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SHEFFIELD FORM CHART CHARTSHEFFIELD SHEFFIELD IND INDO June 29 Fifth day Sheffield Racing Association Summer Meeting Weather clear track fast Presiding Judge John Kelisey Kelsey Starter Richard Dwyer Q O f Q FIRST RACE 58 Mile Purse 25J 3yearolds and upward Allowances Ind Indo Horses Wt St Vt 3 StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H 1 9265 COCHINA COCHIN 3 62 4 K IH Low M Sabbath Sabbath2i 20 30 20 20 9217 ATELIER 2i 2 2i 23 Rutter Ruttier J Maloney 6 10 6 10 9146 SADIE K 4 4i 6i 3 Bartley Barley J H Kintz Kin 15 20 15 20 SS63 C H WHELAN WHEELMAN 6 7 1 4 Donaldson Donald Ruddy Bros Brows 4 4 4 4 933S LE1NAD 11 11 11 51 A Barrett Barrette W H Daniel 10 15 10 15 8722 MISS MOTOR 88 5 1 1 li 6 Evans Jno Juno Bronock Brook 3434 7829 LIONEL 90 7 9 8 71 7 L Rose Otter Sigel Sigil 20 30 20 30 9220 TETON STETSON 109 17 1C 91 10 8 Cannon Miller Finch 30 30 30 30 9145 SANTA CRUZ lit 6 14 12 12 92 L Scott W A Harper 10 15 10 12 7857 DR NEWMAN 98 Z 72 5 3a 10 Dorsey Dose S Regan Egan 6666 9J65 MARY L 109 3 13 13 13 11 Magnusgon Manson C Dorsey Dose 6767 633 TRAMP TRAMPH4bi 111 9 i 10 9 12 Bozeman J B F Browulow Barrowful 10 10 10 10 H4bi X4W ANNA W St 14 15 15 15 13 T Clay P M Tivill Trivially 15 15 20 9 917 17 DEVOIR 1 12 It 14 14 Carter W D Sippy Snippy 15 20 15 20 9146 LORETTA Iu9 13 E ii ° Si Ij K ArmstngT Arming E Barrett Barrette 5656 I6 MRS MURRAY MURRAY9iiii 88 15 16 18 16 16 WHMartin Wharton M Conroy Cory 15 20 15 20 9iiii KATE SAYRE AYRES 9616 17 17 17 17 Willis H L Conrtwright Countering 20 20 20 20 024Winner Time 20Time 24J 50 1 024 Winner AgnesPost Agnes Ch c 4 by Himyar Shimmy Lady Agnes Post tj minutes Start fair Won in the hardest kind of a drive second third and fourth driving also Sadio Sadie K was perhaps the best Tho Theo boy did everything but fall cff cuff her back She was off badly got into every packet and had a wirld wild i f trouble Cochina Cochin was well handled Atelier just weakened in ths this tinal tina sixteenth Leio Leo ad could never get through until the spread at the head of the stretch Miss Motor is of no account She was away well and had clear sail ¬ ing King It was a bad lot lotScratched outstretched Scratched Margaret Ann 101 Nemaha Emma 111 Overweights Overweighs 111Overweights Sadie K 2 pounds CVQTr SECOND K AC t 78 Mik Mick Purse iJxi Fiji 3jearcMs aod ad upwa upward J 6 S Allowances Ind Indo Horses Wt St W Vi StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners 9324 LIZZIE TIZZIES MILES 11U 4 V 7H JH M IN Gouin Gouging CCHams Chas CCHams93263LADY 93263LADY DIXON 106 3 4 4 4 62 2 RArmttrngJ H Kintz Kin 9326 GOLDEN ROD 103 5 3 32 6 2 3i Bozeman A Hankins Hawkins 3644 PAT CORRIGAN 103 1 = 12 1 12 1442 Cannon T W Snmmor Unmoor Snmmor91063LAREDO 91063LAREDO 97 2n 2 2 2 3 53 L Rose W H Snarley Snare 383 9106 ED OVERLOOK 97 8i 5 6n 3U 4 H pvana panda B C Watkins 5 15 5 5Wise 9 6 TKEEBY THEREBY 97 7 H M 8H 7 H i Dorsey Dose Wise Hems Heinsohn Henson 8 12 8 9326 GERTRUDE 99 