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NEW ORLEANS FORM GHART GHARTNEW NEW ORLEANS LA March 20Oue Hundred and Nipth Day Cr rI T Winter Meeting Weather clear track fast Presiding Judge Col R W Simmons Starter 5 J Fitzgerald rrOT FIRST RACE 78 Mile Purse 200 3yearolds and upward Allowances Ind Horses Wt St 4 fc StrFin Jockeys Owners OD Cl PI 7019J ZIMMERMAN 108 1 24 21 IH 11 ifc RWilliams T Lioalzi 26 25 out 6645 WALDINE 103 3 U 12 2 2 2 Barrett W J Spiers 40 IB 5 6944 B OF KILLARNEY97 4 3431 31433 31 Hirsch A H D H Morris 4H 5 65 6517005IHALLOWEEN 17005IHALLOWEEN 105 5 54 6 5 54 44 Scherrer W N Kettlestring 5685 6920 HAY H 10342 44 4 42 44 5 J Hill H L Haskell 5 6 85 6207 WILL ELLIOTT 105 7 7 5 6 64 6 Powers R Bradley 25 30 10 6946 OVERFLOW 92 6 64 7 7 7 7 Dorsey W J Smith 25 30 10 Time 10Time 2554 505 1 17J4 1 31 4 Winner 4Winner Ch h 6 by Faustus English Lass LassStart Start good Won driving mildly next four driving hard Zimmerman had to be hustled along a bit at the end Waldine well backed ran a sparkling race and might have won in a few more strides Waldinos race was far above her recent mark So was her original price Over ¬ flow got an easy race raceOverweichts Overweichts Belle of Killarney 5 pounds Ray H 44 Halloween 2 1 SECOND RACE 13 Mile Purse 20U 2yearolds Selling Ind Horses Wt St K 4 5 StrFin Jockeys Owners OD 31 El 7020 JOHN CONNER 96 3 H 1412 Combs W H Fizer 6 8 3 3W 7020 LIL RUSSELL 87 1 31 3 214 Songer W C Fessend Fessenden 331 331J 6977 LUPIA 99 4 22 21 3 T Burns J E Madden 75 24 1 1W 7020 EULALIA 89 5 64 4 Powers W M Hayes 2 115 45 t5802 IRONICAL 97 2 44 52 52 Barrett R 45R L Rose 12 15 5 5M 6977 STRATH STRATHLOU LOU 101 6 f 6 6 Dorsey M Vonug 12 15 5 7020JGRACE HIMYAR 99 7 777 Clay Ed Fee 5 6 Time 13 25 37 50 50Winner Winner Ch c by Aro ino Morna MornaS S art good Won easily next three driving Eulalia ran a very poor race Lupia was quit ¬ ting at end Conner was the best but might not have shown his best in recent races Russelis race was about right today Her last was not Grace Himyar ran a villainous race compared with her last In it she beat Conner Russell and Eulalia 7O63 T TH1KD RACE 1 14 Miles Purse 200 4yearolds and upward Selling Ind Horses Wt St 4 StrFiu Jockeys Owners Op 01 PI 7034 1X1ON 112 3 6 3 3 3 14 Overton A G Weston 6 5 2 7034 LITTLE TOM 97 1 2 11 U li 24 Songcr LLammertzCo 6 34 65 7021 NEWHOUSE 105 2 U 21 2 2 33 Caywood D M Hogan 4 52 7021 CONSTANT 107 5 32 4 4 41 ° 4 Barrett PTKelly 24 3 1 7021 MARTIN 108 6 5J4 52 515 50 525 Clay Scott Williams 683 7021 BILLY McKENZIE 109 7 7 7 7 6 6 Sweeney J W ONeall 24 3 1 6892 BUSTUP 109 4 4 6 6 7 7 W Dean RMWalton 20 30 10 11841454211Winner Tim 10Tim 26 52 11841454211 Winner B h 6 by The Sailor Prince Ildico IldicoStart Start good Won driving Overtin outrode Songer at the end That was all there was to it Newhouse quit last furlong Billy McKenzie pulled up very lame behind The weight wap too much for Constant Martin was outclassed 7064 FOURTH F0 RACE i Mile Purse 300 3yearolds and upward Handicap Ind Horses Wt St M 4 StrFin Jockeys Op Cl PI 6525P DUNNE 110 7 11 12 15 1 14 BeauchampH McCarren Jr 65 45 out 106 3 41 41432 21 210 Scherror Doss Story 8 8 24 6785 IRISH LADY 105 1 3431441445 3 Caywood D M Hogan 3 8 24 7031JLILLIAN 247031JLILLIAN E 101 2 21 2 243444 T Bums JWCarroll 3 4 75 6979FASIG 756979FASIG 104 6 6 6 6 6 55 RJones F H Hickok 34 4 75 6535 NAN LS SISTER 97 5 54 