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OAKLEY ANKLE ENTRIES Probabilities Weather clear track fast fastFirst fascist First Race 58 Mile Mile2yearolds 2yearolds Selling 9830 Cuba Free 110 9711 Clairette Claire 110 9830 MissC Miss 115 llLoniseBohonU5 llLoniseBohonU599612Locust 99612Locust BlossomllS Blossom BlossomllSSecond Blossom Second Race 78 Mile Mile3yearolds 3yearolds and upward Allowances 9985 La Wanda 4 93 SnGlimpseII495 SnGlimpseII49599133Richfield 99133Richfield 4 100 7870 Fred K 4 100 9967 Galley West4102 9868 LoBanjo5102 9917 Strathreel Tracheal 5 104 9499 HMcCouch4107 9269 Fred Barr 4 110 9186 Joe Clark 4 110 110Third Third Race 58 Mile 2yearolds Selling SellingLackman Selling Lackman Blackman 101 9961 Mordocai Moroccan 101 9 Flop 103 9801 McCleary Cochlear U3 9722 Ben Frost 103 9267 Elegant 106 1069365Mill8treaml06 9365Mill8treaml06 9864 Bob Kniuht Knight 106 9446 Bambrook Bamboo 106 8659 Friar John 106 10692Dree8en 92Dree8en 106 9961 Fanfaronade Fanfare 106 106Voyagenr Voyagenr Voyager 106 9365 Tom Collins 108 108Fourth Fourth Race 1 Mile 3yearolds Allowances 384 Mamie Mammies Doyle 94 S432 Thad Had H 96 9963 Lil Lila McDonald 99 Falaska Alaska 99 9339 Rout 99 12 Gammadion Grammarian 99 18 Belle Bramble 109 9965 Belzara Belarus 109 10998693LuluM 98693LuluM 109 9968 Indio Indo 114 114132Moncreith 132Moncreith 114 114fifth fifth Kace Ace 1 Mile Mile3yearolds 3yearolds and upward Selling 9110 John McElroy390 99622Mertie Reed 3 93 939967aGallante 9967aGallante 3 93 9614 Volax Volga 3 94 9840 Prudent 5 94 9960 Nannie Nannies D 4 94 9968 Czarowitz Carbonize 3 96 9304 LittleWalter6 98 10 Say On 7 101 13L Palace 3 105 122 Arlington 3 106