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CONEY ISLAND FOBM FOB NEW YOEK YOKE N Y July 9 The form of Saturdays Sheepshead Shepherd Bay fields is First Bace Brace Abuse Blarneystoue Blarneys Blueaway Bleary BlueawaySecond Second Eace Peace Sunup Ben Eder Edger Azure AzureThird Azure Third Bace Brace Hamburg Firearm Bowling Brook BrookFourth Breakout Fourth Bace Brace Buddha Scottish Chieftain Bensselaor Bessel BensselaorFifth Fifth Bace Brace Demagogue Salabar Salazar Midian Indian MidianSixth Misdiagnosis Sixth Bace Brace Mars Chan Boyal Boyle Scarlet Beau ¬ mont