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ST LOUIS FORM GHART HART GHARTST HARTS ST LOUIS MO June 29 Thirtyninth Thirty Day St Louis Fair Association Spring Meeting Weather changeable track very heavy and holding Presiding Judge Jos Jose A Murphy Starter C C Chinn Chin 9386 F FIRST RACE 1 Mile Purse 100 3 earolds earls Selling lud laud Horses Wt St KJ 3 StrFin Strafing Jockeys O H L C 9317 INFLAMMATOR INFLAMMATORY 107 1 2 4 48 3 1 Slaughter F Phillips 2 3 95 3 9317 ASTRADA AMSTRAD 107 4 5 2 21 1 26 Webster E A Meyers Meyer Co 5 5 3 3 9317 MORALIST 107 6 4H 3 U 2 3i Combs J A Abernathy 2 3 2 115 1159286BOTANIC 9286BOTANIC 107 3 IH 1 3 410 4i W Dean F M Arthur 4 5 3 5 9289 ROSNY ROSY 104 5 6 6 5 5 5 Rebo Reebok C Kavanaugh Cavanaugh 25 30 20 30 9153 ROWLD GROWLED DUETE DUET 107 2 3 5 6 6 6 T Murphy J E Rodegap Bodega 10 12 8 10 Time 10Time 27i 54t 1 26 1 56 Winner 56Winner B c by Brutus Bruits Ariola Areola t tPost Post Post 3 minutes Start good Won ridden out second same Moralist was off badly Rosny Rosy quit early Botanic raced out of it early Inflammator Inflammatory came again when it looked as if he was beatfn beaten beatfnScratched backscratcher Scratched Z irina Irena 102 938 rT SECOND RACE 58 Mile Purse 400 2yearolds Allowances Ind Indo Horses Wt St M H 3i StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H L C 8577 WILSON 116 2 31 SH 5 1 T Murphy J W Schorr Scorer Son 3 3J 2 3 86S7EMP JOSEPHINE 108 1 2 21 31 2 Webster J S OBrien O'Brien 75751 75 75DULAC DULAC UCLA 106 5 4 4 li 3 Britton Briton John Huffman 6 10 4 8 88CSNANCY TILL 108 6 6 65 41 48 Combs D Lehan Lehman 4 5 4 5 8874 MIKE HAVERTY AVERY 103 4 1 11 2 E W Dixon J Stephenson 40 60 40 50 HE1DOBN 103 3 51 Ji 6 610 c SlaughterB Slaughter Schreiber 8 10 8 10 9154 K 50BLACK RUTHERFORD 103 7 7777 Granger HpkinsRthrfd40 60 40 50 BLACK FAUSTUS FAUST 106 9 9888 Ellis J Luzander Luanda 50 60 40 60 60SALID SALID SLID 106 8 8999 Frost J M Fanning 40 50 30 50 Time 50Time 13 26 40 1 02 1 09i Winner Br c by Jim Gore British Blue Blood BloodPoat Bloodspot Poat Oat 4 minutes Start good Won ridden out second and third driving Dulac Unlace ran a good race for his first time out So did Heidorn Heidi Nancy Till didnt didn't like the track The going prob probe ¬ ably beat the Empress It suited Wilson WilsonScratched Scratched Florine Fluorine Rush 103 Verify 103 Bimetalist Bimetallist 103 Brightie Brighten B 103 Thurles Hurdles 106 9388 THIRD RACJC ACC 1 Mile Purse 100 3yearolds Selling Ind Indo Horses Wt St Vt K Str Star Fin Jockeys Owners O H L C 9321GOLD TOP 107 2 IH li 13 15 14 E Jones F U Hickok Hick 2 115 1 65 87782RUSSELLA 6587782RUSSELLA 102 1 2 22 21 23 2 CSlanghterD Slaughtered A Honig Hong S5 3 752 7529079JJACK 9079JJACK B B 107 4 32 31 4 33 315 Webster J S OBrien O'Brien 20 25 10 12 129317MADDALO 9317MADDALO 107 3 4 4 3 4 4 Mitchell Marion Morgan 20 30 15 30 9321 TIN CUP 102 Left at the post J Muphy Murphy J W Schorr Scorer Son 4 444 444Time Time 27 54122 153 153Winner Winner B c by Top Gallant Gold Basis BasisPost Bassos Post 33 minutes Start straggling Won pulled up second easily Russella Russell was used up at the post Gold Top was best at that Jack B B and Maddalo Addable were outclassed Tin Cup is a vile actor actorScratched