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SHEFFIELD FORM CHART CHARTSHEFFIELD SHEFFIELD 1ND Jnly Jingly 9 Fourteenth day Sheffield Racing Association Summer Meeting Weather clear track fast Presiding Jndge Judge John Kelsey Starter Richard Dwyer FIRST RACE 58 Mile Purse 250 8yearolds and upward Selling Ind Indo Horses Wt St fc V4 51 StrFin Strafing Jockeys O H L C 94752AL LONE 108 2 41 32 Ji 13 Gouin Gouging A F Dayton 6756 95953JOAN 117 4 31 44 2 2 Bozeman J Cochran CochranSB Cochran 4433 9531 SOUTHWORTH SOUTHPORT 122 5 SB 52 44 3 Caywood Cawed Jas Jabs Curl 4i 6 4 6 9431 INSPECTOR HUNT 119 8i 72 64 64 41 C Sloan Thos Ethos Carey 8 15 8 12 9492 TERRAM1E 117 7 9 8i 81 i fi Dorsey Dose B J Johnsto Johnston 8 15 8 15 95003 KING GALONG ALONG 113 1 6u 72 7 61 L Scott P M Civill Civilly 25 40 2ft 30 9598 TEEN 108 91 2i 24 3i 72 J Morgan Gardner Sibley Smiley 12 20 12 15 1594772T1DINES8 94772T1DINES8 108 6 8 91 91 85 T McHugh Chug W A McConnell 10 15 10 12 1295S9 95S9 QUEEN BESS BESTS 117 3 = 1041C3 10 9 Nicholson J Delong Belong 7 12 7 10 9331 SiDIE SiDE K 117 10 12 1 5 10i F Sloan J H Kiutz Klutz 30 40 30 40 9373 DKMIREP ADMIRE 117 11 11 11 11 11 ARobertsonH Robertson Carstens Chastens 60 80 60 75 9477 PATSY COOK 108 12 12 12 12 12 RSWilhamsS Guggenheim 50 75 60 60 60Time Time 24t 49t 1 01i 01iWinner Winner B f 3 by Albert Fronie Ronnie Louise LouisePost Louise Post 6 minutes Start good Won handily second third and fourth driving Al Lone was the host She is eneody Kennedy but has a bad habit of running out Gonin Gowning kept her in though and she easily outfooted hotfooted tue true others Jean got away well but was hemmed in on the far turn South worth coulI colic not manage the weight Ho stood Caywoods Cawed drive at the finish well Tern seemed to LP winning on the turn but when struck with the whip she swerved Terramie Tramline oil badly and interfered with often ran a good race raceScratched backscratcher Scratched Tom Sayre Ayres 119 Terrific 108 Charley Wilson 122 Laredo 110 Q pT SECOND UACH UTAH 34 Mile Purse 250 3yearolds Maidens Allowances ua iiorses biopsies Wt 8t M V4 X StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H L G 92493 A BiY BY WADE 107 4 21 1 1 1 Dorsoy Doors W K Cleveland 1 75 1 65 9600 TREEBY TREBLY 100 SH 7 73 44 24 C Clay Wise Heinsohn Henson 60 80 60 75 633 GOLDEN ROD 112 2 = 41 3 32 3 C Sloan A Hankids HankiUs Hankies 3 5 3 3i 9586 FAUSTONIC FAUSTON1C FAUSTIAN 103i 3 1 2 24 44 O Green H F Leet Let 7 7 3 3i 3t 9177 LIONEL 99 7i t M 105 1C5 75 SN SNK SANK J Hicks Otter Sigel Sigil 40 60 40 50 9597 PIRATE PRINCE 112 E 101096 82 6 6i P Clay J O Keene 6 15 6 12 9597 THE DELAWARE S9 6i 64 5 51 74 RSWilliamsS Orwellian Guggenheim 50 80 50 75 9477 ANNA W 107 9 92563 95 8 L Scott P M Civill Civilly 30 60 30 50 4887 FELIX V 109 10 3 44 62 96 HArmstrg Harms Robt Robot Miller 60 80 60 80 6492 LOTT LOT 10711 11 11 104 1010 ARobertsonJ Robertson Duffels 10 20 10 15 9475 CARMIN CARMINE ELLA 107 1 5 5 u n T McHugh Chug C C Harris Co 15 50 15 40 40Time Time 21i 50 1 02 1 14i 14iWinner Winner B f by Audrain Adrian The Wraith WraithPost Wraith Post 3 minutes Start fair Won pulling up It was a hard drive for the place The weight stopped Golden Rod Sloan rode him hard all the way Amy Wade was pounds the best