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CONEY ISLAND ENTRIES Probabilities Weather clear track fast First Race 31 Mile MileMain Millenarian Main Track All ages Selling 85443 Hawarden Hayward 5 129 8830 Nick 7 129 9069 SirPlay4 126 89433 Harrington 6 126 126Hugh Hugh Penny 7126 84673Qolf4 126 87283 Boldomero Bolometric 6 124 S943Billali3 118 8940 Rifle3 116 9072 X Ray 3 116 1169159KaisorLudwig3116 9159KaisorLudwig3116 80743MohkPrince3113 8940 Hi Daddy 3 113 79912Successful 3 Ill j 8270Pootess3 Ill 7422BlissRncker2 87 Second Race 1 Mile 3yearold fillies Allowances 9160 Lady Mitchell 118 8S452Shasta Water 118 9073 Trayant Rayon 115 8639 Nay Nay 108 8074 Pcess Cess Bonnie 108 8270 Poetess 110 9072 Ponnetta Poinsettia 103 S441Divido 125 125ihird ihird third Race 58 Mile The Foam Stakes 3500 Guaranteed Guaranteed2yearolds 2yearolds Allowances 9070 Handball 125 9070 Great Bend 118 9161 Varus Arums 118 8228Corelli 118 1189l63Archduke 9l63Archduke 118 9163 Colonial Dame 115 8882 Arquebus Harquebus 115 9WOKitefoot 115 115McCafferty McCafferty entry entryFourth henceforth Fourth Raco31 Mile MileMain Millenarian Main Track The Coney Island Handicap 1500 guaranteed guaranteed3yearolds 3yearolds and upward 4474First Mate 41 6 9uui Premier 4 125 9071 Voter 3 121 92273Brandywine 5115 9162Semper 51159162Semper Ego 4114 9003 Intormission4113 9089 The Swain 5 112 8221 Blue Devil 3 105 8505 Bastion 3 104 104Bromley Bromley Brome Co entry entryBiftn entry Biftn Bit Kace Ace l 18 Miles Miles3yearolds 3yearolds and upward Selling 9001 Dougott Dugout 5 118 9162 Semper Simper Ego4113 9069 All Over 6 106 Joe Miller 7 103 8940 Haphazard 3 103 8108 Belleport Teleport 4 1G1 8471 Juno 4 96 8940 Azure 3 95 8940 Petrel 3 86 9073 Trayant Rayon 3 85 Sixth Race 1 116 Miles MilesHigh Miles High Weight Handicap On Turf 3yearolds and upward upward92322Sunup 92322Sunup 1259089Sir 5 132 9069A11 Over 6 125 9089Sir Play 4 124 8441Divide 3 123 8940 Riflo Rifle 3 114 9069 D Quickly 4 110