51 93 9H 7 8 i 2 WiJiia Fijian D Waldo Weald 25 75 25 60 7019 THE DELAWARE 97 10 10 10 9 0 910 9 Donaldson Donald S Guggenheim 40 60 40 50 9019 MACE 102 11 12 11 10 Hi 102 Lew Blew W M Waters 15 40 15 40 CAHT CAT 40CAHT HALL 106 12 111 12 11 12 lU Baitloy Bailey Frank Park 15 75 15 60 3913 FAUSTONIC FAUSTIAN 105 6 6 SB 12 11 12 O Green H F Leet Let 15 15 2 3 91063P1RATE PRINCE lOu 13 13 13 13 13 13 A Barrett Barrette J F Davis 2 11585 95 Time 95Time 24 4Pi 1 02 1 15i 1 28J Winner 28JWinner Ch f 4 by Bob MilesDahlia Miles MilesDahliaPost Post 10 minutes Start poor Won in a long hard drive of three Gouin Gouging rode a clever finish on the winner Thats Hats what won Lady Dixon was the best she had a lot of hard luck though Ed Overlook interfered with her on the stretch turn Pat Corrigan acted as if insane at the post Ho got off flying though and showed some speed There was a general mix up shortly after the start Pirate Prince suffered most Barrett Barrette had to pull him up to avoid going down Seven furlongs is too far for Laredo Faustonic Faustian heavily played proved a failure He works well but cant outraco outrace a bad horse with colors up Golden Rod ran a good race He was inter ¬ fered feared with on first turn turnScratched turncoat Scratched Longeval Congeal 102 102Overweights Overweights Overweighs Golden Rod 8 pounds Faustonic Faustian 2 9371 THIRD RACE 5S Mile Purse S300 2yearolds Allowances Ind Indo Horses Wt St M H M StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H L O 9057 BONITO 109 2 2 31 3 1 L Soden Sodden H E Leigh 3 10 3 93233THE PROFESSOR 103 1 W 1 U 21 Caywood Cawed D M Hogan 656512710 9323 DOUSTERSWIVEL DUSTERS 103 5 41 2 2 3 Bozeman L H Ezell Bezel 2423 8860 GLOBE II 100 6 75 6 f 4 Dorsoy Doors J Brenock Redneck 10 15 10 i 675 MAY GOODERSON GOODIES 107 4 3 4 4 51 0 Sloan E F Voos Voss 30 60 30 50 9216 PUG 103 7 51 5 65 66 P Clay W H Roller 10 20 10 15 92613McGUIGAN 1592613McGUIGAN 92 3 6 t 75 75 710 Willis D Waldo Weald 15 75 15 50 PHILB1N 50PHILB1N 103 8 8888 75Time Magnusson Manson Ruddy Bros Brows 15 75 15 75 Time W 491 1 02 Winner 02Winner B f by Liongstroet Clingstone Bonetta Bonnet BonettaPost Monetarist Post 2 minutes Start good Won iu a long hard drive second third and fourth also hard at it The Professor is extremely fond of a bone He was the right one and eoernod operand to have everything beaten at the eighth pole but went all to pieces in the final sixteenth Globe II ran a good race He had a stormy passage too He was carried out on the first turn and pocketed often after that May Goodersou Goodies had quite a flight of speed McGuigan Michigan was interfered with shortly after start startOverweights Overweights Overweighs May Gooderson Goodies 4 pounds 9372 FOURTH RACE 1 Mile Purse 300 3yearolds and upward Selling Ind Indo Horses Wt St X V StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H L C 106 1 1 1 12 1 Dorsey Dose W D Sippy Snippy 9220IRISH LADY 105 5 23 21 21 2 21 Caywood Cawed D M Hogan 1 1151 2 92612 FORSEEN FOREMEN 