Highland Park Entries., Daily Racing Form, 1897-06-25


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HIGHLAND PARK ENTRIES Probabilities Weather clear track fast fastFirst fascist First Race 5 12 Purlones Purloiners 3yearolds and upward Selling 9189 Sister lone 8 110 9189 Chico Chic 5 110 1083 Deposit 4 112 91132VVanga 3 112 8933 Cumberland4112 5758 Swift 4 115 3774 Valet 6 115 9118 Pat Daily 5 115 115Second Second Race 4 12 Furlongs 2yoarolds Selling 9239 Verna Verona J 106 9190 Jennie Cottal06 9086 Tennio Tennis 106 7436 Sister Ida 106 9034 BurntFoot Burnt 106 Vila 106 919 Onette Netted 106 9192 Lela Leila B 106 106X417 X417 Margaret Jaue Jane 106 9192 Isabello Isabella II 106 9114 Lady Lennox 166 8786 Sister Jane 106 8950 Coralis Corals 106 9186 Bob Chance 106 106Ojite Ojite Jitter 106 023 Arista Aristae 106 8918 De Trop 109 89S4 Bailey 109 90862 DutchComedianlOQ 9166 Black Will 109 9166 Scraps 109 Pope Leo 109 109Mnsgravo Mnsgravo Mangrove 115 115Ttilra Ttilra Attila Kace Ace 5 12 Furloncs Furlongs 3yearolds and upward Soiling 9189 Edith 6 110 5368 Whyota Whoa 5 110 11091893S810 91893S810 B 6 110 S41S Hus Huns Straus 5m 5m924U3Lit 924U3Lit Bramblet4lli 9113 KingElkwd Kinglike 4112 89873Bedr i5 112 8951 Beldivere Delivered 5 115 Fourth Race 34 Mile Mile3yearolds 3yearolds and upward Allowances Allowances91692Necedah 91692Necedah 5 107 9243 R Q Ban 6 114 11491934JennieJune6 91934JennieJune6 109 90904WCT 3 109 109Fifth Fifth Kace Ace 58 Mile Gentlemen Jockeys 9038 Blasco Blanco 5 150 91934Paramount 5 155 9113 Mist 3 130 Nina5 125 5186 Spoons 3v 135 8951 Turniquo Tourniquet 5 160 160Sixth Sixth Race 34 Mile 3yearolds and upward Selling 9113 Steve Ciolini8 91 9193 MorryChimes394 MorryChimes3949090Mazeppa3 9090Mazeppa3 96 9124Madeline 5 96 969039Inca3 9039Inca3 97 8763 Alice W 4 100 9113 Glenbok Gemsbok 3 101 9167 Proteus Protest 3 101 9170 Rapalatchie4 102 8878 Lucy Belle 5 102 10291702Dr 91702Dr Work 5 104 909J4Alva 5 104 9165 Whiff 5 107 8129 Pisa 5 109 1097167Longbrook 7167Longbrook 6111 6111Seventh Seventh Race 34 Mile 3yearolds and upward Selling 8257 Forfeit 3 93 9115DaisyMaree3 96 9170 Cecil 4 100 919iPEponB 4 1U2 1U29240Black 9240Black Jack5107 9189B Cecil4 l9 l991b9 91b9 Patrician 6 Ill 9 43 R Q Ban 6 118

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1890s/drf1897062501/drf1897062501_3_2
Local Identifier: drf1897062501_3_2
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800