Oakland Form Chart, Daily Racing Form, 1897-03-21


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OAKLAND FORM CHART CHARTOAKLAND OAKLAND CAL March 20 Sixtythird Day California Jockey Club Winter Meeting Weather clear track good Presiding Judge Joseph J Burko Starter James B Ferguson rj rjvOO vOO FIRST RACE i Mile Purse 350 3yearolds and upward Sailing Ind Horses Wt St tf X StrFin Jockeys Owners OD Cl P 7038 ROSELLE 75 5 6 5 654 61 HH Maxey C S Treadwell 10 10 4 69J9 THELMA 98 2 5K 3 3y 31 21 T Sloan J N Burk 65 85 3 6931 ADAM ANDREW 85 1 IH 211 ilA 12 31 Clawson Atkin Lottridge 3 21 1 7041 CLAUDIANA 83 4 42 41 5j 51 4 J Woods W Boots Son 8 10 4 6546 LITTLE BOB 100 6 7 7 4 41 5io E Jones W Fisher 10 12 5 7039 IKE L 96 8 S 8 v 62 Dreyfus W Donathan 40 60 20 7039 DEVATLT 102 3 3i I K 2i 2 7 J Shields Alex Shields 862 6897 NIC NAG 94 7 2 6 7 7 8 Parker W F Roedor 50 60 20 6937 VIKING 86H 9 9 9 9 9 9 Holden J E Linnoll 40 50 15 DETECTIVE 15By 15DETECTIVE 100 10 10 10 10 10 10 Spencer Joseph Stern 40 50 15 By Deceiver Time 26Ki 53 1 18 1 43 Winner 43Winner B g 3 by Cyrus Rosebud RosebudStart Start very bad Won driving next four driving Rosella was far the best Andrew ran short Thelma is an uncertain jade Claudiana got a bad rido Devault is a bad horse Ho threatens to win his next race witn each start startScratched Scratched Apto 73 Jack Martin 9S 9SOverweights Overweights Viking 4Vi pounds 706 9 SEC SECOND RACE 6 12 Furlongs Purse 350 3yearolds Selling Ind Horses Wt St M V StrFin Jockeys Op Cl PI 7033 NEBULA 105 2 21 11A 1 1 T Sloan W B ots Son 65 65 25 6991 ALTANERA 100 1 1 21 23 22 HMartin EJBaldwin 431 7038 QUANTRELL 105 3 41 3 31 3a Hennossy T Lottridge 50 SO 15 7056 PRINCIPLE 107 4 75 53 4 Freeman Goo Rose 40 50 15 7138 RIENZI 105 5 51 41 41 510 Slaughter P Mitchell 331 6987 TORPEDO 105 7 3V4 6 6 610 Thorpe W F Roeder 562 7055 HALSEY 102 6 25Time 6777 Ames J Reis 60 75 25 Time 25 50M 1 03 1 16 1 23 Winner 23Winner B f by Brutus Constellation ConstellationStart Start fair Won driving The first two boat the gate Quantrell showed astonishing im ¬ provement Torpedo is an in and outer Principle favors mud 7070 THIRD RACE 34 Mile Purse 350 4yearolds and upward Allowances torsos Wt St YA Yt StrFin Jockeys Owners Op Cl PI 5934 MISS BRUMMEL 105 5 21A 21 22 2 11 H Martin W OB Macdgh 431 7060 SLIE CLICQUOT 100 3 32 33 32 33 22 Slaughter G B Morris 65 75 12 6935 SALVATION 113 4 6 Wt 41 43 34 T Sloan W D Randall 431 7008 MAINSTAY 113 1 11 12 iujli 410 Hennessy A C Ahlers 10 12 5 7037 SEA SPRAY 110 7 5K 4 52 5 Wi Thorpe P Siebenthaler 15 26 8 6986 LOGAN 103 6 7 6 6 6 63 J Shields Alex Shields 15 30 10 6410 SEMPER LEX 113 2 41 7 7 7 7 Bergen McNghtonMuir 30 40 12 Time 12Time 24tf 49M 1 02 1 15 15Winner MirageStart Winner Ch f 4 by Beau Brummel Mirage Start good Won cleverly Miss Brummel was the best Salvation was cut off near the wire Sallio Clicquot wants mud Mainstay had a lot of early speed and was much used Watch him himScratched Scratched Nervoso 105 Bueno 10S Jack Richolieu 108 Una Colorado 110 Caesarian 103 Hazard 107 Peixotto 97 Miss Ross 95 nCr7 FOURTH RACE 12 Mile 2yearolds Allowances The Flying Stakes Guar I J 6 JL anteed 1000 Ind Horses Wt St V 3 StrFin Jockeys Owners Op Cl PI 6S48MISS ROWENA 