Fort Erie Entries., Daily Racing Form, 1897-07-10


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FORT BRIE ENTRIES Probabilities Weather clear track fast fastFirst fascist First Race 34 Mile 3yearolds Allowances 8034 HurnB Huron 107 935CGoose Liver 107 1079l70OddGenins 9l70OddGenins 104 95912Hnrl 104 9622 Brighton 104 9591 No Chance lOi loci 9450 LB 104 95422Rideau 104 96222 Wordsworth 104 9623 Jolly Son 104 9622 Lottie Loftier Hunter 102 9460 Sweet Avon 102 9624 MidliKht Midi Iu2 9591 Benzetta Bennett 102 10298232Lady 98232Lady Mottle 102 102Second Second Race 1 Mile Mile4yearolds 4yearolds and upward Allowances 9648 Harrington 6 109 96862Vill Elliott7103 96202 FrJaubert4 103 9620 Terra Archer4101 Archer41019623Teet4 9623Teet4 99 99inird inird inured Race 34 Mile 2yearolds Allowances Allowances94222Marplot 94222Marplot 118 9462Alica Farley Fairly 115 11577973Lady 77973Lady Disdain 110 95922Judge VvardellllO VvardellllO8828Brazilian 8828Brazilian 110 9885 Aunetburn Unreturned 103 103Fourth Fourth Race 1 18 MUe Moue a a3yearolds 3yearolds and upward Allowances 9564 Uly July sees 4 118 9621Lobongnla4116 9621Lobongnla41169649Onr 9649Onr Johnny3llO 9367 The Planter 3 99 999M323napShot 9M323napShot 3 95 963Kinney 3 90 9095203Annalyle4 95203Annalyle4 89 89Fifth Fifth Race 1 116 ifriles fries ifriles3yearolds 3yearolds and upward Allowances 9542 SongDance6109 9649Our Johnny 3100 310096832Kinney 96832Kinney 3 97 9MlHurl 3 97 979M32duap 9M32duap Shot 3 95 9551Anger 3 97 97Sixth Sixth Race Full Course CourseSteeplechase Steeplechase 9519 Rover II 10 165 9M9BrotherBob6148 96S23Bnckeye 5 IBS BS 9129 Tuscarora Unscarred 6 145 14595S2 95S2 Carmelo Carmel 142 9594Bondhead 9 143 1439519Prince 9519Prince Mark5 140 9652 Clark 5 138 9514310 Do 8 135 135Seventh Seventh Race 58 Mile 2yearolds Allowances Allowances93763Qeorge 93763Qeorge Jr 108 9592 Col Cool Eowlesl03 9685 Annotburn Cannot 103 9819 Helmsdale Hillsdale 103 9592 Julia Flynn 100

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Local Identifier: drf1897071001_4_7
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