Windsor Entries., Daily Racing Form, 1897-07-16


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WINDSOR ENTRIES Probabilities Weather clear track heavy heavyFirst headfirst First Race 4 12 Furloners Purloiners Furloners2yearolds 2yearolds Selling 9772 Vila 100 9464 Three Friends 100 9626 Burnt Foot ICO CO 9723 Flora Bateson105 9464 Onette Netted 105 Floree Flores 105 9772 Verna Verona J 105 9723 Talhwaudatl05 9854 Marie 100 100Second Second Race 34 Mile Mile3yearolds 3yearolds Selling 9776 Folderol 97 9815 WrangDchess Wrongdoers 97 9776 Graefin Grafting 102 9815Mazeppa 102 9776 Daisy Maree Mare 102 9817 Af ternun sternum 102 10297243Henrica 97243Henrica 108 108Third Third Race 78 Mile 3yearolds and upward Selling Selling93163Herminia4 93163Herminia4 99 9S793Cocil 4 99 999775Cavospring6103 9775Cavospring6103 9571 Longbrook Logbook 6 103 9561 Audrax Aura 4 104 93553Hardenburg4104 93553Hardenburg4104Fourth Fourth Race 53 Mile Mile3yearolds 3yearolds and upward Allowances 9563 Katie W 3 85 9814 G Patterson 3 90 909814Ray 9814Ray B 3 95 95703Cogmoosey 3 97 98552 Judith C 4 98 9814 Pote Ponte Kolly Kelly 5 102 1029815B 9815B Browning 4 105 9856 R Q Ban 6 117 117Pitta Pitta Pita Kace Ace 4 12 Furlongs Furlongs2yearolds 2yearolds Maidens Selling 9747 Musgravo Mushroom 100 9772 Tenricka Kendrick 103 9503 Dr OBrien O'Brien 108 9346 Pope Loo Lolo 103 9747 GeoCarstensl03 9102 Tally Ho 103 103Lansing Lansing 105 9854 Bob Chance 105 105Sixth Sixth Race Short Course CourseSteeplechase Steeplechase 9663 Mr Dunlap Dunlop 7 137 9663 Springal Springdale 4 132 9038 S Pickering 5129 9752Bother Bob6155 97493Rosebory 3 130 9752 Hickory 6 132

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Local Identifier: drf1897071601_2_8
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