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ST LOUIS FORM GHART HART GHARTST HARTS ST LOUIS MO July 19 Fiftysixth Fifty day St Louis Fair Association Spring Meeting Weather clear track fair and improving Presiding Judge Jos Jose A Murphy Starter C C Chmn Hymn Chfi Chi 9941 l FIRST RACE 58 Mile Purse 300 2yearoldb Allowances H M btrFin brine Jockeys Owners O H L C 935 BON MARCHE MARCH 105 1 11 H 11 U Mitchell Marion Morgan 5 5 2 4 FIRSTBORN 105 4 2a 2 3u 21 Slaughter B Schreiber 1 1 45910 9 35 CLARA C II 105 3 6 65 5 3 R Jonos Jonas MbonyBrmeyer6 10 5 8 83Ur DEL HART 105 5 51 3 4 4 Foucon Soupcon J L Farris 20 20 15 20 xll 20xll WOLFORD WOLFED 105 8 4 410 2 M Greene T B Watts 12 12 8 10 967u 10967u CAKE WALK 105 6 8 8 8 61 Peterman Letterman W A Powell 8 12 8 10 942 OMER HOMER 108 7 7777 Lynch J Stephensoa Stephenson 20 50 20 50 9432 NETTIE NETTLE BELL 10510 9998 J Lynch Booker Leigh 20 30 20 30 MOLLIE McGUIREl05 9 10 1C 10 9 Grogan Groan P Grogan Groan Co 20 75 20 75 971 SMART ALECK 105 2 3 5 6 10 F Jones HpkinsRtherfd20 75 20 60 9731 LITTLE GALLANT 107 11 11 30Time 11 11 11 DHonnessy Hotness G S Barry 20 40 20 30 Time 121 25 51 1 04 PearlPost Pearliest Winner 04Winner B g by Prosper Glen Pearl Post 4 minutes Start good Won easily second ridden out Bon Marche Marched got off well and Wolford Wolfed had clear sailing First Born finished game and strong Smart Aleck showed some speed So did WolfordScratched Scratched White Leaf 105 Emperona Emerson 108 Sansaba Swansea R 108 Towanda Town 105 Emma Jene Jeanne 105 Bonnie lone 105 105Overweights Overweights Overweighs Little Gallant 2 pounds QOI QUOIN J SECOND RACE 34 Mile Purse 300 3yearolds and upward Selling Ind Indo Horses Wt St Vt StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H L C 9X712ROSE DOR DORA 107 8 1 IH H li Rebo Reebok W Mulkey Mule 2423 97 TERRIER 112 5 4 4 2n 2i Warren Jaa Java Whitten Whiten 5 10 5 6 X9H9 INSPIRER 1C3 2 31 31 45 31 Garner P Grogan Groan Co 2 3 2 115 99 0 NEUTRAL 111 3 5 5 53 48 DHennessy Adenines P Corrigan 7 10 7 8 309S71 960 SILVER SET 103 12 6 62 65 51 McJoynt Macon G W Curtis 12 30 12 30 9S71 MINNIE WELDON 107 4 21 21 3 61 R Jones J B Gray 40 10040 75 9761 G RNET NET RIPPLE 10010 10 3 9 7 W Dean C P Kennedy 20 50 20 40 96UJ 4096UJ NKLLIE NELLIE H III 109 6 8778 Webster T Proctor 15 40 15 40 96U JNE JANE ANDREWS 98 1 7989 Stevens D A Honig Hong 15 3D 15 15 X664 15X664 M REYNOLDS 109 7 9 11 10 10 Banner D J Sullivan 60 75 6u bO 9730 NICOL1NI v 11113 13 12 12 11 Foucon Soupcon P Tomlinson Tompkins Co 6 867 77333JOHN CORBIN CORING 10311 11 10 11 12 A Johnson WE Brasfield Bayfield 15 40 15 30 367 TOWERS 100 9 12 13 13 13 Lynch C C OFallon Fallen 20 50 20 40 Time 40Time 241 49 1 16i