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IRON HILL FORM CHART CHARTIEON IEON HILL MD March 20 Winter Mooting Keystone Racing Association Weather clear track fair rTST FIRST RACE 58 Mile Purse 150 3yearolds and upward Selling 7075 Ind Horses Wt St M 4 H StrFin Jockeys Owners Op Ul PI 7ul4 TAMPA 108 2 24 li 18 13 Alford R Baker 1 65 25 7u25 JERQUET 120 3 6 2 23 2 Houlahan Lilac Stable 662 6950 HALL1E GAY 115 1 I a 32 31 C Huoston G W Deistal 783 66H3 MONTK CARLO 120 7 34 5 44 41 Ellis Jerome Stable 6 44 75 6404 FARRAGUT 120 6 66718HINT 776 W Moon Knhn RandolphlS 20 8 6718HINT 103 4 41 44 5 Kuhn N Richardson 562 7025 STOREKEEPER 120 5 5677 Hancock Omaha Stable 15 20 8 8Time Time 235613111 235613111Winner Winner B c 4 by Alexander Lorrilla LorrillaStart Start poor Won pulling up next three driving hard Tampa was far the bast It was merely a three horse race Hallie Gay was closing at finish finishScratched Scratched Dutch Bluster 120 7076 SECOND RACE 58 Mile Purse 150 3yoarolds and upward Selling Ind Horses Wt St 4 5 StrFin Jockeys Owners Op Cl PI 6975 LITTLE JIM 120 1 U U 12 12 Brophy Potomac Stable 75 2 45 45G 6735 MIDNIGHT 107 6 41 3 22 28 R King G Heothwhole 10 15 6 6G 6973 OLD AGE 120 2 24 21 3 33 Elliott G W Mitchell 34 4 85 85Pleasant 6970 BEL1SARIUS 120 8 75 44 41 Ellis Pleasant Val Stbl 5 24 1 1T 6379 GONCHO 120 5 6655 Hayes T N Miller 10 12 5 5St 6529PRINCESS ALIX 115 4 5 4 6 6 Nelson St Asaph Stable 10 15 6 6942 MIKE GREEN 120 7 8877 Dorsey L Becker 30 40 12 6942 FOXGLOVE 120 3 3788 R Smith West Lynn Stable Wt 5 2 2Time Time 28 574 112 112Winner Winner Br g 5 by Favor LaJuive LaJuiveStart Start good Won handily There was but little contention at the end Jim was the faster and played with his Held Belisarius off badly was closing at the end endOverweights Overweights Midnight 4 pounrs 7O77 THIRD RACE 34 Mile Purse 150 3yearolds and upward Selling nd Horses WtSt M 4 StrFin Jockeys Owners Op Cl PI 7030TATTERSALL 118 1 21423 u u Parsons Z T Swaine 85 1 out 028 ENTHUSIAST 118 4 11 12 21 22 Elliott M Kelly 12 15 6 023 CASHIER II 118 3 41 3 31 3 Dorsey A Gillham 12 15 6 027 MIDRO3E 113 2 665 44 Brophy B Barnes 3 4 65 030 MISS CARRIE 100 8 7565 Ellis Pleasant ValStbl 10 12 5 970 WALTER O 118 5 31 41 41 6 Nelson T I Dean 8 10 4 027 MONTELLA 113 6 5777 C Hueston J B Gililand 8 10 4 028 FOREMAN 118 7 Fell Fletcher Kenton Stable 762 975 BLUE LIGHT 118 Left at the post Alford WWalker 10 8 3 3Time27 Time27 4 55 116 127 127Winner Winner BowlingStart Br g 6 by Longfellow Cicely Bowling Start fair Won easily second and third driving Tattersall was the boat Enthusiast howed quite a turn of enrly speed Foreman broke his le and was shot Scratched Fritz 118 7O78 FOURTH RACE 34 Mile Purse 150 4yearolds and upward Selling Ind Horses Wt St 4 StrFin Jockeys Owners Op Cl PI 7014 GOLD DOLLAR 115 6 24 I3 I6 H 4 Kuhn Willowbrook Stbl 6 6 I 7014 ON LUCEY 115 2 32 41 31 22 Coudrier J C Gray 8 7 6951 EARN 115 4 44 33 24 34 CHueston Old Mill Stable 45 75 12 6914 GONZALES 115 5 555 44 J Murphy T Fagin 10 12 5 7025IRISH LASS 110 1 14 2 41 5 Dorsey P J McDermott 10 8 3 6952 WEAVER 115 Left at the post R Smith F Walker 3 24 45 45Time Time 2934594 127 127Winner Winner Ch g 9 by Sir Modred Trade Dollar DollarStart Start poor Won galloping Gold Dollar was far the best in the going He ran over Irish Lass and came on at his leisure Lucey was closing at the finish finishScratched Scratched Brooklyn 115 Charlie B 115 Murray 115 Joneola 110 7O T Q FIFTH RACE 34 Mile Purse 150 4yearolds and upward Selling Ind Horses Vt St 34 4 Vt StrFin Jockeys Op Cl PI 6975 LONGBR1DGE 11241 as as 22 IB W Morris Avoca Stable 1 710 out 6953 HOEY 108 2 2RED 16 16 12 22 Nelson DeKalb Stable 10 10 4 RED STAR 108 5 21 2 3io 31 R King J Castle 8 10 10Winter 4 7015 MISS ORDWAY 103 3 44 5 41 42 Merrick Winter Stable 6 683 8 6971 HAZEL 103 7 Coudrier Ashton Stable 10 12 5 6915 SALVER 113 4 6 Hayes J M Triplett 6585 464 JOHN P 111 6 7 Watson J Short 20 25 8 4181 THE NATIVE 11248 11248ETESIAN 8888 Alford J Hogan 8 10 4 4ETESIAN ETESIAN 103 9 9999 C Hueston E J Rawlings 6 10 4 4Tinie Tinie 284 583 127 127Winner Winner Br h 7 by Long Taw Maggie Hunt HuntStart Start p or Won driving Hoey just failed on the end Morris outriding Nelson in the finish Red Star stopped in the stretch The Natives race was badly out of line Scratched Pie 108 Overweights Longbridge 44 pounds Salver 5 John P 3 The Native 44 708O SIXTH RACE 4 12 Furlongs Purse 150 3yearolds and upward Selling Ind Horses Wt St 34 4 StrFin Jockeys Owners Op Cl PI 7053 AL HELMBOLT 115 3 3038 OUR ROSE 105 5 2431 31 214 Asjaurn Pleasant Val Stbl 24 24 1 1EUNICE EUNICE 110 1 114142 3 Coudrier Melrose Stk Farm 672 6972 DR McNEEL 105 7 777 44 Campbell River View Stbl 10 12 5 7015 RUSHWOOD 10S 4 41 41 445 RKing J Williams 2 65 12 12DUTCH DUTCH LADY 11442 5556 MerricK Point Breeze Stbl 12 15 6 7018 SILVER QUEEN 110 6 6667 Watson Hill Top Stable 10 12 5 6873 MAGGIE K 110 8 8888 Keofe P Halton 10 12 5 5Time Time 284 5734 105 105Winner Winner B c 4 by Hi Ban Kate Harper HarperStart Start fair Won ridden out the next four were all driving hard Rushwood ran a bad race He could not keep up upScratched Scratched Turquoise 115 Deno 100 100Overweights Overweights Our Rose 5 pounds Rushwood 3 Dutch Lady 44