actors Scratched Argonaut 107 9389 FOURTH RACE 78 Mile Purse 400 3yearolds and upwards Allowances Ind Indo Horses Wt St J4 Vi StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H 9289FLORIDAS 100 2 1 H 16 13 15 CSlaughterJ Slaughter C Calm 2 3 2 3 39U3CJANE 9U3CJANE 100 1 53 530 530 34 21 Garner G C Bennett 85 2 2 95 9030 BLITZENS BLITZES SISTER 88 6 4 4 3 22 34 J Woods J E Rodegap Bodega 6823 9157MAY GALOP GALLOP 100 4 2 22 2 45 410 Combs G C Moshier Mushier 10 12 10 12 1289072BRIDGET 89072BRIDGET 103 3 33 3 4 5 5 R Jones B F Ward 8 12 6 12 3435 MAGGIE F 86 5 80Time 6 6 6 6 6 Cningham Cunningham T J McHale Chalet 60 SO 60 80 Time 13i 26 39 1 07i 1 22 1 37 37Winner Winner B f 3 by Jils Jails Johnson Via ViaPost Vapors Post 6 minutes Start straggling Won easily next two driving Floridas Florida outclassed them in the going Blitzons Blitzes Sister was off badly Jane finished strong But her race wasnt wasn't Janes James as Jane runs when good May Galop Gallop went all to pieces on the end endOverweights Overweights Overweighs Bridget 3 pounds 9390 FIF FIFO FIFTH RACE G 12 Furlongs Purse 400 3yearolds and upward Soiling Ind Indo Horses Wt St M y 5i StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H 9153OUR BISHOP 99 3 24 W 13 12 tf Jones F H Hickok Hick 4534 45349120JCAVALRY 9120JCAVALRY 99 2 3 35 34 28 C SlaughterA Slaughter Covington Coving 2 2 8595 85958999CHAR 8999CHAR CHRISTY 104 4 52051051031 T Murphy J W Schorr Scorer Son65 95 65 85 92S53BILL 8592S53BILL DAWDY DOWDY 96 1 H 11 21 41 Reidy Reid Bishop Co 40 40 30 40 9J32 QUEEN LAB 92 6 41 43 4 530 Rebo Reebok E Richardson 30 40 30 40 4295 JUDGE DE BOUSE BLOUSE 105 5 6666 Booker Larrissey Arise Barry 40 60 40 50 9233 REVENUE 107 7 7777 Hickey R R Rico 30 40 25 40 Time 40Time 28 53 1 2ii 1 31 31Winner Winner B c 3 by Bishop Marcola Arcola MarcolaPost Narcolepsy Post 1 minute Start fair Won easily second driving Our Bishop was the best in the go ¬ ing King Cavalry ran a game race His party was down too Christy was held out of it too long Bill Dawdy Daddy is of no account accountScratched accounts Scratched Queen Flambeau 92 Metairie Meteorite 105 Johnny McHale Chalet 107 Dutch Bard 111 Q Q Q I SIXTH RACE7 12 Furlongs Purse 400 3yearolds and upward Selling Ind Indo Horses Wt 6t l4 rftrFin raftering Jockeys Owners O H L 8738CAPPY 34349320DICK 91 2 1 1 15 1 15 hebo hbo J F Fogg Foggy 3434 9320DICK BEHAN BEAN 109 1 22 24 21 38 2 Webster C Young 563 185 P32iEOYL 185P32iEOYL CHOICE 107 3 31 33 31522 38 Garner GC Bennett 85957585 92 fliWTHORNE litho 109 5 4 5 5 4 41 C SlaughterB Slaughter Schreiber 4 5 4 41 929 ULAilvli Fulfill BRUSH 104 4 5 50Time 4 1 5 5 Alaric Balearic E R Rodgers 40 60 40 50 Time 27 541 122 141 Wir Weir 141Wir 4ayP B f 3 by Fonso Fonts Nannie Nannies 4ay P 1 mi oo to Htart Tart puor pour Won easily second driving hard Cipi Chip y ran away from his fl HJU HUD u rin Erin coxiM coxing nut run in thi thin rmni Armani i ici ii Brhan Bran outtjuneil outturn it yl Choico Choice un tho thou mil Tfcan FICA t ha got the place iiiackiug Btaaii Tai was outciaaoed outclassed He ts a thirdrater tidewater Cappys Crappy iace ace was not within the lines linesScratched Scratched Dawn 91 Charley ReiS Regis 02 Elsi Elsie D 12 Longtime 96