Ingleside Form Chart., Daily Racing Form, 1897-04-22


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INGLESIDE FORM CHART CHARTSAN SAN FEANCISCO GAL April 21 SeventyEighth day Pacific Coast Jockey Club Winter Meet ¬ ing Weather clear track fast Presiding Judge Jas H Eees Starter E Havey 76O4F FIEST EACE4 12 Furlongs Purse 400 2yearolds Allowances Ind Horses Wt St M M StrFin Jockeys Owners Op Gl PI 7384 ELSMOKE 110 1 Wt I3 I1 Henaessy BurnsWaterhse 8 S 3 35V3 7422 BEY SALAZAE 99 10 5V3 23 25 Clawson E J Baldwin 3 Wt 5 7492 FLU3HINGTON 102 5 22 32 31 U Piggott EdCorrigan 552 552SH 7557 IMPEEIOUS 102 3 SH 41 41 Slaughter A B Sprockets 4 2tf 1 7360 MEL BUENHAM 110 8 6 53 51 Freeman J Cochran 12 15 6 6797 DOUSTESWIVEL 110 9 9 61 62 Bozeman Louis Ezell 30 40 12 7501 T WIN KLEE 10211 12 8 7 E Isom W Boots Son 10 12 5 5Hazlett 7503 DUKEOFYOEKII111 14 14 9 8 Hazlett Mrs L Appleby 30 40 12 12Enos 7492 FODIG 102 15 15 11 9 Enos WEarp 20 15 6 6Beidy 7501 TOM SPENGEE 102 2 8 10 10 Beidy A Nickells 30 40 12 12Snyder 7541 HEEMOSO 114 6 7 7 11 Snyder J A Gray 3 3 6 6Frawley 7422 DON LUIS 102 7 769S5 10 14 12 Frawley E F Smith 40 50 15 15Coady 69S5 ST PHILIP 110 4 4SATICOY 6 12 13 Coady WOBMacdonghlO 12 5 5Euiz SATICOY 110 13 13 13 14 Euiz JWilliams 40 50 15 15Hayden 7324 THYME 99 12 11 15 15 Hayden E McCormick 40 50 15 Time 12 25J 38tf 50 50Winner Winner B c by Morello Elsie D DStart Start straggling Won handily Elsmore was best Salazar was off badly and finished strong He is improving Flushington quit last furlong Dousterswivel finished strong Twinkler and Hermoso were almost left leftScratched Scratched Potente 102 Siva 102 Barney Schroiber 107 rr rpr SECOND BAG EACE 1 18 Miles Purse 400 4yearolds and upward Soiling Ind Horses Wt St fc H M StrFin Jockeys Owners Op Gl PI 7555 GEADY 109 7 11 12 12 12 i Cole Owen Bros 4465 7540 PETEE 11 113 4 41 3 41 5 2K2 Shaw W Boots Son 12 15 6 7500 EAEL COCHRAN 106 5 2 21 2V 21 32 Slaughter J Cochran 15 12 5 7385 ST AIGNON 106 6 52 56 52 42 4VS Piggott W D Eandall 3465 7542 EEDSKIN 113 2 6 4u SB 3 58 W Martin T W Coulter 12 710 out 7106 MOSIER 106 3 7 61 6 66 610 Hazlett Neil Coney 40 60 20 7594 EXAMINEE 110 1 3tf 7 7 7 7 McKenna Bowen Co 40 50 15 15Time 158Winner Time 26 52 118 144 158 CupStart Winner B c 4 by Three Cheers Gold Cup Start good Won driving Grady was best Peter has regained his old time form He likes the track Earl Cochran is promising Aignon quit badly Eedskin is an uncertain horse and a sulker He is a bad betting tool Scratched Beuham 109 7606 THIED EACE 78 Mile Purse 500 3yearolds and upward Handicap Ind Horses Wt St Vt 3A StrFin Jockeys Owners Op Cl PI 7464 DOUBLE QUICK 109 4 31 Yt I2 15 12 Clawson T Lottridge 672 7329SALVABLK 118 2 42 46 45 22 21 W Martin P Dunne 1 910 out 6324 NEBUCHADNEZR 100 5 51 3 3 3V 32 E Isom W Boots Son 7 10 3 7543 CALIFORNIA 118 6 6 6 5 51041 Coady T W Coulter 3 3z 1 7543 SAL CLICQUOT 103 3 21 22 2 4 510 Piggott G B Morris 572 7426 MISS EUTH 95 1 INK 51 6 6 6 Eeidy F W Graham 30 40 12 12Time l28aWinner Time 25K 502l 115M l28a Winner B c 4 by Buckra Wand WandStart Start bad VVon easily Quick was best Salvable finished very strong Nebuchadnezzar was short He is ready California was virtually left and ran a good race