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BRIGHTON BBAGH BAG FORM GHART HART GHARTBRIGHTON HARBORING BRIGHTON BEACH N Y July 22 Tenth Day Brighton Beach Racing Association Summer Meetinf Meeting Weatner Sweater clear track heavy Presiding Judge R W Simmons Starter C H Pettingill Petting O FIRST RACE 34 Mile 500 added 3yearolds and upward Selling Ind Indo Horses Wt St M ft 5 StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H J 99Ki SIR PLAY 110 1 U 1 12 1 Scherrer Sherrie W B Sink Sr 3323 3323997X3KAISER 997X3KAISER LUDWIG 97 5 22 21 23 25 OConnor O'Connor D Gideon 3535 3 PROMPT 100 4 32 33 3 3 Wapshire Washier W C Daly Dally 20 40 20 30 309937JHALTON 9937JHALTON 110 3 41 41 43 43 OLeary O'Leary Greenhill Greenville Stable 95 2 75 2 2397X2HI 397X2HI DADDY 105 2 51 52 5 51 Thorpe Mrs L Curtis 3 3 3 3 5935 THOMAS CAT 103 6 6666 Harrison G Anderson 10 25 10 12 12Time Time 1325371 51i 118 118Winner Winner PlaythingStart Playthings B g 4 by Sir Modred Molded Plaything Start good Won cleverly Sir Play beat the gate and was best handled Ludwig sprawled all over track in last fnrlong furlong was best Halton Alton and Hi Daddy both lacked speed today Prompt showed goingScratched goings some speed Thomas Cat evidently favors sticky going Scratched Sandowne Sundowner 113 Green Jacket 106 106Overweights Overweights Overweighs Prompt 3 pounds Thomas Cat 1 Ind Indo Horses Wt St ft StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H L C 9936 JILTED 89 3 13 13 16 110 Clawson Lawson Fleischmann8on4 433 9769 EILEEN D 89 5 4 2 23 22 OConnor O'Connor W C Daly Dally 8 15 8 10 979 ATTAINMENT 93 6 61 53 31 33 Corbley Cobble LSWPThompsn2 2 85 95 9938 SYRINX SYRIAN 94 9 9 7 5 42 Stanhope Tahoe A Clason Carson 10 12 8 10 1093SO 93SO CALCULATION 102 4 51 4 43 53 Bergen Parrott Parrot Herady Heady 6 25 4 6 6t t 44 ABUNDANT 109 1 3a 61 6 61 Penn RWWalaonSon 5736 5736ROSE ROSE MAID 102 8 8887 Van Kuren Karen Covington Coving KentS KenS 25 8 10 9936 SISTER CORONA 98 7 7998 Wilhito Twilit Graves Co 4644 4644T T 96 2 2 31 7 9 Coylie Collie R C Doggett Doge 20 50 10 20 94 10 10 10 10 10 Hotbersall Hooters A Dognan Dogma 20 50 10 20 20Time Time 13 25 38 50 1 05i 05iWinner Winner B f byTJJli Johnson Via ViaStart Vista Start straggling 1Q pn easily Jilted was much the best She favors the sticky going that prevailed afid fid light weight She was mnch munch the best handled Eileen waa Wada lucky and favored the track Attainment off poorly and worse handled finished strong Syrinx Syrian likes a route He is a slow beginffer beginner and made up ground fast last quarter Calculation and Abundant wore both eased up Corona teemed unable to run at all in the holding mud She is a fine looker and can do better Mabel Abel was prominent for three furlongs and eased up in strotch stretch Rose Maid was green and short shortScratched sportscast Scratched Our Breezy 94 A THIRD RACE 1 Mile 800 added 3yearolds Handicap Ind Indo Horses Wt St K ft 3 StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H L C 2 E1N 105 1 4 4 3 12 1 Pickeriug Pickering L Stuart 20 30 20 25 2578853QOOD 78853QOOD TIMES 126 4 SB 3 4 22 25 Thorpe P Dunne 85 85 65 65 659534NANA 9534NANA H 114 2 23 2n 2 33 31 Hamilton W Hayward 45 45 35 45 4599373BASTION 99373BASTION 105 3 12 1H IH 4 4 OConnor O'Connor W C Daly Dally 10 20 10 15 Time 15Time 13 26 52i 1 20 1 49t 49tWinner Winner Br c by Eolus Bolus Nita Anita NitaStart Intrastate Start straggling Won driving Good Times was probably the best He is such