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1897 15 MILES FROM ST LOUIS ON THE WABASH WABASHBARNEY BARNEY SCHREIBERS MOPELFARM MOPELFARMTHE THE CHOICEST OF AUSTRALIAN BLOOD BLOODFOUL FOUL SHOT BY MUSKETSSLANDER MUSKETSSLANDERj j Ithnriel Touchstone 3 fLongbow 1 Verbena MissBowe Catton Cattonic ic J Tranbys dam damI I I Pantaloon j Castrel LLegerdermain 4 fldalia fldaliaDecoy Decoy Filhoda Pnta Finesse Melbourne j Humphrey Clinker f West Australian I Morpeths dam Moworina Touchstone Touchstonej j 7 Emma Camel Whalebone a tBrown Bess Duchess of Selim Daughter of j Breutandorf Mrs Cruickshank 1 PopeI Canteen Waxy Pope I Calendar Castania CastaniaHambletonia Hambletonia Stamford Harmonica HarmonicaTros Tros j Priam PriamJ J lCassandra Ally Allydam dam of Yattendon Alice Grey Rons Emigrant Emigranti i Qulnare b The Colonel Whisker WhiskerI I S a Capapie MyLadysdam MyLadysdamj j grandsire of Sister to Cactus Sultan Sultanil il Yattendon Duchess of York I Dover Patron Sog LBell Brand Maid of Kent Kent9S 9S a noted race mare Sophy j Skelhinda Sjg Sally Brass by Longtoniac LongtoniacBARNEY BARNEY SCHREIBER BRIPGcETON MO