Winner 16iWinner Ch f 4 by Dochart Dogcart Golden Slipper Post SlipperPost Slipperiest 8 minutes Start fair Won ridden out second driving Inspirer swerved badly in the stretch Rose dOr doer had all the speed of the party Terrier ran a fair race Minnie Weldon quit when the pinch came Silver set ran a good race and Neutral a bad one Scratched Mondamin Monoamine 100 Angustora Angostura 109 Overweights Overweighs 109Overweights Silver Set 5 pounds John Corbin Coring 3 O 9948 O I Q T THIRD RACE G 18 Furlongs Purse 300 3yearolds and upward Selling Ind Indo Horses Wt St M H StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H L C y870JOE HART 107 4 6 6 3u 1 Foucon Soupcon W Mnlkey Monkey 5644 y 9840 HIGH NOON 105 5 4 5 4n 2N McJoynt Macon S J Rucker Trucker 10 30 8 25 9 97962FEK HARTMAN 107 1 2 2 2H 3 C SlaughterE Slaughter Slaughter 2 2 6585 9796 J MB 98 7 3 3 6 4 Lyons H T Batchelor Bachelor S 10 6 7 I 97992ARDATH 111 2 5 4 51 53 Garner F Lewis 3 4 3 3 9900 AMELIA FONSO FONTS 105 6 11 12 1 62 C Combs D A Honig Hong 6867 9717 A BUCHANAN 107 3 6 7 7 7 Stevens W H McLemore Clamored 8 20 8 15 9b71 HILL BILLY 102 9 9 9 8 8 W Dean J Stephenson 50 BO 30 40 664FRANK DAILY 101 8 7899 Mitchell P M West 40 60 40 50 MY TRUMP 93 10 lu 10 10 10 Franklin W L Cramer Crammer 40 60 40 50 Time 50Time 13 26 511 1 15 1 22i 22iWinner Winner RosaliePost Rosalie Br g 4 by Dochart Dogcart Rosalie Post 6 minutes Start good Won ridden out second third and fourth hard at it Joe Hart was the best High Noon would have been dangerous with a good jockey Ardaths Warpaths was a bad race was badly Amelia handled handledScratched handled Fonso Fonts stopped to nothing Addie Caddie Buchanan seems to be of no account J M B Scratched Lizzie Tizzies H 105 Rookwood Ironwood 110 Tommy Rntter Renter 109 9944 F FOURTH RACE 1 Mile Purse 300 3yearolds and upward Allowances Ind Indo Horses Wt St M Vt M Str Star Fin Jockeys Owners O H L C 109 2 3 3 3 21 13 Kitley Kirtle J W Schorr Scorer Son 1 111045 1 96393DAMOCLES 102 4 21 23 IH u 23 Garner G C Bennett 4635 9S73JAQUINAS 9 1 4 46 46 48 32 JWoods Woods B Schreiber 6 10 5 7 9762 H b TOBACCO 87 3 1 1 26 35 47 Preston W H Leigh 12 12 6 10 9793LINDA 102 5 5 5 5 5 5 Webster A Cahn Can 4746 Time 4746Time 251 491 1 151 1 411 411Winner Winner B c 3 by Kantaka Kanaka Nellie Stanley Post StanleyPost Stanley 10 minutes Start good Won easily second all out third doing his best Linda all but left She caused the delay at the post too Timemaker Tidemark was much the best Damocles was ran an honest race Aquinas is not as good as no was last fall H S Tobacco had bis bias usual turn of speed About threequarters treasurers suits him best 9945 OQ1 PC FIFTH PIFrfl Piffle RACE 1 116 Miles Purse 