a slow be girner garner ihut hut the start looked worse than it was The race will help him much Ein Erin however is a go d inud iud horse and finished very game Nana appeared to stop badly on the stretch turn but finiahou Finnish etteucl kettleful up He got a bad ride Bastions head was loose first half and he ran himself into the ground FOURTH RACK i 18 Miles 500 added 3yearolas and upward Selling IncT Inc Horses Wt St M ft StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners OH 9977DAMIEN 116 3 11 12 12 16 is Thorpe P Dunne 13 13 15 14 9935 EMOTIONAL 96 1 3 2 21 21 2 OConnor O'Connor W C Daly Dally 40 40 30 30 99 03DECLARE 109 2 2u 3 3 3 3 Simms Sims P J Dwyer 3 5 4 3 Time 12 25 511 lldh ld 146 201 201Winner Winner B c 4 by Strathmore Stratford Beatrice BeatriceStart Beatrice Start good Won pulled up Damien outclassed his field and will hold his own in any com ¬ pany panky especially in the mud Emotional finished game Declare ran well for seven furlongs Scratched furlongsScratched furlongs Ben Eder Edger 111 Premier 112 Wolhnrst Woolens 91 J FIFTH HACE34 Milo 2yearolds OO 2yearoldsOO Winged Foot Handicap 2000 guaranteed Ind Indo Horses Wt St ft M StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H L C 994liDONT CARE 95 6 B 6 6 41 HI Stanhope Tahoe R W WaldonSon Alfonso 10 10 4 5 5974a 974a HANDBALL 124 1 2fl 2 31 3 2 Simms Sims P J Dwyer 45 75 45 65 9743 BLARNEYSTONE BLARNEYS 116 5 51 41 21 11 36 Doggett Doge LSWPThmpsn 3 836 9743VARUS 126 3 31 In 11 21 41 Penn A HD H Morris 2 2 2 2 29HON 9HON SANDERS 100 2 1 52 41 51 55 Wilhite Iolite P J Dwyer 45 75 45 65 9979 SENSATIONAL 106 4 4i 31 52 6 6 Scherrer Sherrie W C Daly Dally 6 10 6 8 Coupled in betting Time 12i 25 38 511 1 19i 19iWinner Winner Br c by Galore Minerva by Vauxhall Valhalla VauxhallStart Start good Won driving Dont Don't Care was best in the going and as weighted He took the long route all the way Handball was atrociously handled He might have won if ho had not been messed about on the stretch turn The colt is very game and honest Blarnoystono Blarneys liked the going and looked like a winner when straightened out but ho could not sustain the pinch of the closing fnrlong furlong He ran a fine race Varus Arums forte is probably five furlongs The difficult rack made him quit earlier than because of his faint heart Sanders ran a bad race He is probably suited by a sloppy or fast track He hasnt hasn't innch inch class Sensational was also outclassed He ran very well though for half a mile in the bad going at the rail railScratched Scratched Julius Caesar 93 SIXTH RACE 1 34 Miles 00 added Over 7 Hurdles Ind Indo Horses Wt St V ft fc StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H L C 710SteaxJBEAUMONT 994uSitt VASSAR lt 2 2 43 3 31 12 Il Finnogan Inorganic C W Stanton 1 1 35 710 SteaxJBEAUMONT 140 354 2 23 Almark Hallmark Jas Jabs Blnto Lento 15 15 7 10 9bia 109bia ELI KINDKi Kind 152 1 31 5 4 35 36 Owens J Nixon 2 4 2 3 9WFLUtfHlNT lo 5 1 12 it 420 420 slack G H Schorrer Chore 21 4 853 ld DETEi Detail IIE II 135 4 2JTime ii 5 5 Barry R G Tower 15 30 15 2J Time 28 55 1 5ii 3 i9 Winner i9Winner H c4 by Sir Dixou Dixon Vassal VassalStart Vassals Start pi iii i xipaiily axially Va ar fenced poorly but outclassed field in the going on flat Beaumont HKed Hiked tracK and finished strong jKindig kindling wants a ronto pronto and will do souii soil Flushing probably stak stack dislikes sticky going and cant stay Overweights Overweighs stayOverweights Beaumont S pounds