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ST LOUIS ENTRIES Probabilities Weather clear track good goodFirst goofiest First Kaoe Kao 34 Mile 3yearolds Maidens Allowances 9985 Lady Cordell Cornell Wl 9871 Polka Dot 1 19S3ti 9S3ti El Alma 102 9759 Chepata Cheat 1 908 Yankee Heiress 104 9536 Aunt Mary 1 6852 Petronilla Petrodollar 102 9636 Bascom Bacon 9837 Mondamin Monoamine 104 96362Bob White 1 04 Practitioner 101 Salmos Salmons 104 Organ 104Organ Pilot 104 2610 The Iliad 107 7587GovSausenthalerl07 1077587GovSausenthalerl07 second Race 1 Mile 3yearolds and upward Selling 05 BillDawdy3 91 P602 Bob Clancy3 91 05 Juanita Junta 3 89 9942 Silver Set 3 H9 053Basquil H9053Basquil 3 94 979i3R Rowett Rowe 3 94 052High 94052High Noon 4 102 05 Peter Hill 3 104 04 M Charley 4 104 05 EarlCochran4104 U5 Metairio Meteoroid 4 104 9912 Nellie H III4lCi 994 Nicoliui Nichol 5 104 9942 Neutral 5UIP 9795 Sumo 5 109 109xmrd xmrd Oxnard Kace Ace 78 Mile 3yearolds and upward Selling 9945Forsytho3100 04 Moralist 3 10 7 Harrie Harriet Floyd3 96 9837 Longtime 3 101 99552 Jane 5 109 9810 Trilby 5 loi loci loiBourth loudmouth Bourth Fourth Race 1 Mile 3yearolds and upward Selling Selling99S5Greyhurst3100 99S5Greyhurst3100 9944 Linda 7 106 9S782Madeline 1069S782Madeline 3 108 9S75Thn Ghost 5 109 109Fifth Fifth Kace Ace 6 12 Furlongs Furlongs3yearolds 3yearolds and upward Selling Selling9S733Gladys 9S733Gladys II 3 91 983S2Elsie Barnes 3 91 9199S1 99S1 Aryan 3 96 9732 Cunsuolla Consular 4lll 9943 Ardath4 100 7 HH Grdner410t 8711 Carrie F 3 100 423Nick Carter3 101 9904 Talequah Tableau 5 102 99S12Qur Bishop 3 lOf loaf 9913 F Hartman 4 107 107Sixth Sixth Race 58 Mile 2yearolds Allowances 9584 Tewanda Teamed RutherfordlOCWillie Rutherford 100 99832R RutherfordlOC Rutherford Willie May 100 9916 Bill JackmanluO Jackal 9946 Myrtie Myrtle 100 9839 Siva 103 9579 108JValid Deerfoot Beetroot 103 98722 Judge Koenan Konan 10 8JValid 103 9722 Thurles Hurdles 103 9835 Barrisso Harrison 113 5 Marietta II lit Vorify Verify 110 7975Denial 110 9946Loving 1109946Loving Cup 110