from where she got off QuickScratched Clicquot killed off by Double Quick Scratched Eedskin 107 760 P7 FOURTH BACE 1 18 Miles Purse500 Over 4 Hurdles Handicap ind Horses Wt S St fc H X StrFin Jockeys Owners Op Gl PI 7556 SNOWDOWN 138 8 21 lYi 11 1V4 I2 T Murphy A G Blakely 2 3 1 1P 7539 HUNTSMAN 136 2 31 3 22 2 2 Stanford P Herzog 15 12 5 5S 7595 TUXEDO 157 4 471S6 4K2 41 4n 62 35 J Owens S C Hildreth 462 71S6 FLASH LIGHT 163 1 Wt 2 3V4 31 4 Peters FarrarTuber FarrarTuberville 1 65 25 7453 HYMAN 143 6 66623GOLD 6 52 51 52 5Vi Cairns Turner Wils Wilson 12 15 6 6E 6623GOLD DUST 148 9 8 610 6 41 520 Wilkons E W Kastor 20 25 8 8F 7453 BRILLIANT 132 5 7 S 7 7 7 Venablo F Menchaca 10 12 5 7134 ST APOLLO 148 3 5H 7 8 S 8 Ambrose S Jones 20 25 8 7453 DICK OMALLEY 128 7 99999 Allan J Field 30 40 12 By Oro Time 206fc 206fcWinner Winner B g 4 by Fitzjames Charity Start good Won easily Snowdown was best today Huntsman is promising Tuxedo ran a good race He dislikes weight Flashlight fenced badly and got bad ride Ho had little or no spoed Watch him himScratched Scratched Candor 150 Our Climate 128 Bob Eoy 125 125Overweights Overweights Brilliant 4 pounds 7608 FIFTH EACE 1 Mile Purse 400 3yearolds and upward Selling Ind Horses Wt St V V4 X StrFin Jockeys Owners Op Gl PI 7594 ENGINO 104 4 12 15 1 1 14 Thompson FarrarTuberville 8 8 3 6348 TOM ELMOEE 105 5 51 5V4 6 8V4 2 Slaughter D A Honig 12 83 7265 TENACITY 104 1 2K 31 3 3 3H Piggott Ed Corriuan 5 7 2tf 7410 LA MASCOTA 96 2 3 21 2X 2H 4 Frawley J G Follanebee 2tf 2H 1 7540 GOV BUDD 101 3 4 41 4 5 51 Bozeman T H Boyle 30 40 12 7595 LEONVILLE 105 6 6 61 5H 4H 61 Clawson ArchibdLottrgelO 12 5 7361 BUENO 109 9 7 7 7 7 7 Hennessy A J Stemler 2tf 2H 1 7453 LITTLE SCOT 103 8 8 8 8 8 8 Snyder Tierny Gunn 12 IB 6 7556 MOLLIE E 103 10 10 10 9 9 9 Cole J Eobbins 582 7565 DENNIS 104 7 9 9 10 10 10 McKunna Sexton Eowell 25 80 10 7461 HOTSPUR 108 11 11 11 11 11 11 Stephens W H McLemore 26 30 10 10Time Time 20 5354 1 18X 1 44 44Winner Winner Gh c 4 by Brutus May D DStart Start good Won easily Elmore was the best fle finished strong and was interfered witli first part Encino was lucky He had nothiug to bother him Mascota dislikes a ronte Tenaci ¬ ty ran short iContmapi on 2nd page SIXTH RACE 58 Mile Purse 400 3yearolds and upward Allowances Wt St M K StrFin Jockeys Owners Op Cl PI 6935 GEO MILLER 141 2 42 2u 21 la V Martin W L Stanfield 4585 7543CAESARIAN 144 4 SH 41 31 2io H Shields S C Hildreth 35 25 out 7491 RUFALBAFLORIMEL RUFALBA 52 51 52 ZVt Shaw W Boots Son 60 80 20 FLORIMEL FLORIMELCLARE 6 o 6 62 42 Slaughter J Williams 15 20 8 8U CLARE N U 13C Wt 51 G Cochran J Cochran 30 40 12 7398 SCOTCH ROSE ROSEBELARIC 2 32 41 66 Hennessy A J Stomler 3U 4 e5 BELARICKITTY BELARIC 131 6 7777 Wilkinbon J Dennison 25 30 10 KITTY BRADY 129 8 8888 Grady W F Hoeder 50 60 20 20Time Time 25 50 103 Winner B g a by Loftin Emma EmmaStart Start good Won driving Caesarian was best He was badly bumped and impeded Miller though ran a good game race and carried his weight like a gentleman Scotch Rose is a narrow waisted jade Rufalba ran another sturdy race Scratched Midas 144

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Local Identifier: drf1897042201_1_11
Library of Congress Record: