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HARLEM FORM CHART CHARTCHICAGO CATCHING CHICAGO ILL July 15 Second day Harlem Jockey Club Summer Meeting Weather clear track slow Presiding Judge Col Cool M Lewis Clark Starter Eicbard Ricardo Dwyer O Q O K FIRST KACE ACE 5 12 Furlongs Purse 800 2yearolds Selling Ind Indo Horses Wt St StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H L 9583HARDLY 100 2 1 It H 12 Mlis Mollies H E Leigh 1 2 4586 7597003B 9630DOUSTEBSWIVEL105 1 3t 2 2 26 Bozeman L H Ezell Bezel 2 3 1 75 97003B OF CORSICA 93 4 41 4 42 32 Dorsey Dose J J Sellers 6 15 6 12 9173 HOSI HOI 103 5 6 52 6 45 P Clay J O Keene 3 S 3 6 80958J 9790 LADY MABIE MAIER 90 3 25 3 32 5 L Rose R W Donovaii Donovan 60 100 60 80 958J OPHELIAJCOPELDlOO 6 5 6 Si 6 C Clay J S Lancaster 10 75 10 50 Time 50Time 25 37 51 103 110 Winner 110Winner PerhapsPost Perhaps Ch f by Candlemas Candelas Perhaps Post 3 minutes Start good Won cleverly second ridden out third with something loft Hardly was the best She was cleverly handled too Ellis kept her close to the rails all the wny winy The betting looked bad on her and the boy was warned before going to the post Dousterswivel Dusters seemed anchored in the going Hosi Hoi was in his own way Lady Maries Marries saddle slipped and sha shad had to be pu led up in stretch Ophelia Copeland is of little account Overweights Overweighs accountOverweights Doustorswivel Ousters 2 pounds Belle of Corsica 3 9826 SECOND RACE 1 Mile Purse 30 J 3yearolds and upward Selling Ind Indo Horses WtSt Watt M H StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O II L C 109 2 IB 2i 1 12 i Ellis H McCoulsky McCauley 5 7 57 112 3o 725 6 4 21 23 Freeman Foster Bros Brows 85 2 5 85 1595973GREY 9633 COCHIN A 110 1 22 1 22 31 3 Lew Blew M Sabbath 15 15 15 15 95973GREY DOG 107 7 5 5 7 6 43 Bozoman Bozeman Thos Ethos Luckey Lucky Col5 15 10 15 9597 LON JONES 107 8 3 4 3 42 5 L Scott John Krepper Keeper 25 60 25 60 9701 PLUTUd Pluto 112 8 8 8 8 8 61 Cannon MorgnWillmsnSO 150 30 100 9667 SUNNY 110 5 6 75 6 5 7 C Sloan J J Sellers 2222 9529 KARRUBA ARUBA C 109 4 4i 3 5i 710 g H Ward Mrs F Odom Sodom 50 J50 50 100 Time 100Time 25 5H 1 04 1 17i 1 15 PinkertonTPost Pinkerton Winnnr 15Winnnr B g 5 by Hanover Ella Pinkerton TPost Post 6 minutes Start good Won in a long hard drive of two third and fourth driving also Eilis Ellis outflnished outlandish Freeman Ho is a rider of skill Overolla Overlap was at his best and had clear sailing Old Sullross Soulless ran an honest race Ho was under the whip the last half The boy choked Oocbina Woodbine to death in the first five furlongs Grey Gray Dog finished strong He would have been third in another stride Watch him Ho can win his next Lon Jones showed a lot of speed and ran a good race Sunny ran a bad race 9827 Tm THIRD RACE 12 Mile Purse 300 2yearolds Maidens Allowances Ind Indo Horses Wt St VA StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H 9J272DAGMAR 115 4 12 12 12 Caywood Cawed John Brenock Redneck 2i 4 2 4 S4S8 SH1PMAN 111 2 3 31 2 L Scott W W Perkins 8846 8295 NATHANSON NATHAN 111 3a 61 51 3si Bloss Loss J E Cnshiug Cushing 12 15 10 15 S6323T McHDGH Chg McHDGHMACKIN 118 IH 22 2 4H Bozoman Bozeman LH Ezell Bezel 4 5 2 2 MACKIN MACKINAW 118 5 7 62 5 MagnusaonJ Manson as Ruddy 8 12 7 10 S6322FORBUSH 115 11 92 m 62 O Green Richardson Co 3 4 3 4 9663 BOB GARNET 108 T Tna Tina 8H 91 75 RSWillms Swills Miller Finch 30 100 30 100 9191 MR EAST1N na 9 101 8 8 Nicholson J Delong Belong 8 12 6 10 9635 CUTTER 111 6 4 42 910 C Sloan W H Daniel 10 30 10 30 DICTATE 118 5i 305i 101 102 Morgan W A McConnell 6 30 6 20 JIMS JIM TWIN 118 10 11 11 1125 F Sloan Love Baydon Baryon 15 30 15 25 815 315 COLISEUM 108 12 30Time 12 12 12 Gouin Gouging Geo Geol B Havill Hail 15 30 15 30 Time 12 25 37 50i Winner 50iWinner BenjaminPost Benjamin Ch g by Little Minch Inch Ivy Benjamin Post 2 minutes Start good Won pulled up after an early drive second third and fourth doing their best Dagmar Dammar was off running His win was lucky Shipman Shipment wa3 the best He was cut off and badly interfered with by T McHugh Chug and Dagmar Dammar at the head of the strech stretch Nathan son finished like a lion He is a grand looking colt and likes a distance T McHugh Chug dogged it when the pinch came Forbush Forbes off badly ran a fair race Mackln Mack had a lot of trouble So did Mr Eastin Easton EastinScratched Scratched Coronatus Coronets 118 9828 FOURTH RAGE 1 116 Miles Purse 400 3yearolds and upward Selling Ind Indo Horses Wt St ML Yt fc Str Star Fin Jockeys Owners O H L C 953U2REDSK1N 112 3 1 H Ut It It T McHugh Chug T W Coulter 1 1 71045 9529MANDOLINA 710459529MANDOLINA 104 4 21 2 32 2 1 2 Caywood Cawed Walter Gum 3i 4 3 3 96672EVANATUS 99 1 4 3 2 3 3 Dorsoy Doors B J Johnston 10 12 8 10 8782 HARRY SHANNON 97 2 3i 4 4 4 4 Donaldson Donald J E Cushing 4 S 4 7 Time r J Fll Fall 103 117 l 4 149 149Winner Winner HroflePost Roofless Ch h 7 by Runnymede Runny or Pontiac Hrofle Role Post 6 minute Start good All were driving hard Mapdolina Mandolin was perhaps the best Cay vood void started through on rip rail at tho thou hnad had of thR thru stretch with her and was slightly interfered with by Redskin I lie intrfovonce interference knocked partly Mandohna Madonna off her stride Redskin ran game and true Mandoline Mandolin wuiil wail lrve larvae w u if u liailat lariat Evaaatud too was on his good behavior and ran a cracking good race Harry Shannon was short and the race will do him good 9829 FIFTH RACE 34 Mile Purse WO 3yearolds and upward Selling Sellingi Selling i Wt St VA yt BtrFin Brian Jockeys Owners O H L C IJti Ziti 6j t C CClrty Clarity E M Berpen Bergen 15 ir 8 10 FK i G GALONG ALONG 1 4 INK 52 Ellis 10 15 10 12 10 25 HI JJ 9794 INCETATUS DICTATES 101 10 7 7 71 78 Clay J O Keene 10 20 10 15 9595 LILLIE COOK 104 8 93 9 82 83 Harrington Frank Park 40 100 40 75 9664 TIDINESS 93 9 92 Shophard Shepard W A McConnell 99i64 15 30 15 30 9i64 QUEEN 7GEORGE BESS BESTS 101 7 82 81 10 103 Bozeman J Delbng Delving 10 40 lo 30 GEORGE AHRENS ATHENS 106 11 11 11 11 11 Ruttor Ruttier C P Fink 30 100 30 100 Time 100Time 25 51 1 03i Winner RapturePost Rapture B g 8 by Lisbon Mag Magi Rapture Post 2 minutes Start good Won in a long hard drive of two third and fourth driving as hard or harder Glenoid Genocide got through a small hole on the stretch turn and responded gamely to punishment in the last eighth Golightly Ghoulishly had no excuse She got away running and had clear sailing Tenole Ennoble ran an honest race May Fern got into a mixup mix on the far turn Ida Wagner will do next time Incetatus Dictates had a stormy passage Scratched Martha R 102