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I WINDSOR BNTKIBS BUNTINGS Probabilities Weather cloudy track fair fairFirst airiest First Race 34 Mile Mile3yearolds 3yearolds and upward Selling 9019 Leoncie Leonie 3 100 99233Susie Hawze3100 9919 GarnetBeach3100 9663 Springal Springdale 4 102 10298S2Krighton 98S2Krighton 3 102 9919 Inca 3 102 9858 Spokona Poona 4 105 99573Gwen 4 102 9815 Novor4 107 107Second Second Race 5S Mile Mile2yearolds 2yearolds Allowances 9813 Wehima Weimar 98 9747 Francisca Franciscan 98 9892 TallyHo 101 9723 Hoveler Hovel 103 10398542Lanky 98542Lanky Bob 103 Earl Fonso Fonts 108 9192 M of Richfield110 9313 difter drifter 113 9813 DutchCmedianll3 9190Dunbar 113 1139892Bob 9892Bob Chance 110 110Xhlrd Xhlrd Held JKace Jaycee 58 Mile Mile3yearolds 3yearolds and upward Selling 9922 Marcollina5 97 94023Tit forTat5102 forTat510298562E 98562E Ferguson4102 9856 Chiquita Circuital 5 102 9678 Crocus 8 102 9856 Hartfrd Hartford Boy5104 9S91BBrowning4 Boy51049S91BBrowning4 105 9S91 Judith C4 108 Fourth Race 1 Mile Mile3yearolds 3yearolds and upward Soiling Soiling9S58Rockwood 9S58Rockwood 3 95 9920 Audrax Aura 4 97 9957 Wanca Wanda 3 101 9774Spriugtime6105 9 202Jim Flood 5 106 99273Basso 5 110 9S5fiPominerySec393 1109S5fiPominerySec393 9S5fiPominerySec393Fifth Fifth Race7S Mile Mile3yearolds 3yearolds and upward Selling 9834 1009920Eleket L B Fields 3 97 9922 M Chimes 3 100 9920Eleket 5 102 9775 Wild Mntn4102 9S572Sobriqnet Mntn41029S572Sobriqnet 4 102 9853 Ed Dandrge4104 98903Hardenburg 4107 4107Sixth Sixth Race 58 Mile Mile3yoarolds 3yoarolds and upward Selling 9773 EnthII6 97 9814 Edith 6 97 9955 Lutie Lute Lewis 4 97 9783 Essio Cession 113 97 9272 Pat Daily 14 102 9922 Hollywood 6 99 9890 Lonpbrook Logbook 6 104 9857 J HGra Hegira ton4 104 9317 Whiff 5 107 9853 Ivy Leaf 4 97