300 3yearolds and upward Selling ind bind Horses Wt St M Str Star Fin Jockeys Owners O H L C 979aFOKbYlUli 9d 4 11 1 11 H 1 C Combi Comb Bishop Co 3 b 2 9837 DICK BEHAN BEAN 112 5 22 2 23 2 23 Webster Caesar Young 3 9837 DONATION 109 8 7 7 6 41 3 Foncon Fronton C C OFallon Fallen 3634 85 5 85 4 98373INFLAMMATOR 94 6 8 8 7 6 4 Preston F Phillips 4433 963UNCLE PAT 91 7 5s 31 3 5 53 J Woods T J McHale Chalet 8 12 9837 TIN CUP 94 2 62 6 5 7 6 Kitloy Kilo JW Schorr Scorer Son 8 10 4633BHAHMA 106 3 41 4H 41 3n 7 Mitchell S M Reynolds 9674 AMBER GLINTS 102 1 3 5 8 8 8 Stevens M Shields 30 60 30 50 x 12 20 12 15 9729 NASUVILLE NASHVILLE 97 9 9 9 9 9 9 Gilmore W Montgomery Barred in betting Time 251 511 1 03 1 17 1 43 1 5Q 60 100 60 100 5QWinner Winner B g 3 by Oddfellow Oddball Sister to Pendleton Predilection 11 Posts 11Posts minutes Start fair Won ridden out second driving and Forsythe Forsythia was the best Donation finished as straight as a string strong Brahma ran well considering it his first out Tin Cup fell out of it early but came again Inflammator Inflammatory finished time Scratched Gold Band a9 Ivory 94 Jack Bradley 106 Al Miles 99 strong Cass 102 SIXTH RACE 68 Mile Purse 300 2yoarolds Maidens Allowances Ind Indo Horses Wt 81 V4 M StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owner O H L O 8717 LOVING CUP 105 7 5 52 i 1 Peterman Letterman 798002XALISSA LazarusHanley Lazarus 10 10 32 4 98002XALISSA 105 1 1 IB 2 2 Warren J Huffman 85 2 75 85 9300 DOMSIE DOS 108 4 3 3 43 31 Webster W M Clark 9901 CELIA B 105 2 29SOO 2 23 3 43 W Dean T J McHale Chalet 4635 6 9SOO ALL1E B 10ft 5 41 4n 58 5 Newman 10 6 8 59S35 Bishop Co 9S35 THE BREWER 12 15 12 i 9BILL 103 9 7 6 6 6 A Johnson Johnso W W Dardon Dacron 30 40 30 30 BILL JACKMAN JACK 115 13 10 0 9 9 7 Joucou Junco O G Parke Parker 15 20 15 15 9579 LEONAG LEONA 105 6 9 S 7 8 Stevens 6MERT1E J B Gerard 8 12 8 10 MERT1E 105 11 11 12 11 9 McJoynt Macon W T Canuon Canon CanuonC Canonic 50 80 50 V 9800 WHIRMANTILINE 14BEXFORD 105 14 14 10 10 10 Aker Baker C Beod Bed BeodHill Broadbill 30 60 HO 50 BEXFORD BEDFORD 105 10 10CL1ONIAN 12 13 12 11 Lynch Hill Jonson Johnson 40 40 30 40 CL1ONIAN 105 8 5 11 13 12 Franklia Franklin 8MARGARKT W L Cramer Crammer 40 60 40 50 MARGARKT MARGARET WADE 105 12 12CHLORAD 13 14 14 13 PMcDonaldC McDonald E Muenhaw Mauna 50 50 40 50 CHLORAD CHLORAL 108 a 6 50Time 7 8 14 G Lynch J Ripple 40 60 40 50 Time 2M 51 1031 Winner LizettePost B f by Belvidera Belvedere Lizette Leicester Post b minutes Start poor Won riddeu ride out second driving and all out Loving ished dished Cup fin strong Warren put up a weak finish on Celia B Domsie Dossier ran a good race ¬ Scratcned Scratched Lerona Leona 105 Miss Adele 105