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WESTERN STAKES FILL WELL The St Louis stakes drew liberal entries as follows St Louis Derby 1898 150 Inaugural 33 Debutante 81 Kindergarten 78 Twoyaar old Championship 66 Memorial 27 Club Mem ¬ bers Handicap 30 Brewers 67 Mississippi Valley 74 Meremac 63 Golden Rod 57 Laur ¬ el 62 Missouri 62 Independence 38 Mound City 47 Ozark 62 Isabella 69 Chrysanthe ¬ mum 51 St Louis Derby 1897 113 total 1230 1230The The Nashville Tonn spring stakes filled as follows Cumberland Prize 1500 23 entries Gerst Browing Handicap 800 47 Green Brier Stakes 33 Duncan Hotel Handicap 800 34 Nicholas House Stakes 40 Belle Meade Stakes 36 Maxwell House Stakes 45 Centennial Steeplechase 20 total 278 The average is far better than that of last year yearThe The fifteen Oakley stakes drew 1439 entries as follows Oakley Derby 1898 151 Buckeye 1898 130 Cincinnati Oaks 1898 100 Sap ¬ phire 2yearold fillies 115 Emerald 2yearold colts and geldings 129 Ruby 2yearolds sell ¬ ing 100 Diamond 2yearolds 110 Ohio 3year olds selling 84 Press all ages 61 Losantiville 3yearolds and upward selling 67 Fourth of July Handicap36 Moerlein Handicap 35 Pearl 2yearold fillies 91 Garnet 2yearold colts and geldings 124 Gem 2yearolds 105 Total 1439 average 96 96Latonias Latonias seventeen events attracted 1623 entries as follows Clipsetta 2yearold fillies 131 Harold 2yearold colts 132 Sensation 2 yearolds 132 Covington 2yearolds 112 Rip ¬ ple 3yoarolds 100 Latonia Prize 3yearolds 51 Tobacco 3yearolds and upward 86 Mill dale 3yearolds and upward 70 Decoration Handicap 3yearolds and upward 39 Cincin ¬ nati Hotel Handicap 3yearolds and upward 32 Kimball 2yearold colts 125 Zoo Zoo 2 yearold fillies 94 Kentucky Central 2year olds 107 Derby 189S 145 Himyar 189S 136 Oaks 1898 115 Kentucky Steeplechase 16 Total 1623 average 95 517 517The The Memphis stakes drew a fair amount of entries The Tennessee Derby is to be run April 19 Its presout favorites are Algol and Typhoon Nine maidens are entoied The total number of Derby eligibles is twentyfour Last year there were twentyfive twentyfiveThe The remainder of the stake events have filled well with highclass horses and everything points to a successful meetiug meetiugAmong Among thoso who havo rntTrd librrally are the eastern turfmen M K Dwyer and A H D H Morris of Now York So has Lakeland OBrien of Minnesota MinnesotaThe The Little Rock entries are light The Ar ¬ kansas Derby has thirteen eligibles as follows Dr Walmsloy Burlesque Foncliff Meadow thorpe Macy Hill Billy Banquo II Boanerges Arlington Lord Zeni Dr Sheppard Whirlaway Achieve AchieveThe The Queen City Jockey Club of Newport did as well or better than any of the Ohio Kentucky tracks in the way of entries The full list is not yet ready but the ten spring events drew a high average in both number and class