101 3 31 3 3 3 312 Magnusson Manson P M Civill Civilly 5 10 5 10 93243LEW 1093243LEW HOPPER 106 2a 56 42 510 42 4 Bozeman L A Legg Leggy 22165 9337 ONALASKA KOALAS 98 6 6 6 6 5 58 Gray W A Harper 30 50 30 40 7867KARRUBA 407867KARRUBA C 107 4 4 510 4 6 6 Gouin Gouging Mrs F Odom Sodom 60 60 50 60 Time 60Time 25 49 1 0 1 15 1 41i Winner 41iWinner Ch c 4 by Sobranje Shoran Lucy H HPost Post Post 30 seconds Start good Won easily second and third hard at it Doctor G was the best today He handled his weight like a gentleman and raced the others dizzy the first three quarters The going handicapped Irish Lady Caywood Cawed was hard at work on her all the way Lew Blew hopper could not run fast enough to keep warm Ho doesnt doesn't like a mile Forseen Foremen ran an honest race which she generally does doesScratched overstretched Scratched Sullross Soulless 102 Q O r7 O FIFT FIT FIFTH RACE 58 Mile Purso Purrs 250 3yearolds and upward Allowances Ind Indo Horses Wt St Ji H 3 StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H L C S89623ENATOR QUAY 101 3 1 11 11 12 Dorsey Dose T D Carter 2 1152 2 9324 Hankins92173WH1TCOMB GOLIGHTLY GHOULISHLY 88 5 592173WH1TCOMB 21 22 21 2 WHMartin Wharton A Hankins Hawkins 15 40 15 30 92173WH1TCOMB 98 2 4 4 4 3 Magnusson Manson H T Carmen Careen 4 4 3 3 8679 AL LONE 98 6 32 61 3 41 Evans A F Dayton 30 60 30 50 8755 HIGHLAND FLING 99 4 7 3 5 L Rose H Carstens Chastens 15 25 15 20 9324 KAMSIN AMUSING 109 7 92 92 8 62 Bozeraan Bozeman L H Ezell Bezel 5756 8975PATSY COOK 96 9 6a 7 7 71 Donaldson Donald S Guggenheim 20 40 20 4 9326 AMANDA 101 10n 10n91462DEMIREP 101 81 91 82 Lew Blew Helfert Heeler Bros Brows 50 75 EO 75 91462DEMIREP 7591462DEMIREP 107 11 12 11 101 91 Robertson H Carstens Chastens 15 25 15 20 9262 WHY 96 12 13 12 11 101 C Clay Wise Heinsohn Henson 50 75 50 BO 5994 BRYAN 111 Is 5 101 12 112 T McHngh Chang E Brown 3 5 Si 4 9336 1 H GOODNIGHT 111 8 87399T1D1NESS 11 5 61 121 Cannon J C Keifer Heifer 60 75 60 60 7399T1D1NESS 607399T1D1NESS 96 13 81 13 13 13 Sheppard W A McConneU McConnell 60 75 60 75 9324 DUTCH ARROW 114 14 14 14 14 14 Murray F Park 40 75 40 60 Couplod Coupled 60Coupled in betting Time 24 49 1 02 Winner 02Winner B c 3 by Pontico Pontiac Jennie H HPost Post Post 6 minutes Start good Won driving and out to the last ounce second and third doing their best Golightly Ghoulishly would have won with a stronger ride Little Martin was of little help to her in the final sixteenth Senator Quay wanted to stop at the head of the stretch He was a bit short The race will do him good His wind is none too good and he races better on mild still days Whitcomb Witco was not up to such a hard race Kamsin Amassing seems to be of no account Al Lon tried to run out all the way Bryan was high in flesh and could not go the route Sappho Sapphic was in the race but ran away a mile in a false break and was excused Bets were declared off and a now book made madeScratched Scratched Lon Jones 109 Lettio Latino 101 Sappho Sapphic 106 Inspector Hunt 109