It was just an exercise gallop for her Treeby Trebly deserves some attention in maiden races Faustonic Faustian was played again and failed He works faot fagot enough to beat anybody Pirate Prince is a slow beginner but finished fast Lionel ran a fair race about as good as he is capable of doing It was a cheap lot lotOverweights Overweights Overweighs Faustonic Faustian 11 pounds 9666 THIRD RACE 78 Mile Purse 250 3yearolds and upward Selling Ind Indo Horses Wt St H StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H L C 84593 WHIRLAWAY WHIRL 104 141 1 li 11 1 Caywood Cawed W D Sippy Snippy 4 5 4 4i 4i95972AMANDA 95972AMANDA 107 6 71 6 4 5i 21 C Sloan Helfert Heeler Bros Brows 15 25 15 20 9588 LADY D1XON 105 R 5i 51 SH 6 3 RArmstrngJ Drawstring H Kintz Kin 6 50 6 50 5095882MILLIE 95882MILLIE M 105 2 2 34 2i 3i 42 P Clay W H Holler 65 85 65 85 859597ONALASKA 9597ONALASKA 110 Pi 6 2i 710 71 Mi L Scott W A Harper 4433 9595 BRYAN 109 4 3i 2 34 4n 6 T McHugh Chug D Brown 6666 9407 SWORDSMAN 104i 7i 4i 4u 61 2 71 Bozeman W A McConnell 10 25 1Q 25 9593 PLUTUS PUTS 112 3i S 81 8 84 81 Magnusson Manson MrganWilluisn20 60 20 60 6092622LITTLE 92622LITTLE MUSIC 101 9 9 9 9 9 9 Dorsey Dose B J Johnston 5958 5958Time Time 24i 49i 1 02 115 1 27i 27iWinner Winner B c 3 by Strathmore Stratford Spinaway Sinewy SpinawayPost Post 2 minutes Start good Won hand riaden ridden and staggering second and third driving hard Whirlaway Whirl got a running start and he needed it The race should do him good He was a trifle short Amanda ran a surprising race She was best ridden though Sloan laid away with her while the others raced their heads off Lady Dixon finished strong She too ran above the notch Millie M seems to be of no account Clay punished her all the way Bryan ran a good race as far as he went Ho should win his next Onalaska Koalas was bumped at the start and it took him a long while to got on his stride strideScratched strides Scratched Why 98 Overella Oversell 109 Glenoid Genocide 109 Fritzie Fritzes 110 London Smoke 112 Hess ville vile 98 98Overweights Overweights Overweighs Swordsman 3i pounds Whirlaway Whirl 3 IRTH BIRTH RACE 1 116 Miles Purse 300 3yearolds and upward Selling Ind Indo Horses Wt St U V4 StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H J 9593TONY HONING 92 6 3 x vj vi 11 11 Donaldson Donald P M Civill Civilly 3534 95292KVANATUS 104 2 72 ei 52 24 2 Dorsey Dose B J Johnston 4 5 2i 2i 95293 SI LLROSS ALLOTS 107 4H 6 7 J 6 4 310 T McHugh Chug Foster Bros Brows 6 15 6 12 9529 1 0 KSTADER STANDER 104 5 i 4i 4t 4 4 61 4 Caywood Cawed J F Davis 5 15 5 12 9527 LIZZIE TIZZIES MILES 108 7i li 1 1 3 520 C Sloan C C Harris Co 20 50 20 40 9633Sl NNY NY 109 8 5 54 725 710 625 L Scott J J Sellers 6 12 6 10 9597 PRYTANIA PYROMANIA 102 3 8 8 8 8 7 O Green W Brandes Branders 60 80 60 80 9529 KIBE KOBE MURPHY 104 1 24 32 3i 5 Bozeman L H Ezell Bezel 2 3 2 2i Jtinke Tinker down Time 2fi 50 1 02i 1 16i 1 42 1 4Si 4SiinriprB inriprB indri c 3 by Oneko Neo Flying Rumor RumorP Rumor P t J minutes Htart Tart good VYou You hand ridden second ridden out next three driving Ev iiiru3 was mncf manic li hnst honest He got into a jamb on the first tnrn turn and sulked a bit on the back str star Ho is a b i batting tool Tony Honing was well ridden Donaldson