Oakley Form Chart, Daily Racing Form, 1897-07-20


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OAKLEY ANKLE FORM CHART OAKLEY ANKLE O July 19 Sixteenth day Cincinnati Jockey Club Summer Meeting Weatherclear Leatherwear track good and safe Presiding Judge Capt Caput H Rees Starter W B Letcher Fletcher OO CO FIRST RACE 4 12 Furlongs Purse 1300 2yearolds Selling Ind Indo Horses Wt St V4 A StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H L C 13 12 li Everett C K McLean CLean 20 50 20 40 40RobineonMoore 21 21 2 T Burns RobineonMoore Robinson 5533 3 31 31 C Reiff Riff WdfordBncknerS 535 43 42 4H Morrison Orison W T Crosthwaite Rosewater 10 10 6 7 95f3 BONNIE NELL 102 2 7 79 9 51 Hirsch A H D H Morris 20 40 10 30 30PEG PEG PARKS 110 12 6 7 61 Clorico Caloric P OBrien O'Brien 12 20 8 8 964 TAFFETA SILK 110 11 8 6 7 BeauchampT Bacchant Bennett 3734 9688 DAYO DAY 105 9 61 8 8 T Murphy R E M Porter 10 15 10 10 9830 TRENNAN TRIENNIA 102 8 12 10 9 Jamos Amos J B Todd 15 15 12 15 9830 YINEETTA 105 10 11 51 10 Britton Briton John Huffman 6656 66569X64 9X64 ANNIE TAYLOR 10514 13 11 11 Neville R HBronaughCoSO 80 40 60 9553 ALICE RYAN 105 6 10 12 12 H WilliamsE Williams T Graves 50 80 20 50 50BAL BAL MASQUE 110 7 9 13 13 Overton Overtone Bauer Co 12 15 10 15 15CORRIE CORRIE LYNN 110 13 14 14 14 Fowler C Davis 30 60 20 50 50Time Time 25 50 571 571Winner Winner YaughanPost Vaughan Ch f by Deceiver Hattie Yaughan Vaughan Post 8 minutes Start good Won driving next three were also ridden out Fair Deceiver broke running She was stopping in the final furlong Louise Bohon Boon finished strong Had the distance been a sixteenth further Black Sleeves would have won Annie Taylor was ridden all over the track The boy could not keep her straight Yinaetta Dinette was off in ruck truck Silk was away as badly badlyScratched backscratcher Scratched Filo File 105 Stars and Stripes 105 996O SECOND RACE 78 Milo Purse 300 3yearolas and upward Selling Ind Indo Horses i 5 StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H L C 3 31151 11 HWilhams Williams R L Bird 9S652S1R EBONY 99 5 42 42 4 2 James D L Moore 5858 9832 LIZZIE TIZZIES LOGAN 102 8 7 7 6 31 Hirsch W A Hopkins 15 80 15 30 969 ASSASSIN 96 3 1 1 2u 41 R Isom Ism W F Schulte Schultz 2 3 2 2 29H34 9H34 HIBERNIA QUEEN 104 7 6 6 7 53 Clerico Cleric J 8 Williams 6757 9913 CAPT APT PEIRSAL PERSIA 97 2 51 52 3 61 T Burns A G Blakely Blackly 2322 8756 EST NE REGINA 98 4 21 21 In 7 Huston Houston E M Hilton 8867 886796S5 96S5 NANNIE NANNIES D 104 10 10 8 3 8 BeauchampR Bedchamber D McKee 30 40 15 30 9554 MELLIE NELLIE 91 9 9999 Hughes E F McLean CLean 50 50 15 30 309S653BARTON 9S653BARTON 100 11 11 11 10 10 Morrison Orison L De Gisbert Gilbert 20 25 10 15 155U03 5U03 SAY ON 112 1 8 10 11 11 Everett A Duffy 20 40 20 20 20Time Time 241 50 1151 129 129Winner Winner B g 3 by Audrain Adrian Bruno BrunoPost Bruno Post 6 minutes Start good Won cleverly second handily Assassin and Est No Rogina Regina were made too much use of first part of race The latter tired to nothing in the run home Liz ¬ zie Zaire Logan finished very strong on the inside rail Burns made his run too soon with Poirsall Spirally Sir Ebony ran a good race fiibernia fibber Queen was poorly handled She lost ground swinging for home homeScratched homestretches Scratched Wautaga Wattage 91 9961 THIRD RACE 08 Mile Purse 300 2yearolds Selling Wt St M H X StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H L C 9t 88FRENCH GRAY 104 1 18S05 41 42 4 11 JHill Hill JHill1H E S Gardner 1 651 1 8S05 LOCUST BLOSSOM 101 2 1H 11 U 2 Everett J Bauer Co 3838 9615 THE DEVIL v 100 5 59S662BENNEYILLE 52 5 5 3 James James2H H S Williams 50 50 40 50 9S662BENNEYILLE 102 3 2H 32 2 43 C Reiff Riff Mrs J Carson 2 21 3 2 2 9912 MORDECA1 100 6 697353FANFARONADE 6 6 6 51 Morrison Orison W A McGnigan Michigan 8 10 7 7 97353FANFARONADE 102 4 32 21 31 6 BeanchampW Beach M Wallace 20 30 12 30 9912 TOLE OLE SIMMONS 101 7 7777 Britton Briton John Huffman 30 50 20 30 Time 30Time 241 491 1 03l 03lWinner Winner B f by Quicklime Fidolo Idol FidoloPost Ideologist Post 10 minutes Start good Won cleverly second driving Locust Blossom was tiring at the finish The Devil swung wide into the stretch and lost ground With a good ride he should have won Farfaronade Fairground was too much used first part Bonneville Benevolent faltered at the sixteenth polo Tole Stole Simmons is of no present account accountScratched accounts Scratched Miss C 97 Ind Indo Horses Wt St k V4 2 StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H L C 978 ABE FURST FURS 106 5 31 11 U ti 12 O Reiff Riff Baker Gentry 35 45 35 710 9710MfiRTIE 7109710MfiRTIE REED 99 7 7 3 21 22 2 Everett W Fields Co 4746 9834 bTANZA banzai 104 2 IH 21 31 32 31 BeauchampJay Hardy Co 30 30 20 20 991B OLLEAN POLLEN 103 1 2 = 51 5H 51 4H Jamos Amos W F Dair Dairy 30 50 30 30 969 OSMON COSMO 104 4 6 4n 4a 4 51 J Hill R M Fisher 10 10 7 8 974U ADOWA DOA 93 6 4o 6 8 6 6 Dnpoe Denote B McClelland Macmillan Est 12 15 12 15 9781 WHITE OAK 106 8 8 7 7 7 7 Morrison Orison J H McAvoy Cavy 8 10 8 8 9781 BEN NAIAD 100 3 5s 30Time S 8 8 8 R Isom Ism BrbankONeill Burbank 30 40 25 30 Time 24 491 115 128 128Winner Winner Br c 3 by Himyar Shimmy Briar BriarPost Briar Post 12 minutes Start good Won easily second driving Abe Furst Furs was the best and was never in trouble He came away and won easily at the finish Mertie Martine Rood was slow to begin She could not get through until the far turn Osmon Olson was eased up last sixteenth He can do bettor White Oak had no speed Scratched Harold Lindsay 99 Satyr 102 Gallante Gallant 103 Old Center 117 lile lisle Purse 1300 3yearolds and upward Selling lad Horses WtSt Watt X Vi StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H L C yi8 PROSECUTOR 105 1 45 4 21 12 11 C Reiff Riff C B Reid 1 1 45 45 9i l j fAUNETTE facetted 92 4 3 3 48 2 2 Gregory J T Weaver 40 60 40 40 LILLIAN MDONLD95 2 25 2H 31 3 3 Everett W Fields Co 30 80 30 80 97813EOOZE 109 6 5 5 5io 4 410 J Hill Jay Hardy Co 95 2 85 85 109U4 9 31 DON FULANO FULANI 112 3 1 11 la 5 53 BeauchampM Beach F Foeney Fernery 10 12 8 10 9U4 RAYMOND 107 5 6 6 6 6 6 W Hicks RtldgeStovens 30 30 30 30 S6o8J 30S6o8J p B 109 Loft at 10Time the post Morrison Orison M Harney Barney 10 10 10 10 Time 24i 491 1 16i 1 44i Winnr Winner 44iWinnr r h c 3 by Andrain Adrian Justicia Justice JusticiaPost Justifications Post 5 Ebinatcs Binate Start poor Wou Would easily second handiJy handily Don Fulano Fulani quit after going three quarter McDonald was made too much use of first part of it Prosecutor had everything his own way i TUP UP run home Boozo Booze sulked and would not try Scratcued Scratched tryScratcued Harry iaines imagines W Coi CIO eightman eight t1 Jamboree Iu9 Brosaart Bursar 93 What Next M5 ClibsieB Climbs 107

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1890s/drf1897072001/drf1897072001_1_3
Local Identifier: drf1897072001_1_3
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800