5 SH 5n 6 Songer T B Watts 15 20 8 6294JCANNONADE 95 4 7 7 7 7 7 Barrett F H Hickok 34 4 75 1434Winner Coupled 75Coupled in betting Time 25Vi 50Vi 11734 1434 Winner B g 3 by Iroquois Bandana BandanaStart Start good Won handily Dunne outclassed his lot He is by far the best here He was eased up in stretch Had to be hustled a bit at end Bridgeton was closing fast and has been underrated Lillian E failed in last furlong The Lady ran a bad race raceScratched Scratched Pete Kitchen 90 Alamo 96 Prince of India 92 Celtic Bard 97 Donna Rita 99 Booze 107 7O65 FIFTH RACE 78 Mile Purse 200 3yearolds Allowances Ind Horses t St 34 4 5 StrFin Jocke Jockeys Owners Op Cl PI 7045 AL KYRIS 104 6 6 44 U I5 I1 T Bur Burns J E Madden 1 75 12 5920 STYX 101 2 4 3i 4 22 2J Campb Campbell M Shields 6852 PRINCE PROVERB 98 4 54 51 6 3 K 32 Dorsey A J Smith 7044 MORALIST 101 8 8 8 51 4 42 Combs J A Abernathy 10 12 7043 CHAR CHRISTY 101 a 34 1H 2453 58 Powers Powers70J3 TPHayes 70J3 MAURITIUS 91 7 7 7 7 7 6 Shannon R Reagan 15 20 8 7033 HAZARD II 96 3 24 2 SH 6 7 W Dea Dean J A Johnson 15 20 8 7023 HARRY LEE 96 1 14 6 431Time 8 8 8 Barret A R Peabody 431 Time 26 51 117 130 130Winner Winner Ch c by Pirate of Penzance Petroleuse II IIStart Start good Won handily next two shaken up Styx ran a good race far above the notch Christy and Hazard II quit badly last quarter Proverb was closing fast all last furlong Lees race valueScratched was vile Mauritius seems of no present value Scratched Elkiu 101 7066 Sl SIXTH KACE 34 Mile Purse 40 4yearolds aud upward Allowances Ind Horses WtSt 34 4 fc StrFin Jockeys Owners OD Cl PI 7048 WINSLOW US 2 52 52 3 14 Soden T H Barrett 7024 STARK 108 1 34 41 4 24 R WilliamsMrs W W Lyles 6685 7035 WATERMAN 108 6 44 34 2 K 32 J Hill TDSullivan 6 6 85 7024 C r RUMR1LL 105 5 66 52 44 Suoll L T Caton Co 10 15 6 6911 BIZARRE 110 7 777 51 Ovflrton M Hooper 10 12 5 7001 LONG BROOK 108 4 21 21 6 6 McGlono R A Smith 45 710 out 706 RUTH II 103 3 U lio is 7 T Burns W S McGhee 34 5 Time 25 504117 Winner 504117Winner Ch g 5 by Blue Eyes Clarotta ClarottaStart Start good Won driving Winslow was the best Ruth II wore herself out in first part and quit to nothing m the straight run Stark and Waterman finished strong the former strongest Both RuthScratched are about due Too much use was made of Longbrook first part He was chasing Ruth Scratched Dr Franco 111 111Overweights Overweights Bizarre 2 pounds Ind Horses Wt St 34 4 StrFin Jockeys Owners Op Cl PI 7034 CH1COT 109 4 21 U H IK H Caywood CJKelly CJKelly704LAURA 704LAURA COTTA 97 2 31 4 24 W 21 T Burns L Pillott XIR9 103 9 9 9 51 3K 34 Combs J A Abernathy BSgHgfthSf feSiKUND AbernathyBSgHgfthSf ffili 75i S6i S 45 y ft fe 5 r5 a SiKUND 18 18J J JJ 8 A 76 SfiSsi g iSSffi 6944 ONARETTO 99 3 U 2 3 6 8 BeauchampH McCarren 1 f 7031 B OF FORDHAM 97 1 4 8 9 8 9 Songor A G Weston 7005 LAURA DAVIS 97 8 5431 4 K 9 10 Powers R Bradley 15 20 I 7031 ISSIE O 101 6 10 11 11 11 11 Barrett C W Miller 7 8 3 Time 26 504 1 174 1 44 44WinnerBr SouciStart WinnerBr h 6 by Eolus San Souci Start good Won easily next six driving Overella was cut off on back stretch Davezac finished stroug Ouaretto and Davis quit to nothing at the end Chicots race far above tho notch was best Davezac rin a wonderfully inproved race He was strongest at finish Issio O was a sort of turtle today todayScratched Scratched Baal Gad 97 Amber Glints 103 Mrs Bradshaw 104 Stanza 102