Brown H Lowdeu 50 60 20 GREEN GREENBARON 14 14 14 13 Snyder W C Green 40 50 15 BARON BARONDECORATE 41 4H 7 14 W Martin W P Magrane 2 3 1 DECORATE 15 15 15 15 G Wilson J Williams 50 60 20 Winner B h a by Macduil Becky Sharpo SharpoStart Start good Won driving Whitestone won a good race and will do in better company Ben ham wants a longer route Ho is in good form and closed very fast at end Brametta was fairly outrun Baron was a bad favorite Isabelle was closing at finish finishScratched Scratched Midas 110 110Overweights Overweights Kenham 5 pounds 6348 THIRD RACE 1 18 Miles Purse 350 4yearolds and upward Selling Ind Horses Wt St Yt 3 StrFin Jockeys Owners Op Cl PI 6280COLLINS 103 1 11 1 Ifc 1 liVS T Sloan Ed Gaines 65 1 out 6187 CHARLES A 1U3 4 31 3 3 2 26 Spencer PArchibald 6 12 5 6043FORTUNA 101 2 21 22 21 32 3i4 E Jones F Fisher 2 2 710 6322 MARCEL 96 3 42 45 410410420 Thompson A B Sprockets 12 2 15 6 6322 JAPONICA 88 5 51 M 51 52 53 Clawson Ed Corrigan 6585 5997 TOM ELMORE 95 6 6 6 6 6 620 Slaughter D A Houig 30 40 12 6322 JOE K 93 777777 Reidy J B Ferguson 40 60 20 20Time Time 27 543 1 2l l46fc 200 200Winner Winner Br g 5 by Inspector B Piazza PiazzaStart Start good Won easily Collins was best Charles A was poorly handled Fortuna was in the deep going on rail Marcel finished strong and showed improvement Japonica wants sloppy or fast going goingScratched Scratched Double Quick 101 Jack Martin 90 6349 FOURTH RACE 78 Mile Purse 400 3yearolds and upward Allowances Ind Horses Wt St k Vt M Str Fin Jockeys Owners Op Cl PI 6327 PERSON NE 104 4 3 2 22 21 IH T McHugh Louis Ezell 4 5 85 6303 BASQUIL 97 1 1 l l Itf 2 Slaughter T J McHalo 46 6322 DRAUGHT 92 3 2 3 32 3 3 Clawson E W Purser 10 15 I 6253 FRANK JAUBERT 111 6 6 5 45 415 4 J Shields Alex Shields 4 8tf 65 6330 PALMERSTON 114 7 7 6 51 53 515 Reidy J H Shields 15 20 8 6322 POPINJAY 104 5 4K 4 tH 61 6 JMDonaldHntchBchnan 50 60 20 6322 EXAMINER 107 2 5 7 7 7 7 Ames Bowen Co 50 60 20 6327 LOU LOU R 87 Loft at the post Thompson W B Sink 6 65 out Time outTime 26 52fc 1 06 1 19fc 1 34 34Winner Winner B c 3 by Leonatus Countess Gisola GisolaStart Start poor Won driving Basquil was the best but unlucky He was forcod into tha deep going by Personne Jaubert was off poorly and ran a fair race Scratched raceScratched Navy Blue 114 Clissie B 102 Philip HS9 HS9Overweights Overweights Basquil 5 pounds 6350 FIFTH RACE 78 Mile Purse 400 3yearolds and upward Allowances Ind Horses Wt St fc K StrFin Jockeys Owners Op Cl PI 6300 GEYSER 104 2 22 2H 26 IH 14 p Sloan Ed Corrigan 12 a out 6139 GEO PALMER 96 3 5 5 3 21028 Slaughter A B Spreckels 15 6303THE SINNER 96 5 15 14 u 310310 EJones H H Hunn 3 8 out 6281 MINNIE CEE 112 1 41 44 5 44 415 Thorpe D A Honig 12 40 10 6328 MAHOGANY 114 4 SB 90Time 3 42 5 5 Shaw R T McUarty 80 100 90 Time 25 50K 1 04X 1 18X 1 33 33Winner Winner SpringsStart B c 3 by Ben Ali Hot Springs Start good Won easily Geyser outclassed his field The Sinner quit to nothing Geo Pal ¬ mer is game and hung on well The weight anchored Minnie Cee CeeScratched Scratched Vsragua 104 Peril 112 Stontor 104 rutta Percha 117 Bernardillo 9 Continued on 2nd page SIXTH RACE G 12 Furlongs Purse 400 3yearolds Allowances Wt St M Yt atrEin Jockeys Owners Op 31 PI 2 26 21011 TSloan H T Grillin 4 3y 1 IB in IH 215 E Jones BurnsWaterhse 65 12 out 6303 GOOD TIMES 100 4 i 41 42 3 Thompson H E Leigh 12 30 8 6300 ZAMAR I 97 2 31 33 36 42 Slaughter D A Honig VA 45 6184SLY 456184SLY 95 5 560 530 520 5100 Spencer D M Hanfon 15 20 6 6183 LOVELOCK 92 6 6666 H Brown WDRandall 60 100 30 30Time l23tfWinner Time 25H 51H 116K l23tf ScratchStart Winner B c by Martenhurst Helen Scratch Start good Won handily Casper was best but was killed off by Zamar who at the end seemed outclassed or is away off Greyhurst is in great form now Good Times finished strong Scratched strongScratched Tempestuous 92

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Local Identifier: drf1897013001_1_9
Library of Congress Record: