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FORT BK1B ENTRIES ENTRIESProbabilities Probabilities Weather clear track slow slowFirst loftiest First Ivace34 Mile Mile3yearolds 3yearolds Allowances 5391 Bombardon 110 Billy Skakel Slake 110 110St St Rupert 107 4655 La Colina Colin 105 9822 Free Lance 104 9787 Croesus Cress 104 10497042Brighton 97042Brighton 101 9753 Kinnoy Kinney 101 10197532L 97532L B 101 9684 Proteeu Preteen 99 999S51 9S51 EdnaD Edna 99 97872fiaromoter 99 99Second Second Race 1 Mile Mile3yearolds 3yearolds and upward Allowances Allowances96482Marshall7109 96482Marshall7109 975S Mirage 5 109 9820 Find Out 5 109 9294 Brendoo Brando 5 119 9S47TerraArcher4104 96 8 Vice Regal 4 104 9379NollieBland4102 9820 Annalyle Anally 4 102 102Third Third Race 4 12 Furlongs 2yearolds Allowances 9710 Annetburn Gannet 98 9754 Masconomo Macon 93 9710 Gnorge Gorge Jr 93 961 3Tho Cid Acid 98 9785 Nikola Nicola Tesla 93 9785 Sister Mamie Mammies 95 93242Sissie Chance 95 9757 Margaret Kastin95 Kastin95Fourth Fourth Race 1 18 Miles Miles3yearolds 3yearolds and upward Allowances Allowances9820Will 9820Will Elliott 7104 98S2Ellsmore 4 104 1049S51 9S51 Little Matt 6 103 9852 Louise N 4 102 9S49 1029S49 Banquo Banquet II 3 100 100Pmh Pmh Mph Kace Ace 78 Mile 3yearolds and upward Allowances 9786 Sidkel Side 4 113 9783HarriDgton6109 9848 Alamo 5 106 9786Campania 4 ml ml97553No 97553No Chance 3 95 9561 Mam Mama Callan3 93 96243Midlight3 93 9375 Devault Default 4 107 9755 Stray Step 3 107 107Sixth Sixth Race 1 Mllej Mlle Mllej3yearolds 3yearolds Allowances Allowances97S6 97S6 Tho Theo Planter 107 97K4 Goose Liver 107 9822 Froo Fro Lauco Lau 107 9683 Cheatham Chatham 114 11497533Kinney 97533Kinney 104 97532 L B iuj ICU