Donald saved lots of pr I lv hugging tne tine rait krait emllross cellos ran a good raee rae and finished strong Heisgoodnow Dock ste sate v i interfered with on the far tnrn turn Lizzie Tizzies Miles can win from cheaper ones and at a sui suit i i litarce liar Sunny seems to have gone back Babe Murphy was go lame she could hardly bo t he track Vigars Cigars 105 HbTH Bath RACE 4 f st 301 2yenroldb Allowances 9DLi SHARP 52 6s 52 43 J Hicks Ed Fitzgerald 3 10 3 8 9587 BOB GARNET 87 6n 61 8 61 54 L Rose Miller Finch 60 80 60 80 9680 PUG 102 H 72 71 72 6 Clay W H Roller 6 20 6 15 9589 ITASCA VITAS 99 8 8 5i 8 71 G Clay J O Keene 60 60 25 40 9589 D OF HIGHLAND 102i SB 3i 2 41 8 O Green B C Watkins 20 40 20 30 30Time Time Hi 22 34i 48i 54 54Winner Winner B c by Pontico Pontiac Cretonia Creston CretoniaPost Creston Post 20 minutes Start fair Won under a pull second driving hard third eased np a bit after an early drive Dr Sharp was pounds the best He was much used at the post but seems to be a good race horse and it had no effect on him Queen Mab Nab ran an honest race She was well handled too Gnome was much saved at the post She ran her race Duchess of Highland showed a flash of speed early Miss Gnssie Gussied had a lot of trouble and ran a good race Pug was badly shut off after the start startOverweights Overweights Overweighs Duchess of Highland 3i 9669 SIXTH RACE 58 Mile Purse 250 3yearolds and upward Selling Ind Indo Horses Wt St Vi V4 X StrFin Strafing Jockeys O H L I 9370 CAPTAIN HALL 110 3 I E 12 is i Harrington F Park 30 150 30 15t 15t3i 9369 LORETTA 117 6 3i 2 22 2 Armstrong T E Barrett Barrette 10 25 10 20 202u 9631 HAMLIN CHAMPLAIN 110 li 2u 42 41 3 Clay W H Roller 6 10 6 8 9598 ED OVERLOOK 110 12 15 t2 72 42 Cannon B C Watkins 10 25 10 20 93692ATELIER 122 4i 51 3 3i Fi Rutter Ruttier J Maloney 2 3 Z it 9431 ROGER B 119 10 7 Si 5i 6 C Sloan F C Moshior Mohair 6857 95S8 CAPRIVI CAPRI 119 2 41 6 8 74 Caywood Cawed D M Hogan 15 25 15 25 258i 9494 KATHERINE 117 8 8i 81 6 K Si C Johnson F J Williams 10 80 10 25 9373 I H GOODNIGHT 119 9i 91 7i 9 9i Lawless J C Kiefer Krieger 15 60 15 50 9191 BILLY MYERS MAYER 119 13 12 12 10 10 Goodman T W Snmner Sumner 50 80 50 80 9369 KATE SAYRE AYRES 108 11 11 13 11 112 O Green H L Courtwright Outweigh 40 60 40 60 9589 COLOGNE 122 14 13 14 12 121 L Scott EE Kendall 20 30 12 15 9389 MRS MURRAY 108 5 10215 13 132 Maguusson Magus M Conroy Cory 15 25 15 20 206i 9494 TRAMP 119 15 6i 11 14 14 K Luther J B F Brownlow Brown 15 30 15 25 9599 AL MONARCH 119 7 14 10 15 15 F Sloan M A Walden 60 75 60 75 9389 LEINAD LEONARD 119 16 16 16 16 16 Gonin Gowning W H Daniel 6 15 6 12 9495 INDIFFERENT 119 17 17 17 17 17 Bnrrell Barrel Wise Heinsohn Henson 60 75 60 75 75Time Time 24i 50 1 i2i i2iWinner Winner HartstonpPost Hearthstone Ch g 3 by Dutch Organ Aggie Hartstonp Hearthstone Post 1 minute Start good Won easily second with something to spare third and fourth driviiig hard Captain Hall got away running He was the best tnough tough Atelier was pinched out of it on the first turn Loretta had clear sailing and ran her race Ed Overlook should have been closer up He got away badly and finished like a whirlwind It was a bad lot lotScratched outstretched Scratched Dads Daughter 117 Miss Motor 108 Mollie King 117