110 3 li HtflH EJones BurnsWaterhso 45 45 out 6992 MARTHA HO 5 21 2tf 2H Bergen HT Griffln 5 7 85 67031NAPAMAX 5 4 3 Thorpe BurnsWaterhso 45 45 out 6985 LITTLE T G 32 32 41 H Martin A B Spreckols 10 12 3 6958 FREE LADY LADYCoupled 43 5 5 WMartin W P Magrane 2H 2 12 Coupled in betting Time 12 2t 364 48 Winner Ch f by Midlothian Paloma PalomaStart Start good Won driving Napamax best off was badly cut off at start and near finish Martha was also poorly handled She is very promising Rowena was lucky but is also extreme ly fast Little TG was outclassed but ran an honest race Fair Lady bolted at the paddock She dislikes weight Scratched Rosormonde 110 Queen Mab 110 rf 7072 fr7 Q FIFTH RACE 1 Mile 1300 guaranteed 3yearolds Rancho del Paso Handicap Ind Horses Wt S St M V4 3 StrFin Jockeys Owners 7009 SCAKF PIN 107 1 17009CANDELARIA 2i4 32 3j 31 13 T Sloan E W Purser 231 7009CANDELARIA 115 4 Wt 4K 44 52 2 Thorpe BurnsWaterhse 75 32 12 5566 THE ROMAN 105 3 31 2H H 12 3 HMartin W Boots Son 10 8 2 6960 AQUINAS 110 6 66S44GOOD 6 51 52 41 4H Slaughter B Schreiber 562 6S44GOOD TIMES 118 5 5 6 6 6 5 CSloan HELeigh 5 4 75 7041 GRANDEZIA 90 2 Ifc 12 254 2 6 Reidy H Lowden 50 60 20 Time 20Time 2652 117 142 142Winner Winner Ch f by Springbok Emerald EmeraldStart Start good Won easily Pin was best today and well ridden Candelaria finished like a whirlwind The Roman wus short and used too much He will win his next out Aquinas runs out and bears in both Good Times was short He needs racing racingScratched Scratched Casper 118 Horatio 97 Rey del Tierra 105 Bohemian Lass 94 7073 SIXTH RACE 1 Mile Purse 350 3yearolds and upward Selling Ind Horses Wt St M 5 StrFin Jockeys Owners Op Cl PI 6959 JUDGE DENNY 99 4 41 42 21 22 iyt H Martin McNghtoaMuir 3 95 710 6981 CABRILLO 106 2 3tt 1 1 13 21 Piggott R Van Brunt 462 6983 SAN MARCO 102 5 21 2 3 3 32 T Sloan E Blazer 6 20 8 6869 COLLINS 100 6 6 6 6 51 410 Slaughter EdGainos 452 6935 CHARLES A 100 1 Itf 52 41 41 5 G Wilson P Archibald 50 60 20 6994 PALOMACITA 97 3 7 7 7 7 6 E Jones BurusWatorhse 3 3 65 7011 LOST GIRL 85 7 51 31 51 6 7 Maxey A Martin Co 8 6 Time 25 50K 1 03 1 16 1 42 42Winner Winner Blk c 4 by Fonso Belle of Nantura NanturaStart Start fair Won driving Cabrillo was best but too much used Denny was best handled Collins is promising on a soft track San Marco is in good condition Lost Girl was off poorly Palomacita will not do doScratched Scratched Perseus 99 McLight 102 Walter J 98 I SEVENTH RACE 2 Miles 1300 guaranteed Flood Stake Handicap Over 8 Hurdles Ind Horses Wt St K 1 IVi StrFin Jockeys Owners Op Cl PI 7012 ESPERANCE 125 2 5 4 41 22 1 Maynard T A Tobin 8 10 4 7012 J 0 C 6774 BABY BILL 150 5 1V I1 I4 1s 36 Mara L J Rose 3 8 6982 ARUNDEL 133 4 6 6 6 52 42 Wilkins N S Hall 8fi 2 6816 HERMAN 125 3 3 5 51 4 5 Higgins J J Higgins 10 12 7012 TORTONI 125 6 2 2 25 6 6 Peters D Miller 15 25 25Time Time 350 350Winner Winner B g 6 by Alta Mother Hubbard HubbardStart Start good Won easily J O C ran an improved racf Baby Bill tire i uu the end fences well and can win soon Herman is of no account

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1890s/drf1897032101/drf1897032101_1_9
Local Identifier: drf1897032101_1_9
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800