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HIGHLAND PARK FORM CHART CHARTDETROIT CHARTER DETROIT MICH MICAH June 24 Fifteenth Day Highland Park Jockey Club Summer Meeting Weather clear track fast Presiding Judge J A Carter Starter P J Oilman 9239 FIRST HACK 5 12 Furlongs Purse 250 2yearolds Selling Ind Indo Horses Wt St StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H 19U37PHILIP BYRNES BYRES 108 2 22 14 N Turner W L R K Lewis 3 34 3 34 34t 9114 PAPA HARRY 106 1 t 14 28 Irving C H Cougle Coulee 85 85 1 65 9116PETER McCUE McClure 112 4 4U6 31 31 Schmitt Schmidt Chas Watkins 1 75 1 75 U6 PCESS CESS NINETTE NANETTE 95 6 42 48 Henson J 0 Gray Jr 12 15 12 12 9148 VEKNA VENA J 95 7 51 56 Cassidy Wm Oliver 20 30 20 25 7714 V1CTOBINE Iu2 8 7 82 J Healy M H Healy 25 40 25 30 9116 COYNE CONE 98 5 7887 8 7 Nixon W O Scully Sully 20 30 15 25 9166 BIGSTAFF 106 3 6768 6 8 Ross Hinde Hide Baker 8 10 7 8 8Time Time 24 49 1 09 09Winner Winner Ch c by Fortissimo Merced MercedPost Merced Post 10 minutes Start good Won driving next three also hard at it Papa Harry was all out at the finish Philip Byrnes Byres is a good colt McCue McClure was outrun all the way He is raced queerly playedScratched The price went back too today When he wins he is generally played Scratched Sister Jane 95 Ada Adam Russell 95 Pearl 97 9240 SECOND KACK KNACK a4 Mile Purse 250 3yearolds and upward Selling Ind Indo Horses Wt St fc 5 StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H L C 9US9 BLACK JACK 112 5 21 22 22 12 Newcom Newcomer M S Hughes 9167 PINCHBACK PINCHBECK 107 3 391153L1TTLE 12 18 11 2 Irving R Rome 4445 444591153L1TTLE 91153L1TTLE BRAMBLE 107 2 52 32 31 32 W Jones English Bros Brows 2 24 2 24 9118 NOYER BOYER 96 4 32 4 4 n 42 Bunn Bunny John Hogan 15 30 15 25 9117 MISS FRANCES 105 1 6 6 61 5 o Sherland Shetland F Kelly 3 34 24 3 5331 TIMORAH TIMOR 97 7 4 53 53 62 Milbnrn Millrun Oots Boots Bros Brows 15 30 15 25 9169 LORRAMA LORAN 106 6 7777 Hough D Lamasney Lamasery 6766 2527 CREVELING REVELING ICO CO 8 8888 Leonard E Weston 12 25 12 25 25Time Time 24 494 1 154 154Winner Winner Blk Balk h 5 by Siddartha Skidder Medicine MedicinePost Medicine Post 8 minutes Start good Won easily Black Jack was much the best His party played him too Pinchback Pinchbeck tired on the end Miss Frances had no speed Lorrania Loran and Timorah Timor were troubled the same way wayverwoights watertight verwoights overweighs Timorah Timor 3 pounds Lorrania Loran 1 9241 THIRD RACE 34 Mile Purse 250 3yearolds and upward Selling Ind Indo Horses Wt St 4 Yi 5 StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H L C IKK VIKKI 25 23 IK Shorland Holland R Rome 6858 6858SH SH 3 32 214 W Jones S C Wagner 6 6 3 34 917L3ANNA MAYES AYES 115 2 22 1 in IH 31 Irving B J Johnston 12 127101212 12710121291152LEONCIE 71012 12 91152LEONCIE 105 6 8 6 52 45 Cleaver Waters Hodges 34 3 4 489523BRAXEY 89523BRAXEY 105 8 7 41 41 5 J Shields Alex Shields 12 15 12 12 9113 MRS FEATHERBY FEATHERY 105 7 54 51 6 6 L Smith M C Moore 25 30 20 30 30K237 K237 WRANG RANG DUCHESS 10 5 fii Fiji 7 7 7 W Taylor L N Schoenfeld Schemed 60 75 60 75 759U39 9U39 GRAEFIN GRAFTING lUn lung 3 4 8 8 3 Ross Edward Fee la 15 12 15 15Time Time 244 494 1 16 16Winner Winner Ch f 4 by Longfield Longfellow Marline MarlinePost Marline Post 4 minutes Start good Won driving next throe