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SHEFFIELD BNTKIBS BUNTINGS Probabilities Weather clear track fast fastFirst fascist First Race 34 Mile Mile3yearolds 3yearolds and upward Allowances Allowances87553Tern 87553Tern 3 91 93353 Yours Truly 3 96 9693S7 93S7 Tony Honing3 96 93262Incetatus 8 96 9322 Cora Havill Hail 4 1U2 9325 Joan 4 102 9265Millie 1029265Millie M 4 102 8973 Little Sadie4 102 9322 TeetaMay6104 8838 Diggs Digs 5 106 106Second Second Race 58 Mile Mile2yearolds 2yearolds Selling 8706 Beatrix Beatrice 103 9334 Merry Glen 103 9283 Chinkapin Chinquapin 103 9263 Mary Cavaier103 9263 Scott Newman 103 83133Elsie Bramble 103 Bradneld Branded 103 9371 DouBterswiveL106 9334 Darochota Apricot 107 9261Hosi 108 9263 Ideal BeanlOS Buenos 92 1 Raymond F106 F106Tliird Tliird Laird Race 34 Mile Mile3jearolds 3jearolds and upward Selling Selling92202Chenill9 92202Chenill9 3 92 8566 Miss Young B 90 3727 Billy Meyers Meyer 5101 91412Uncas 4 101 93d7iileumojue 10193d7iileumojue 7 101 9337 Warn Point4101 9322 Jersey Lad 3 100 9141 Joe Mancini Anacin 4104 4459 M Chambers3105 The Corker 4 112 112Fourth Fourth Rao Ra 1 Mile Mile3yearolds 3yearolds and upward Allowances 922 102W72 J3Dpjure 5 100 9 64 Bustnp Bust 6 102 W72 Forseou Forego 4 102 93S6Freddio L 16 10f 9 6 iracioC piracies 6 106 219 Nunny Nunn 4 107 9Outu c 106 264diiTanatnsi 7 7915 Plutus Puts 7 Ill IlltitLli Hillbillies titLli till Race 34 Mile 3yearnlds and upward Selling 92653Tcrrifie 3 92 922u Vitrola3 tOiiHnsme toothsome 3K 94 97r Be Van 3 y2aa Little Oc anKi Rankin 97 Wl wordnun word 3 9265 King Galong Along 3 97 9326 Martin K 3 97 9104 Brother Fred 3102 7708 Cologne 4 104 104Sixth Sixth Race About 1 14 Miles Steeplechase MilesSteeplechase Handicap 9327 Indifferent 5 125 7833 Gratz Graft Hanly6125 9338 DoWBingB Downing 125 93273Hammond 5 125 7917 Leader 9 125 93272WarDanceJr5128 93272WarDanceJr51289327DelCorVdo4132 9327DelCorVdo4132 86283 Folly 6 134 1349327Phil 9327Phil Becker5140 8672Repeater 5 14 Brenock Redneck entry