doing their best Elsie Ferguson was all out at the finish Beuzetta Bequest was coming strong Leoncie Leonie off badly ran a good race Anna Mayes Ayes had her speed and also her faint heart 9242 FOURTH RACE 78 Mile Purse 250 3yearolds Allowances i Wt St 3A StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners l ai70H EXCELLENCY 102 1 U 114 14 12 IK Ross F Kelly 124 9115 HARRY LEE 97 3 314 3 36 36 2 Nixon W O Scully Sully 8 12 8 12 I 91934 L CALLAHAN 102 2 22 23 28 2 3 Newcom Newcomer M S Hughes 75 85 75 75 19113 SWEET AVON 102 4 4 4 4 4 4 Sherland Shetland Mrs L D Gray 12 20 12 15 15Time Time 231 484 1 164 1 29i 29iWinner Winner Ch f by Esher Esther Excellonza Echelon ExcellonzaPost Echelon Post 2 minutes Start good Won in a long hard drive of two Her Excellency was all out at the finish Lady Callahan retired early She had an e sy race Harry Lee had lots of speed and was coming strong on the end He can win his next 9243 FIFTH RACE 34 Mile Purse 25U 3yearolds and upward Selling Ind Indo Horses Wt S V 3 StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H L C 19036JGIVEAVVAY 99 6 69169KALITAN 44 4 41 1 N Turner H H Stover Stove 2 4 9169KALITAN 104 1 191b9 32 2 2 28 Walker G H Brown 2 24 91b9 BESSIE BRWNING BROWNING 105 5 59U83R 2 3 31 3 Cleaver Thos Ethos Nichols 12 15 12 12 9U83R Q BAN 114 4 4SllH 12 114 H 41 Campbell J H Smith 6656 SllH Sell HENRICA CHEMICAL 101 3 53 5 53 52 L Smith JC Tucker 12 15 12 12 HllTITFORTAT 107 2 6666 Cashin Cashing E G Stevenson 8 12 8 10 10t 9 M9FAYIBELLE 105 Left at t the post Sherland Shetland J W Wilson 10 12 10 10 T4WALKOVER 113 Left at the post1 Irving C H Cougle Coulee 852 8595 8595Time Time 24 494 115 115Winner Winner Ch c 3 by Esher Esther Paoli Paolo PaoliPost Politest Post 10 minutes Start bad Won handily R Q Ban tired as usual on the end Ho was a bit overweighted overweighed at that Giveaway was much the best after Walkover was left and had plenty in reserve Kalitan Kalian was weakly ridden Tit for Tat was short in speed today todayOverweights Overweights Overweighs Henrica Hernia 3 pounds Kalitan Kalian 1 9244 l SIXTH RACE 78 Mile Purse 250 3yearolds and upward Selling Ind Indo Horses y StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H L C 87H63BILL ELLISON 112 6 41 2n 24 14 Sherland Shetland P Stanton Co 45 65 45 65 9115 OTTO H 105 9 9 74 63 2i N Turner Mrs M Mack 24 4 24 3 8823 TRAVELER 105 2 291652NAUGHTY 11 H U4 SN Cassidy J C Ferris Jr 15 20 15 15 155i 91652NAUGHTY GIRL 100 7 5i 4n 4 41 L Smith Fleming Co 24 3 24 3 6 FRANK JAUBERT JANET 112 5 5SHK 7 64 54 51 J Shields Alex Shields 8856 SHK SHAKER NERO 112 4 49UX9 82 8 75 62 J Healy M H Healy 20 30 20 25 9UX9 RAGNER RANGER 110 3 64 9 9 7 Irving B J Johnston 15 30 15 25 9113 JEAN BART 110 1 21 32 34 8 Milburn Melbourne Con Leighton 20 40 20 30 9185 REFORMATION 102 8 34 51 8 9 Dyment Doyen J Dyment Doyen 20 40 20 30 8953 CROESUS CRESS 105 10 10 10 10 10 W Jones S C Wagner 12 20 12 15 15Time Time 24 504116 130 130Winner Winner B g 5 by Faustus Faust Bank Stock StockPost Stockpots Post 10 minutes Start good Won handily All others driving Bill Ellison won as he pleased Otto H ran an excellent race from where he got away Naughty Girl had no speed Jean Bart had a lot of it itScratched distracted Scratched Glenbok Gemsbok 102 B F Fly Jr 112 112Overweights Overweights Overweighs Joan Bart 5 pounds